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Agriculture Maharashtra Agriculture Maharashtra

Land Utilisation Pattern Area fig. in “ 00’ ha. Land Utilisation Pattern Area fig. in “ 00’ ha.

KHANDESH VIDARBHA MARATHWADA K O N K A N Area (Lakh Ha. ) WESTERN KHANDESH VIDARBHA MARATHWADA K O N K A N Area (Lakh Ha. ) WESTERN MAHARASHTRA Normal Kharif Rabi 5. 12 0. 32 20. 21 3. 22 20. 53 25. 03 40. 23 20. 56 48. 89 7. 15 134. 98 56. 28


Drought Prone Areas No. of Total Area % to Dists. Talukas State 25 148 Drought Prone Areas No. of Total Area % to Dists. Talukas State 25 148 159 52 lakh Ha. • Coastal Line - Sub humid climate • Other part - Dry climate

Land Holding Pattern Land Holding Pattern

Infrastructure • Villages (40412)connected by • All weather roads - 38483, • Fair weather Infrastructure • Villages (40412)connected by • All weather roads - 38483, • Fair weather roads - 1397 • APMCs - 294 • Cotton Ginning Units - 459 • Ginning & pressing Units - 405 • Primary Agril. Societies - 21000 (Members- 120 lakh) • Agricultural Universities - 4 • Agricultural colleges - 88 ( 25 Govt. & 61 Pvt. , 2 aided) • Centers for capacity Building – S State agril. Extension Management Training Institute –SAMETI, Nagpur S Regional Agril. Extension Management Training Institute– RAMETI (7)

Agriculture Infrastructure • Six National Research Centres • Cotton, Orange, Pomegranate, Grape, Onion & Agriculture Infrastructure • Six National Research Centres • Cotton, Orange, Pomegranate, Grape, Onion & Soil Survey • Post Harvest Training Centre at Talegaon, Dist-Pune, One of its kind in Country • Crop based organisations – MAHA GRAPE, MAHA MANGO, MAHA BANANA, MAHAGRAPE, Pomegranate, Floriculture association, Orange • • Soil Testing Labs – 118 (29 Public , 89 Private) Residue Testing Labs – 2 Bio- control lab 10 Fertiliser testing labs - 5 Pesticide Testing Labs- 4 Seed Testing Labs - 3 Agro polyclinic 231 Taluka Seed Farm 194 Horticulture nurseries - 1373

National Average – 41. 90 % Surface Irrigation - 17. 33 lakh Ha. Wells National Average – 41. 90 % Surface Irrigation - 17. 33 lakh Ha. Wells - 20. 77 lakh Ha. Well Irrigation Flow Total - 38. 10 lakh Ha. Percentage- 16. 89 %

WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT Bringing Stability in Rainfed Agriculture • Total geographical area • Area available WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT Bringing Stability in Rainfed Agriculture • Total geographical area • Area available for S&WC treatment • Area Treated so far • Balance Area • Area to be treated in XIth plan • Total no. of micro watershed • Micro Watershed started no. • Micro Watershed Completed no • Ongoing micro watersheds no - 307 lakh Ha. 241 lakh Ha. 110 lakh Ha. 131 lakh Ha 50 lakh Ha. 44185 27573 10900 16673 12

Organic Farming Area under Organic cultivation ---- 6. 50 Lakh Ha. Area Registered for Organic Farming Area under Organic cultivation ---- 6. 50 Lakh Ha. Area Registered for Certification ----- 1. 14 Lakh Ha. Certified --------------- 0. 42 lakh Ha. Under conversion ------ 0. 72 lakh Ha. Total Vermicompost units ----- 1. 26 lakh Total Biodynamic compost depot ---- 2. 02 lakh Identified Service Provider ------ 91 N. G. O. Developed Model Organic Farm ----- 37 farms Major Crops ------ Cotton, Cereals, Fruits & Vegetables etc.

Fertilizer Consumption (2007 -08) Fertilizer Consumption (2007 -08)

Quality Control Quality Control

Maharashtra’s Response to Agriculture Historical Perspective • First State to adopt Dry Land Farming Maharashtra’s Response to Agriculture Historical Perspective • First State to adopt Dry Land Farming Technology. • Pioneer in Horticulture Development through EGS to promote higher income & more employment in farming sector • State Seed Corporation – First farmers company in seed sector • Pioneers in Co-operative network – Sugar factories, Dairies, Water user association. • Corporate Horticulture Company • Four State Agricultural Universities • Very effective & Research based Farmers Organisations

Major Emerging Concerns • Un-viable farming • Lack of diverification in Crops & Other Major Emerging Concerns • Un-viable farming • Lack of diverification in Crops & Other activities in Vidarbha & Marathwada • Land locked areas in Marathwada & Vidarbha – Lack of infrastructures, markets, roads, railway rake points, airport • Infrastructural Bottle necks – Roads, Market facility, irrigation, Tribal area – Input dissemination , poor credit, Bank facility

Area & Production Compared with Nation (2006 -07) Production of cotton in Million bales Area & Production Compared with Nation (2006 -07) Production of cotton in Million bales of 170 kg each

Crop Group-wise Production for the year 2006 -07 to 2008 -09 Production Crop Group Crop Group-wise Production for the year 2006 -07 to 2008 -09 Production Crop Group % (+ or -) of 2006 -07 2007 -08 2008 -09 (Lakh Ton) 07 -08 to 06 -07 % (+ or -) of 08 -09 to 06 -07 % (+ or -) Cumulative Performance 07 – 08 & 08– 09 Total Cereals 105. 89 124. 60 96. 84 + 18 -9 + 4. 56 Total Pulses 23. 05 30. 24 17. 09 + 31 -26 + 2. 66 Total Foodgrains. 128. 94 154. 84 113. 93 + 20 -12 + 4. 22 Total Oilseeds 37. 25 48. 74 25. 80 + 31 -31 + 0. 05 Cotton (Lint) 46. 18 70. 15 49. 43 + 52 + 7 + 29. 47 Sugarcane. (Harvested) 66. 28 88. 44 50. 81 + 33 -23 + 5. 04 Note - Production of Cotton in "Lakh " Bales of 170 kg each , Production of sugarcane in Ten Lakh M. T. During 2007 -08 due to satisfactory and well distributed rainfall resulted into highest production

Strategy Bridging Yield Gaps Increasing & improvement in irrigation improving irrigation, coverage of watershed, Strategy Bridging Yield Gaps Increasing & improvement in irrigation improving irrigation, coverage of watershed, Massive Farm pond programme & drip irrigation Improvement in Market Infrastructure collaboration with the external agencies Improvement in Communication Roads, ICT & Strengthening the enter relationship by convergence Empowering Farmer through Market & Price discovery Training in skills to earn higher income Preparing for exploiting global opportunities in fruits & vegetables While emphasizin dual approach increase in farmers income food security, will be given equal impotiance.

Bridging The Yield Gaps National Average 2001 2082 782 803 687 980 273 64. Bridging The Yield Gaps National Average 2001 2082 782 803 687 980 273 64. 47 MT

Strategy Bridging Yield Gaps through Supply of Quality input supply Effective extension Improving agriculture Strategy Bridging Yield Gaps through Supply of Quality input supply Effective extension Improving agriculture Research & extension interaction Promoting FFS by emphasizing skill transfer to staff as well as farmers Emphasizing Soil Health Programme Diversified farming which includes Horticulture, Dairy & Animal Husbandry and Watershed infrastructure

Empowering socially unprivileged farmers (S. C. & S. T. ) Item State ‘s initiatives Empowering socially unprivileged farmers (S. C. & S. T. ) Item State ‘s initiatives for the poverty S. C. S. T. alleviation of S. C. & S. T. farmers Implementation of Special Component Plan for S. C. & Tribal Sub Plan for S. T. A) 10 th five year plan 1) Beneficiaries Covered (no’s. ) 2)Expenditure incurred (Rs. In crores) 0. 59 lakh 0. 18 lakh 182. 23 52. 32 0. 38 lakh 0. 14 lakh 158. 28 38. 94 B) 11 th five year plan preceding two years 1) Beneficiaries Covered (no’s. ) 2) Expenditure incurred (Rs. In crores) Proposed programme for next three years 1) Beneficiaries to be Covered (no’s. ) 2) Outlay proposed (Rs. In crores) 0. 79 lakh 0. 16 lakh 286. 14 81. 00

Empowering socially unprivileged farmers • SC & ST farmers should be trained in Modern Empowering socially unprivileged farmers • SC & ST farmers should be trained in Modern (S. C. & S. T. ) Farming, agri business, Dairy Horticulture etc. • Priority in Land development, Farm ponds & mechanisation • At least one youth from each family will trained in Horticulture, dairy & other avenues like dairy, poultry, sericulture, bee-keeping, Medicinal plants to generate income and employment. • This will be done through training of this youth through the RAMETI & SAMETI

 • Konkan – Paddy - Increase area Region based Crop briquettes , under • Konkan – Paddy - Increase area Region based Crop briquettes , under Hy. Rice, Use of Urea DAP Popularising “Chatu-Sutri”-Four point paddy production technology strategies – Cashewnut - Area expansion , Productivity enhancement , Promotion of organic cashew – Mango - Area expansion under Alphonso , Post harvest management including better transportation of mango, Adoption of GAP – Construction of Konkan Jalkund, Check dams, Diversion Bundhara • Western Maharashtra & Khandesh – – – – Sugarcane - increase productivity & release area for foodgrains and soybean Soybean – increase area & productivity Grapes & Banana – major stress on export Pomegranate - area expansion in DPAP blocks Floriculture & high value vegetables- cultivation under controlled conditions Promote organic fruits & vegetables More emphasis on ICM & IPM for horticultural crops like Pomegranate, Grapes Promote floriculture & Cold chain

Region based Crop strategies Cotton - Increase the yield & promote Clean & quality Region based Crop strategies Cotton - Increase the yield & promote Clean & quality cotton • Marathwada – – Maize - Increase the area for cattle feed & industrial use – Oilseeds & pulses - Bridge the yield gaps – Promote the cultivation of sweet oranges, mangoes & banana – Kharif sorghum - Promote industrial use – Discourage the cultivation of sugarcane and divert the area under soybean & gram – Promote protective irrigation through the farm ponds, dug wells and other water harvesting structures

VIDARBHA Region based Crop • Paddy- SRI method for increasing productivity • Soybean- increase VIDARBHA Region based Crop • Paddy- SRI method for increasing productivity • Soybean- increase the area & productivity Strategies • Cotton- promoting Clean & quality cotton through contract farming, reduction in cost of cultivation through INM & IPM • Organic cotton & mandarin promotion campaign • Pulses – promoting as intercrop in soybean and cotton • Mandarin Orange – improving the quality & productivity through improved packages of cultivation and quality planting material • Promoting PHM of mandarin orange through better packing , transportation & preservation • Promoting Public Private partnership to develop clusters of pulses, vegetables, flowers & fruits for the ultimate market in the urban areas • Water harvesting through farm ponds, dug wells, check dams, malgujari tanks & bodis

Mechanization in Agriculture • Promoting small planters and harvesters in paddy & sugarcane • Mechanization in Agriculture • Promoting small planters and harvesters in paddy & sugarcane • Promoting mechanization for Orchards Management • Promoting custom hiring facility for farmers through State Farms. • Promoting grading & processing facility for soyabean • Dal Mills • Sugarcane Rotavators • Harvesters in Wheat and soyabean

Seed Infrastructure Facilities • MSSCL & NSC is major public sector organisation in seed Seed Infrastructure Facilities • MSSCL & NSC is major public sector organisation in seed production and distribution • 156 Private seed producers • Private & Public sector produces 18 lakh qtls. seed • 150 Seed processing Plants – Average Capacity – 400 qtls/day • 4 SAUS are engaged in Breeder & Foundation seed production. • Director, Seed Certification – agency for Seed certification

Strengthening of Seed Infra-structure Facilities Proposal. Sr. No Item Proposed Amount Implementing Agency (Rs. Strengthening of Seed Infra-structure Facilities Proposal. Sr. No Item Proposed Amount Implementing Agency (Rs. in Crores) 1 Seed Village Scheme 11. 48 MSSC Ltd. Akola 2 Strengthning of Infrastructure facility 30. 00 MSSC Ltd. Akola 3. Strengthning of Seed Testing Lab. 1. 37 State Dept. of Agriculture Total 42. 85

 Strengthening of Seed Infra-structure Facilities Proposal. (For MSSCL, Akola) Sr. No. Particulars Total Strengthening of Seed Infra-structure Facilities Proposal. (For MSSCL, Akola) Sr. No. Particulars Total Cost Rs. ( in Crores) Modernization of Existing Seed Processing 1 Machinery Modernization of Existing Seed Processing 2 Plant, Buildings and Godowns 3. 74 3 Capacity addition of seed processing Machinery. 11. 63 4 Capacity addition of seed ware houses. 7. 07 7. 56 Total Rs 30. 00

Seed Village Scheme Plan Name of Implementing Agency. - MSSCL, Akola. • No. Of Seed Village Scheme Plan Name of Implementing Agency. - MSSCL, Akola. • No. Of Villages - 3000 • Expected Farmers - 150000 • Area of Seed Production - 30000 Ha. (0. 50 Acres per farmer) • Total Seed requirement In qtls. - 18825 A) 50% Cost of Seed - 3. 23 Crore B) Training of Farmers -4. 50 Crore. C) Storage Bins (25% Subsidy - 3. 75 Crores • Total Funds required - 11. 48 Crore.

Natural Resource Management Watershed Development Plan (11 th FYP ) FYP 1. Target for Natural Resource Management Watershed Development Plan (11 th FYP ) FYP 1. Target for the 11 th FYP - 50 Lakh Ha. 2. Area to be developed every year - 10 Lakh Ha. 3. 3. Area developed during last 2 years - 16 Lakh Ha. 4. 3. Area to be developed in next 3 years - 34 Lakh Ha. 5. 4. Amount required - 3400 Crs.

Incentivising In-situ Moisture Conservation • Treatments Proposed – – Contour cultivation, Strip cropping, Inter Incentivising In-situ Moisture Conservation • Treatments Proposed – – Contour cultivation, Strip cropping, Inter cropping, mix cropping compartment bunding, opening of furrow in standing crop, opening of dead furrow, ridges & tide furrow – Mulching • Award to Gram panchayat – State level-I/II/III – Regional level -I/II – District level -I/II - Rs. 10/5/3. 00 lakh - Rs. 2. 50/ 2. 00 lakh – Rs 1. 50/ 1. 00 lakh

Recent Initiatives Recent Initiatives

Maharashtra Agriculture Productivity Improvement Campaign ¥ Krishi Vigyan Mandal , Farmer Field Scools ¥ Maharashtra Agriculture Productivity Improvement Campaign ¥ Krishi Vigyan Mandal , Farmer Field Scools ¥ Soil health improvement project Soil Health Cards ( 3. 5 lakh), organic matter recycling ¥ Efficient use of Water In-situ moisture conservation, micro irrigation ( 5. 51 lakh ha. ) ¥ Crop Planning according to agro climatic conditions Selection of ¥ Increasing Seed Replacement rate crops suitable to available soil & climate Seed Village Programme ( 5 lakh Qtls) ¥ To increase fertilizer use efficiency Soil testing, Efficiency of Inputs to be used, use of urea briquettes, Ensuring the availability of best inputs. ¥ Plant Protection Integrated Pest Management -cost reduction method

Seed Village Programme • For insuring quality seed availability, • During 2008 -09. • Seed Village Programme • For insuring quality seed availability, • During 2008 -09. • Seed production programme organised on - 39, 663 ha. • Producing 5, 77, 500 quintals seed, On farmers fields

Soil Health Cards ¡ Massive programme for distribution of soil analysis including micro nutrients Soil Health Cards ¡ Massive programme for distribution of soil analysis including micro nutrients & distribution of Soil Health Cards ¡ A massive drive of testing 2, 20, 000 soil samples ( 5 from each village) are taken during 2008 -09. ¡ Help to generate fertility index maps for all the villages. ¡ This maps in turn will enable us to bring qualitative improvement in nutrient management.

To. F & FFS to Promote IPM Since begining * No. of To. F To. F & FFS to Promote IPM Since begining * No. of To. F Held - 80, * Total facilitators – 2374 Farmers Trained – 9. 37 lakh Plan

Krishi Dindi An Integrated Extension initiative. . Krishi Dindi An Integrated Extension initiative. .

Concept v • • • Integrated and Aggressive Extension campaign. Creating awareness among farmers Concept v • • • Integrated and Aggressive Extension campaign. Creating awareness among farmers about new farming. Technologies. Active peoples participation. Awareness about Government schemes and initiatives. Disseminating knowledge and techniques… § Soil health. § Package of practices of Crops. § I. P. M. § I. N. M. § Improved Agriculture Implements. § Organic Farming. § Micro Irrigation. § Post Harvest Management. § Watershed Development.

Salient Features • The theme conceptualized and planned at State level involving Field officers. Salient Features • The theme conceptualized and planned at State level involving Field officers. • Duration - 1 st may 2009 to 31 st May 2009. • Pre planned route covering Revenue Circle Villages/important Market places of districts. • Covering Two villages per day. • Five extension personnel from each district identified and trained at Pune and Amravati for delivering technology. • Participation of line department like Animal Husbandry, Dairy, Fisheries, , co -opersation, Seri culture, Irrigation etc Major components Ø Ø Ø Ø Krishi Dindi Rath/ Chariot Mobile Agriculture Exhibition. Method demonstrations. Audio & Video shows. Technological power point presentations. Work shops. Interactions with progressive farmers.

Status of Implementation of Schemes Status of Implementation of Schemes

Rashtriy Krushi Vikas Yojana Status of Formulation of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan • Total Rashtriy Krushi Vikas Yojana Status of Formulation of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan • Total district -33 • C-DAP completed -18 dist. • C-Dap Incomplete -15 dist • C-DAP’s will be completed by end of May 2009

Rashtriy Krushi Vikas Yojana Grants Received and expenditure by the end of April 2009 Rashtriy Krushi Vikas Yojana Grants Received and expenditure by the end of April 2009 • 2007 -08 fund received = Rs. 128. 20 crores • 2008 -09 fund received = Rs. 261. 77 crores • Total Amount Received from GOI = Rs. 389. 97 cores • Total Fund utilized at the end of May 09 = Rs. 186. 00 crore(48%) • Total Project sanctioned by SLSC = Rs. 460. 76 crore

Progress of Projects Sr. Project Name Funds Released Rs. In Crore Funds Utilized Physical Progress of Projects Sr. Project Name Funds Released Rs. In Crore Funds Utilized Physical Target Achievement 1 Farm Pond 178. 00 143. 00 39000 35500 2 Repair of Malgujari tank 20. 00 - 595 495 3 Shallow Tube wells 1. 26 - 174 - 4 Onion storage Structure 15. 00 100000 MT 5 Accredation of PAC Godowns 20. 00 1000 800 6 Improving A. I. Delivery System 38. 00 32. 88 lakh - 7 Breed Village Scheme for sheep and Goat 5. 00 - - - 8 Assistance for control of Tobacco Leaf eating caterpiller and other pest on Soyabean Crop 25. 00 - - - 9 Establishment of Hatcheries 10. 00 - - - 10 Seed Distribution under P. M. Package 20. 00 - - - Total 332. 26 186

Convergence of farm ponds with Various Schemes • Pump sets will be supplied to Convergence of farm ponds with Various Schemes • Pump sets will be supplied to the beneficiaries /group of beneficiaries from various schemes viz. NFSM • Sprinkler sets will be supplied from various schemes and sets supplied earlier will also be used for protective irrigation. • Cotton demonstrations will be arranged on farm ponds.

ONION STORAGE STRUCTURE SCHEME UNDER RKVY • Total Amount Sanctioned for 08 -09 : ONION STORAGE STRUCTURE SCHEME UNDER RKVY • Total Amount Sanctioned for 08 -09 : Rs. 15 crores • Utilization of Fund - 100 % • Total Targeted capacity - 1, 000 MT • Achieved storage capacity - 1, 10, 789 MT • No of Beneficiaries - 4773 Nos • Districts covered – Nashik, Ahmednagar, Pune, Dhule, Solapur, Satara, Beed, Aurangabad, Akola


UPGRADATION OF PACS GODOWNS UNDER RKVY • Total Amount sanctioned - Rs 20 crores UPGRADATION OF PACS GODOWNS UNDER RKVY • Total Amount sanctioned - Rs 20 crores • Utilization of Funds – 100 % • Total Godowns Identified - 800 • Godowns Rejuvenated – 772 Nos.

National Food Security Mission Rice - 6 districts Bhandara, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Gondia, Nasik, Pune National Food Security Mission Rice - 6 districts Bhandara, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Gondia, Nasik, Pune Wheat - 8 Districts Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, Dhule, Nagpur, Nasik, Parbhani, Pune, Solapur Pulses - 18 Districts Ahmednagar, Akola, Amravati, Aurangabad, Buldhana, Chandrapur, Hingoli, Jalgaon, Jalana, Latur, Nagpur, Nanded, Nasik, Osmanabad, Parbhani, Wardha, Wasim, Yavatmal

National Food Security Mission Area, Production & Productivity Area in lakh ha. , Production National Food Security Mission Area, Production & Productivity Area in lakh ha. , Production in lakh MT, Productivity in Kg/ha. )

National Food Security Mission Progress Report up to March - 2009 National Food Security Mission Progress Report up to March - 2009

NFSM – Expenditure Rs. In Lacs NFSM – Expenditure Rs. In Lacs


Available Horticulture Setup § § § § Total area under fruit crops : 16. Available Horticulture Setup § § § § Total area under fruit crops : 16. 64 lakh ha. Area under Vegetable Crops : 4. 77 lakh ha. Area under Spices crops : 2. 10 lakh ha. Area under floriculture : 0. 16 lakh ha. Area under Protected Floriculture : 375 ha. One Floriculture park. One Mega Food Park and Three Food parks. Two Wine Parks - 54 wineries § § § § One Vapour Heat Treatment Plant One Eradiation Plant Four PEQ facility centres 136 Government, 42 SAUs, 1195 private registered nurseries. 4 Residue Testing Labs accredited by APEDA 130 Integrated Pack Houses accredited by APEDA. 7 Phyto-sanitary Certification Authorities for Export

Economically Important Horticulture Crops in Maharashtra Fruits Vegetables Grape, Pomegranate, Banana, Papaya, Mango, Sweet Economically Important Horticulture Crops in Maharashtra Fruits Vegetables Grape, Pomegranate, Banana, Papaya, Mango, Sweet Orange, Mandarin Orange, Cashewnut Sapota, Coconut, Guava Onion, Tomato Brinjal, Okra, Peas, Beans, Potato, Drum. Stick, Capsicum, Bitter gourd Flowers Roses, Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, Aster, Tuberose

Crop Clusters Agri Export Zones : 8 § Mango (Alphonso), Mango (Keshar), Grapes, Mandarin Crop Clusters Agri Export Zones : 8 § Mango (Alphonso), Mango (Keshar), Grapes, Mandarin Orange, Pomegranate, Banana, Onion and Flowers Additional Crop Clusters : 5 § Cashew, Sapota, Sweet Orange, Fig and Custard Apple

Yield Gap Analysis For Major Fruit Crops ( MT/Ha) 1 Mango 3. 50 Potential Yield Gap Analysis For Major Fruit Crops ( MT/Ha) 1 Mango 3. 50 Potential reported by SAU 15. 00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pomegranate Mandarin Orange Sweet Orange Cashew Banana Kagzi Lime Guava Grapes 10. 20 9. 10 13. 00 1. 14 58. 00 9. 65 12. 15 28. 20 15. 00 87. 50 10. 00 25. 00 30. 00 Sr. No. Crop State Average

Strategy for Horticulture Development • Vision statements and road maps are being prepared for Strategy for Horticulture Development • Vision statements and road maps are being prepared for 8 major horticulture crops – Mango, Cashew, Pomegranate, Mandarin orange, Sweet Orange, Grapes, Banana and Onion. – Crop-wise steering groups constituted – The reports will be ready in a month’s time • Comprehensive District Agriculture Plans are in final stages of preparation • Cluster-wise infrastructure mapping is being completed as a part of the C-DAP

Strategy for Quality planting material • Mandarin Orange & Sweet Orange – Introduction of Strategy for Quality planting material • Mandarin Orange & Sweet Orange – Introduction of new varieties and root stocks. – DNA Finger Printing of Mother Block and Root Stock. – Developing international Standard Nursery infrastructure.

Strategy for Horticulture Development • Crop productivity enhancement. • Productivity of farm family will Strategy for Horticulture Development • Crop productivity enhancement. • Productivity of farm family will form the basis for horticulture development. • Formation of groups of farmers for adoption of GAP protocol and their networking. • Market-linked organic farming. • Supply chain infrastructure - Convergence of schemes of APEDA (AEZ), NHM, RKVY, NMPB and MSAMB (Marketing Board) • Formation of SHGs of growers for post harvest handling, marketing and primary processing. • Agri-business centers through SHGs. • Protected cultivation and peri-urban vegetable production.

Agriculture Marketing and Processing Infrastructure Agriculture Marketing and Processing Infrastructure

Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Ø 294 APMC’s, 608 sub-markets - Turnover - Rs. 50000 cr. Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Ø 294 APMC’s, 608 sub-markets - Turnover - Rs. 50000 cr. Ø Mo. U with REUTERS for informetion dissemination through SMS, 50000 customer base Ø Two wine parks at Nashik & Sangli : 54 wineries in production. Ø Floriculture Park near Pune : 24 units in production. Ø Established 10 Export Facility Centers under 6 AEZs. Ø Vapour Heat Treatment facility developed at Navi Mumbai - more than 8000 MTs fruits & veg. Exported. Ø Trained 40000 farmers enabling an export of more than 5000 MTs of horticulture produce.

IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING REFORMS * Act Amended (June, 2006), Rules Framed (June 2007) IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING REFORMS * Act Amended (June, 2006), Rules Framed (June 2007) • Direct marketing- 72 Licensees issued • Private markets- 07 approvals given • Farmer-Consumer Markets- 33 locations • Contract farming- 1 lakh Ha under various crops • Single License System - 09 private players • Special Commodity Markets-20 Festivals organised

DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL MARKETING STRUCTURE (DAMS) • DAMS - For strengthening agriculture marketing system, for DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL MARKETING STRUCTURE (DAMS) • DAMS - For strengthening agriculture marketing system, for creating storage & processing infrastructural facilities and for better market price to farmers • The total outlay for all the districts for next 3 years – Rs 1018 Crs. • Financial Assistance - Expected from various schemes of Central & State Govt. such as RKVY, NHM, DMI, APEDA, NHB, NABARD, NCDC, MOFP • Activities included in DAMS– – – – Pledge Loan Scheme Fruit Festival Scheme Rural Godown Scheme Onion storage structure scheme Onion transport /Ship transport freight subsidy scheme for exports Setting up of Cold Storage and other related infrastructural projects MARKNET / market information Project Farmers Market

INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPEMT FOR EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC MARKETING • MSAMB as Nodal Agency for Agri INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPEMT FOR EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC MARKETING • MSAMB as Nodal Agency for Agri Export Zone • Established six Export Facility Centers with financial help of APEDA • Facilities include Pre-cooling, Cold storage, Pack House, Material Handling Line, Ripening chambers • Banana - 2 Nos • Pomegranate - 1 No • Keshar Mango - 1 No • Orange - 1 No • Fruits & Veg. - 1 No • Total Investment – Rs. 25 crores • Exports done from facilities – 5000 MT

MODERN TERMINAL MARKETS • Implementation by Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. • Project on MODERN TERMINAL MARKETS • Implementation by Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. • Project on BOT basis by the selected Private Enterprise (PE) through Competitive Bidding process • Government land available for Mumbai (Thane) market & is in possession with MSAMB • Terminal Markets to be set up at Mumbai, Nashik and Nagpur • Estimated Project Cost - • Mumbai – Rs. 250 Crores. • Nashik – Rs. 60 Crores • Nagpur – Rs 55 Crores • Awaiting Revised Operational Guidelines from Go. I

MODERN MARKETS BY THE STATE I. Proposed Modern Market at - Kanhergaon, Tal. Vasmatnagar, MODERN MARKETS BY THE STATE I. Proposed Modern Market at - Kanhergaon, Tal. Vasmatnagar, Dist. Hingoli • Operation Mode : Public Private Partnership (PPP) • Land - Identified - 66. 05 acres. • Proposed Handling Capacity: 400 MT / day • Estimated Project Outlay: Rs. 6229. 72 Lakh II. Proposed Terminal/Modern Market at Aurangabad • Operation Mode : Public Private Partnership (PPP) • Estimated Project outlay Rs. 60 Crores • DPR under preparation.


MAHARASHTRA AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT (MACP) • Area of Operation – Entire state – in MAHARASHTRA AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT (MACP) • Area of Operation – Entire state – in 3 Phase • Major Objectives - Capacity Building of Farmers - Strengthening Existing Markets - Promoting alternative marketing channels - Providing Market Support Services - Make farmer more competitive • Project cost – Rs. 646. 36 Cr. • Duration - 6 Years • Beneficiaries – Small and marginal farmers , association of farmers groups, Institutions viz APMC, Rural Haats , Dairy Soc.

COMPONENTS OF THE MACP PROJECT • Upgrading & Modernization of APMC & Livestock Markets COMPONENTS OF THE MACP PROJECT • Upgrading & Modernization of APMC & Livestock Markets • Upgrading & Modernization of Rural Haats • Setting up of Farmer common Service Centers • E market pilots • Strengthening of Dairy societies • Fisheries Development • Implementation of warehouse receipt • Market information and market intelligence • Market led Extension Services

IFAD ASSISTED PROJECT • Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra (CAIM) • Area of IFAD ASSISTED PROJECT • Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra (CAIM) • Area of Operation – Six distressed districts of Vidharbha region (Akola, Amravati, Buldhana, Wardha, Wasim, Yeotmal) • Major objectives – – Reduce indebtness – Increase Productivity – Diversify Agriculture • Project approved by IFAD on 28 th April 2009 • Project Cost – Rs. 625 cr • Duration – 8 years • Beneficiaries – – Small and marginal farmers, landless labours, Rural Women, Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes

COMPONENTS OF THE IFAD PROJECT • Institutional Capacity Building and Partnerships • Marketing Linkages COMPONENTS OF THE IFAD PROJECT • Institutional Capacity Building and Partnerships • Marketing Linkages • Sustainable Agriculture • Watershed Development • In situ water conservation • Organic Farming • Women Empowerment • Micro enterprises and SMEs.

ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PROJECT • Identified States – Maharashtra and Bihar • Project Report ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PROJECT • Identified States – Maharashtra and Bihar • Project Report submitted to State Govt. by ADB • Major Objectives – Development of end-to-end projects – Convergence of Public Sector Investments – Convergence of existing subsidies schemes (VGF, NHM) – Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) – Integration of small farmers into value chains – Modular/Demand-driven Approach to Market infrastructure Investments • Project Outlay for Maharashtra - Rs. 983. 09 Crores • DPR under preparation under TA by ADB

ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PROJECT Components of the Project • On-Farm Centers for temporary collection ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PROJECT Components of the Project • On-Farm Centers for temporary collection at farm level • Agri Business Centers for consolidation, value addition and marketing • Perishable Cargo Centers for export of produce outside the State as well as in the international markets • Support infrastructure improve physical connectivity and feasibility • Capacity building across stake holders in the value chain • Market information and intelligence.

INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC MARKETING • MSAMB is Nodal Agency for Agri INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR EXPORTS AND DOMESTIC MARKETING • MSAMB is Nodal Agency for Agri Export Zone • Proposals for 8 Export Facility Centers submitted to APEDA – – – Banana Pomegranate Keshar Mango Orange Fruit & Veg VHT - 2 Nos - 1 No • Facilities include Pre-cooling, Cold storage, Pack House, Material Handling Line, Ripening Chambers, Vapour Heat Treatment. • Total Investment – Rs. 48. 30 crores

Proposals with APEDA Details of the proposals submitted to APEDA Proposals with APEDA Details of the proposals submitted to APEDA

Initiatives in Agro-processing • Agro-processing policy for cooperatives declared on October 12, 2007 • Initiatives in Agro-processing • Agro-processing policy for cooperatives declared on October 12, 2007 • 25 Agro-Processing units sanctioned under own equity: Govt. equity: Loan Pattern of 04: 36: 60 by NCDC • Mo. U signed with Citrus International, Sweden to establish 150 MT/day processing facility at Amravati • Component of value addition by SHGs included in WB/IFAD/ADB projects.

PROJECTS IN PIPELINE (2009 -12) • Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP) (World Bank funded) PROJECTS IN PIPELINE (2009 -12) • Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MACP) (World Bank funded) • • • – Outlay - Rs. 646. 36 Crs Asian Development Bank Project (ADB)- AIDP – Outlay - Rs. 983. 09 Crs IFAD funded Project - C - AIM – Outlay - Rs. 625 Crs. Modern Terminal Markets at Mumbai, Nashik and Nagpur – Total investment - Rs 350 Crs. Infrastructure Proposals under RKVY – Outlay - Rs. 500 Crs. Modern Markets - Hingoli and Aurangabad – Project cost - Rs 100 Crs. District Level Agricultural Marketing Plan – Outlay Rs 1018 Crs.

AGRICULTURAL CREDIT • Agricultural Credit flow Increased by 170% from Rs. 4470 Cr In AGRICULTURAL CREDIT • Agricultural Credit flow Increased by 170% from Rs. 4470 Cr In 2003 -04 to Rs. 12084 Cr in 2006 -07 • Share In agricultural credit - DCCB - 54% Commercial Banks - 42. 5%, RRB - 3. 50 % • 69 Lakh Kissan Credit Cards Issued till. December 2008: half of the land holders covered so far.

CROP CREDIT DISBURSEMENT • Land holders 136 lakhs • Requirement of crop credit Rs. CROP CREDIT DISBURSEMENT • Land holders 136 lakhs • Requirement of crop credit Rs. 20473 cr • Potential Linked Credit Plan Rs 13566 cr • Disbursement 2007 -08 Rs 9143 cr • No of borrowers 36 lakhs • Institutional borrowers / finance - 30% / 45% • Cooperatives - 60 %, Commercial - 36%, RRB - 4%

Crop credit flow : 2007 -08 onwards • Credit flow of Rs 7163 cr Crop credit flow : 2007 -08 onwards • Credit flow of Rs 7163 cr (2006 -07) increased to Rs. 9143 Cr (2007 -08) • Credit flow reduced to Rs. 6779 cr (2008 -09) after Debt waiver. Recovery in 2008 -09 only 10%. Displeasure of regular payers. • State package reduced default. Target fixed to revive Crop Credit to Rs. 13563 cr. Double of last year. • Disbursement so far double of last year at Rs. 1000 cr (May 15) • Agricultural credit Rs 12084 (2006 -07) moves to Rs. 12112 cr (2007 -08), Rs 12000 cr(2008 -09) (est. ) and Rs. 23256 cr (2009 -10) as targeted.

Share of cooperative credit : Downward trend • • • During 2005 -08, cooperative Share of cooperative credit : Downward trend • • • During 2005 -08, cooperative credit 110%, 118% & 84% of target down to 39% in 2008 -09 Liquidity crunch, reluctance of banks to extend loan to debt waiver beneficiaries, one third Bank with negative networth main cause. Unhappiness of regular payers with debt waiver, delayed monsoon, dry spells additional causes. State package for 40 Lakh farmers with Rs. 6200 cr outlay - fresh defaulters amongst regular players regularised. Except OTS beneficiaries of Go. I & Go. M all the farmers (100 lakh) now eligible for fresh loans.

Agricultural Debt waiver & Debt Relief Scheme • 38 Lakh beneficiaries of Central waiver Agricultural Debt waiver & Debt Relief Scheme • 38 Lakh beneficiaries of Central waiver at Rs. 7800 cr. , 32 Lakh farmers get full waiver. • Response from 6 lakh OTS farmers - only 6% • 40 lakh beneficiaries of State waiver, 24 lakh farmers get full waiver upto Rs. 20000, OTS farmers response 40 % so far. • At least 56 lakh full waiver farmers freshly eligible for crop loans. • Main hurdle of fresh loans removed; reluctance of banks to finance debt waiver farmers continues.

Initiatives taken by State Government • 1% additional interest waiver on crop loan: 6% Initiatives taken by State Government • 1% additional interest waiver on crop loan: 6% rate of interest; Rs. 130 crores provided every year. • 4% rebate to regular payer upto Rs 25000, 2% rebate beyond Rs 25000 upto Rs 3 Lakh; Rs. 50 cr provided every year to cooperatives. • Go. I to adopt similar scheme for regular borrowers of commercial Banks / RRB. • Credit flow to 40 lakh farmers in one year targeted to make double to 80 lakh farmers during current year.

Flow of crop credit : Steps needed • Balance claims of Debt waiver (Rs. Flow of crop credit : Steps needed • Balance claims of Debt waiver (Rs. 4000 cr) • • • Vaidyanathan Package (Rs. 2000 cr) and 2% interest subvention (100%)to be released. DCCB with negative net worth to get ST-SAO without any procedural delay. In 17000 drought affected villages, banks to reschedule loans without delay. Vaidyanathan Package for LDB to be implemented details not yet released. Incentives to regular payers to be announced, Contusion on OTS under debt waiver to be removed

Schemes submitted under RKVY • Accredition of 5000 rural godowns for pledge loan scheme Schemes submitted under RKVY • Accredition of 5000 rural godowns for pledge loan scheme @ Rs 2 lakh/godown, Total outlay Rs. 100 crore. • Scheme sanctioned for 1000 godowns, Rs 20 cr. Investment done. • E-Governance scheme of PACS godowns @ Rs 1 lakh each PACS, 10000 PACS, outlay Rs. 100 cr. Scheme not yet sanctioned • Connectivity to spot exchanges of MCX, NCDEX proposed by combining accredition with e-governance.



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