Скачать презентацию Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce Scientific and technological roadmap Carles Скачать презентацию Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce Scientific and technological roadmap Carles


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Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce Scientific and technological roadmap Carles Sierra Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce Scientific and technological roadmap Carles Sierra

Internet growth 4 17 million users in 1992 4 195 million users world-wide in Internet growth 4 17 million users in 1992 4 195 million users world-wide in 1999 4 Disparity: Sweden 40. 9%, Italy 8% of usage 4 Users already sampled buying over the web (f. i. 40% in the UK) 4 Many regular shoppers (f. i. 10% in the UK)

Expenses produced 4 Disparity 4 Shoppers in Europe 4 Revenue 1999 4 Shoppers 2002 Expenses produced 4 Disparity 4 Shoppers in Europe 4 Revenue 1999 4 Shoppers 2002 4 Revenue 2002 4 Finland 20 times more than Spain. 4 5. 2 million 4 EUR 3, 032 million 4 28. 8 million 4 EUR 57, 210 million

EU Support EU Support

Mediation in EC 4 Autonomy 4 Personalisation 4 Social ability 4 Intelligence 4 Initial Mediation in EC 4 Autonomy 4 Personalisation 4 Social ability 4 Intelligence 4 Initial example: Persona. Logic

Interaction 4 To undertake a course of action 4 To modify a course of Interaction 4 To undertake a course of action 4 To modify a course of action 4 To agree on a common course of action 4 AUCTIONS 4 NEGOTIATION

Auctions 4 Platforms. FM 1. 0 (IIIA) 4 Formal modelling. U. Bath 4 Electronic Auctions 4 Platforms. FM 1. 0 (IIIA) 4 Formal modelling. U. Bath 4 Electronic Markets. BT, SICS. 4 EU Projects. MEMO, ACTIVE, AIMEDIA, GAVEL.

Negotiation 4 Cathegorization: – Size limites resources unknown – Set of agents unknown – Negotiation 4 Cathegorization: – Size limites resources unknown – Set of agents unknown – Characteristics of agents unknown – Strategies are unknown 4 Groups study: – Models for negotiation – Argumentation – Simulation

Trust in Interaction 4 Identity 4 Certification 4 Honesty 4 TRUSTe, 4 Escrow services Trust in Interaction 4 Identity 4 Certification 4 Honesty 4 TRUSTe, 4 Escrow services 4 Third parties for delivery Consumer. Info. com, BBBOn. Line, WAB 4 iescrow. com 4 Trade-direct. com

Applications 4 Rich variety – Market places, Electricity management, Business, banking and finance, Telecoms, Applications 4 Rich variety – Market places, Electricity management, Business, banking and finance, Telecoms, … 4 Many AI techniques – Data mining (clustering), Profiling (personalised communication), Case-based reasoning (shopping assistants) 4 EU Projects: MIMIC, NECTAR, AIMEDIA, WEBSELL, DIALS.

Engineering + Products 4 Deliberative approaches 4 BDI, case-based, fuzzy. 4 Grasshoper 4 Generic Engineering + Products 4 Deliberative approaches 4 BDI, case-based, fuzzy. 4 Grasshoper 4 Generic 4 One-stop-shop 4 AIMEDIA 4 Market places 4 ZEUS, SICS 4 Electronic Auctions 4 Negotiation 4 Mobility Marketspace 4 FM 1. 0 4 CASBA 4 Mole 3. 0

Other issues 4 Standards. FIPA. 4 Security – Many solutions: authentication, access control, encryption, Other issues 4 Standards. FIPA. 4 Security – Many solutions: authentication, access control, encryption, signatures, certification, … 4 Legal issues and Privacy – Preference models. – EU directives into P 3 P

Future trends Future trends

Challenges 4 Relate ideal and actual agent behaviour 4 Relate roles of agents and Challenges 4 Relate ideal and actual agent behaviour 4 Relate roles of agents and their inherent qualities 4 Generate ontologies, interaction standards and social conventions 4 Generate new products, services and practices

Interaction 4 Dramatic change of supply chains 4 Decrease of customer’s prices 4 Old Interaction 4 Dramatic change of supply chains 4 Decrease of customer’s prices 4 Old markets will change 4 New markets for commodities soon – Power, telephone, bandwidth, … 4 Auctions intermediated with agents will bloom. Products mid-2000.

Negotiation 4 Soon: Applications where – Interactions are very fast – Interactions are repeated Negotiation 4 Soon: Applications where – Interactions are very fast – Interactions are repeated – Each trade is of relative small value – The process is repeated over long times • Need for a significant value • Preference elicitation complex. Need for learning – The product is relatively easy to specify

Challenges for negotiation 4 Trust – Confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. – Safe payment Challenges for negotiation 4 Trust – Confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. – Safe payment and delivery – Supervised interaction first – Reputation via Chambers of Commerce 4 Protocol standards

Challenges for negotiation 4 Preference modelling – Dynamics of preferences – Different ontologies – Challenges for negotiation 4 Preference modelling – Dynamics of preferences – Different ontologies – Fuzziness – Learning 4 Argumentation 4 Protocols – From fixed to dynamic – Negotiation of protocols

Applications 4 Travel agencies 4 Retail industry: Sainsbury and Otto Versand 4 Auction house Applications 4 Travel agencies 4 Retail industry: Sainsbury and Otto Versand 4 Auction house for general trade 4 Procurement applications (Bangeman’s challenge winners)

Engineering 4 Adaptavility 4 Mobility 4 Trust modelling 4 Legal issues 4 Open vs Engineering 4 Adaptavility 4 Mobility 4 Trust modelling 4 Legal issues 4 Open vs closed markets 4 Electronic Institutions: Heterogeneity, trust and scalability, exception handling and societal change

Other challenges 4 New products: market places and agent servers 4 New standards: FIPA, Other challenges 4 New products: market places and agent servers 4 New standards: FIPA, W 3 C, P 3 P. FIPA and OMG signed agreement 4 Security: preferences, public key servers and signature management by agent servers 4 Privacy protection according to EU 95/46 directive

Vision 4 Mobile devices 4 Context perception 4 Deregulation 4 Disappearing computer That is: Vision 4 Mobile devices 4 Context perception 4 Deregulation 4 Disappearing computer That is: To put the customer at the heart of the business