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Age of Jackson Unit 4 A AP U. S. History Age of Jackson Unit 4 A AP U. S. History

Think About It Compare and contrast Jeffersonian democracy and Jacksonian democracy. } To what Think About It Compare and contrast Jeffersonian democracy and Jacksonian democracy. } To what extent was the Election of 1824 a turning point in American political culture? }

Jacksonian Democracy } } } The “Common Man” Universal male suffrage Strict constructionism Laissez-faire Jacksonian Democracy } } } The “Common Man” Universal male suffrage Strict constructionism Laissez-faire economics Democratization of nominations for elected office § Party caucuses to national conventions } } } } Increase in local and state elected offices Rise of third parties Spoils system Manifest Destiny Industrial Revolution Market Revolution Transportation Revolution “County Election” George Caleb Bingham 1852

Election of 1824 } } Democratic-Republicans fracturing Election of 1824 has four candidates § Election of 1824 } } Democratic-Republicans fracturing Election of 1824 has four candidates § Sec. of State John Quincy Adams (MA) § General/Senator Andrew Jackson (TN) § Sec. of the Treasury William Crawford (GA) § Speaker of the House Henry Clay (KY) } “Corrupt Bargain” § House of Representatives chooses Adams } Impact § § Establishment of Democrats and National Republicans Second Party System

House Vote for Election of 1824 } Kentucky Popular Vote § Clay 72. 7% House Vote for Election of 1824 } Kentucky Popular Vote § Clay 72. 7% § Jackson 27. 3% § Adams 0. 0%

John Quincy Adams (NR) (1825 -1829) Son of Federalist John Adams } National Republican John Quincy Adams (NR) (1825 -1829) Son of Federalist John Adams } National Republican } Corrupt Bargain } § Most of his proposals rejected by a pro-Jackson Congress § Alienated the South and West } Tariff of 1828 § Tariff of Abominations

Second Party System (1828 -1854) } Democrats: § States’ rights § Limited government § Second Party System (1828 -1854) } Democrats: § States’ rights § Limited government § Laissez-faire § Expansionism § Pro-slavery § Equal opportunity § South and West § Yeoman farmers, working class, southern planters, immigrants } } § issue party concerned about Freemasons § promoted economic nationalism and social conservatism } Liberty Party: § abolitionist party Andrew Jackson National Republicans/Whigs: § American System § Strong federal government § Mixed on slavery § Social conservatives § New England § Upper and middle class professionals, evangelical Protestants Anti-Masonic Party: Henry Clay } Free Soil Party: § Prevent expansion of slavery }Characteristics }Two-party politics expanded to all regions }Region-specific issues }Close elections increased voter turnout }Party conventions increasingly replace party caucuses

Election of 1828 } } } Andrew Jackson (D) John Q. Adams (NR) Political Election of 1828 } } } Andrew Jackson (D) John Q. Adams (NR) Political campaigns on national levels § Coffin Handbills § Jackson’s wife

“Old Hickory” } The Common Man § Duelist, Gambler, Bar Fighter, Pipe-Smoker, Tobacco Chewer “Old Hickory” } The Common Man § Duelist, Gambler, Bar Fighter, Pipe-Smoker, Tobacco Chewer § War Hero Battle of Horshoe Bend (1814) § Battle of New Orleans (1815) § First Seminole War/Florida (1818) § } Spoils System § Hired loyalists and friends } A Strong Executive § Mandate from the people § “It was settled by the Constitution, the laws, and the whole practice of the government that the entire executive power is vested in the President of the United States. ” } Endorsed states’ rights § Considered himself a Jeffersonian Democrat

Andrew Jackson (D) (1829 -1837) } Veto Power § Maysville Road (1830) } } Andrew Jackson (D) (1829 -1837) } Veto Power § Maysville Road (1830) } } Peggy Eaton Affair “Kitchen Cabinet” § Private group of trusted advisors } Major Issues § Native Removal § Nullification Crisis § Bank of the United States

Jackson and Native Removal § Indian Removal Act (1830) Negotiate with Native tribes for Jackson and Native Removal § Indian Removal Act (1830) Negotiate with Native tribes for removal west to lands west of the Mississippi § Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Determined Native tribes not to be “foreign states” but as “domestic dependent nations” § Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Determined sovereignty of Native tribes therefore not subject to state laws Apocryphal: “John Marshall had made his decision. Now let him enforce it!” - Andrew Jackson § Trail of Tears Many died from exposure, disease, starvation 60, 000 removed; 15, 000 died § Second Seminole War (1835 -1842) § Dade Massacre (1835)

Jackson and the Nullification Crisis } } Tariff of Abominations (1828) South Carolina Exposition Jackson and the Nullification Crisis } } Tariff of Abominations (1828) South Carolina Exposition and Protest (1828) § } Webster-Hayne Debates (1830) § § } } Robert Hayne (SC) Daniel Webster (MA): “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!” Jefferson Day Dinner (1830) § § } State could nullify federal law or possibly secede if necessary Andrew Jackson: “Our federal Union: It must be preserved. ” John C. Calhoun: “The Union: Next to our Liberty, the most dear. ” Tariff of 1832 South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification (1832) Force Bill (1833) Tariff of 1833

Election of 1832 } } } Andrew Jackson (D) Henry Clay (NR) William Wirt Election of 1832 } } } Andrew Jackson (D) Henry Clay (NR) William Wirt (Anti-Masonic) All candidates elected by national party convention Bank of the United States was central issue

Jackson and the Bank War } Nicholas Biddle § Bank supported by Henry Clay Jackson and the Bank War } Nicholas Biddle § Bank supported by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster } Andrew Jackson § “You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, I will rout you out!” § “The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it. ” } Death of the National Bank § § Jackson vetoed the charter Transferred funds to state banks aka “pet banks”

The Bank of the United States Should Be Abolished; The Bank of the United The Bank of the United States Should Be Abolished; The Bank of the United States Should Not Be Abolished Andrew Jackson – “Veto of the Bank Renewal Bill” (1832) } There is nothing in [the Bank’s] legitimate functions which makes it necessary or proper…and the powers conferred proper…and upon its agent not only unecessary, but dangerous to the Government and country. . . It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society – the farmers, mechanics, and laborers – who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses… Nor is our Government to be abuses… maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. . . Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves. . . not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit. Daniel Webster – “U. S. Senate Speech to Override Jackson’s Veto” (1832) } A majority of the people are satisfied with the bank as it is, and desirous that it should be continued. They wished no change… The bill was not passed for the purpose of change… benefitting the present stockholders. . . but to promote great public interests, for great public objects. . . If a bank charter is not to be granted, because, to some extent, it may be profitable to the stockholders, no charter can be granted. The objection lies against all banks. . . Sir, the object aimed at by such institutions is to connect the public safety and convenience with private interests. It has been found by experience, that banks are safest under private management, and that government banks are among the most dangerous of all inventions. Now, Sir, the whole drift of the message is to reverse the settled judgment of all the civilized world, and to set up government banks, independent of private interest or private control. For this purpose the message labors to create jealousies and prejudices, on the ground of the alleged benefit which that individuals will derive from the renewal of this charter. Much less effort is made to show that government, or the public, will bei njured by the bill, than that individuals will profit by it. . . [The veto] presents the chief magistrate of the Union in the attitude of arguing away the powers of that government over which he has been chosen to preside. . . It appeals to every prejudice which may betray men into a mistaken view of their own interests. . . It manifestly seeks to inflame the poor against the rich; it wantonly attacks whole clases of people, for the purpose of turning agianst them the prejudices and the resenetments of other classes.

Election of 1836 } Martin van Buren (D) § Jackson’s VP } Whig Candidates Election of 1836 } Martin van Buren (D) § Jackson’s VP } Whig Candidates § William Henry Harrison (OH) § Hugh White (TN) § Daniel Webster (MA) § Willie Mangum (NC)

Panic of 1837 } } National debt paid off in 1835 Specie Circular (1836) Panic of 1837 } } National debt paid off in 1835 Specie Circular (1836) § Purchase of federal lands by gold and silver } Panic of 1837 § Land speculation and crop failures § Hard currency led to devalue of paper money and inflation § Denial of Bank charter § States overextended in infrastructure projects § Banks closed; unemployment increased; depression for next five years