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Agricultural Value-chains and Small. Scale Water Development Kailash Sharma Engineering Program Director i. DE Agricultural Value-chains and Small. Scale Water Development Kailash Sharma Engineering Program Director i. DE Nepal

i. DE Nepal Program n n n i. DE is an INGO that focuses i. DE Nepal Program n n n i. DE is an INGO that focuses on creating income opportunity to poor people to escape poverty and become commercial producers thru the PRISM valuechain approach i. DE’s Nepal program is supported by a variety of donors including European Commission, UK Aid/DFID, USAID, WFP, Mount View Foundation, and other donors & foundations. i. DE has worked in Nepal since 1992 and developed locally based micro irrigation supply chains and small scale water resource management. i. DE works in variety of high-value agriculture subsectors including horticulture, NTFP, fisheries, coffee, tea, and small livestock i. DE is a family of INGOs based in the UK, Canada, and the USA

Agricultural Program Overview n n n Partnership of implementing organizations Winrock, Save the Children, Agricultural Program Overview n n n Partnership of implementing organizations Winrock, Save the Children, Mission East, CEAPRED, SAPPROS, DEPROSC, AEC/ FNCCI, local NGOs with GON agencies including DOA, DOI/NITP, MLD/DDC/VDC i. DE has led development of micro irrigation technologies and small-scale water development in the Multiple use Water System (MUS Approach) linked to development Agricultural Value-chains Programs implemented in a Public Private Partnership Approach

Major Program Goals n n Thru developing commercial opportunities increase poor smallholder incomes and Major Program Goals n n Thru developing commercial opportunities increase poor smallholder incomes and create employment opportunities Contribute to cross cutting goals of benefiting and empowering marginal communities and women The evidence is that if smallholders have access to appropriate inputs, knowledge, and markets they are competitive producers and there are large income earning opportunities in Nepal Micro irrigation technologies and Small-scale water development linked to agricultural value-chain developing is critical to enable smallholder income earning opportunities

Agricultural Value Chain Approach n n The value-chain includes the enterprises providing inputs, services, Agricultural Value Chain Approach n n The value-chain includes the enterprises providing inputs, services, processing, and marketing for a particular commodity It is crucial that the value-chain enterprises be present, profitable, and utilizing/promoting best technologies to enable smallholders to increase their income

The Approach/Interventions in PPP Context n n n Essential to establish and strengthen enterprises The Approach/Interventions in PPP Context n n n Essential to establish and strengthen enterprises in the agricultural valuechain for impact and sustainability. Embedded services are crucial to reaching large numbers of smallholders. The public sector is crucial to overcome market failures and provide critical investment in public goods including basic knowledge extension, research, infrastructure (includes irrigation and marketing), and an enabling environment. Agrovet’s are important service providers who market needed inputs and provide knowledge embedded with sales to smallholders.

 • Collection Centers: • • • PPP: MOAC/DOA, Local Government, Smallholders, VC actors, • Collection Centers: • • • PPP: MOAC/DOA, Local Government, Smallholders, VC actors, and I/NGOs facilitating Over site by community elected Marketing and Planning Committee (MPC) Collection centers are run by entrepreneurs and cooperatives Point for aggregation Provide feed back between smallholders and traders Utilize crop calendars developed with traders Work with government for investments in public goods Provide TA, credit, and support Over 125 collection center serving more that 1, 000 HHs.

Small Scale Water Development n n i. DE has been involved in piloting piped Small Scale Water Development n n i. DE has been involved in piloting piped water multiple use systems (over community 163 systems developed) in strong partnership with DOI/DOA/MLD/DDC/VDC/ INGOs i. DE has been involved in R&D and supply chain development for micro irrigation technologies including drip systems, micro sprinklers, treadle/other pumps, and low cost water storage technologies

Micro Irrigation Supply Chain Development n n Over 190, 000 micro irrigation technologies (developed Micro Irrigation Supply Chain Development n n Over 190, 000 micro irrigation technologies (developed by partner i. DE) have been sold in Nepal the vast majority linked to different projects. Micro irrigation technologies include the treadle pump, drip systems, efficient micro sprinklers, and low cost water storage technologies all manufactured in Nepal

Recommendations n Joint effort for market development of micro and small irrigation technologies. n Recommendations n Joint effort for market development of micro and small irrigation technologies. n Strengthening and capacity building of existing supply chain actors and Collection Center/ MPC. n Policy advocacy toward VAT exemption agriculture technologies and it's spare parts. n Key is Joint implementation of agriculture market center / collection center development in PPP n Critical to develop viable pockets with clusters of smallscale water systems and sufficient numbers of smallholders to establish input suppliers and market channels

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