Горбанева ин.яз..pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Information products for children under the age of six years (0+) To information products for children under the age of six years may be classified, information products containing information that is not harmful to health and (or) development of children (including information products containing justified its genre and (or) the plot is episodic denaturalising the depiction or description of physical and (or) mental violence (excluding sexual violence) under the condition of the triumph of good over evil and expressions of sympathy for the victim and condemnation of violence).
Information products for children under the age of six years (6+) It allowed for turnover of information products for children under the age of six years may be classified, information products provided for in article 7 of this Federal law, as well as information products containing justified its genre and (or) plot: 1) short and denaturalising the image or description of human diseases (with the exception of severe disease) and (or) their consequences in a form that is not degrading to human dignity; 2) denaturalising the image or description of the accident, disaster or non-violent death without showing them the consequences of that can cause in children fear, terror or panic; 3) do not incite to commit antisocial acts and (or) crimes episodic depiction or description of these actions and (or) crimes provided that are not justified and not justified the validity and expressed a negative, judgmental attitude to people who make them.
Information products for children under the age of twelve years (12+) It allowed for turnover of information products for children under the age of twelve years may be classified, information products provided for in article 8 of this Federal law, as well as information products containing justified its genre and (or) plot: 1) episodic depiction or description of cruelty and violence (excluding sexual assault) naturalistic without showing the process of deprivation of life or bodily injury provided that expresses compassion for the victim and (or) negative, condemning the attitude to violence, violence (except for the violence used in cases of protection of citizens ' rights and legally protected interests of society or the state); 2) the depiction or description, not incite to commit antisocial acts (including the consumption of alcohol products, beer and beverages, manufactured on its basis, gambling, vagrancy or begging), occasional mention (without demonstration) of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and (or) intoxicants, tobacco products, provided that is not justified and not justified the validity of antisocial acts is negative, condemning the attitude and refers to the danger of consumption of these products, tools, substances and products; 3) non-operating interest in sex and non-excitation or offensive episodic denaturalising the depiction or description of sexual relations between a man and a woman, except for images or descriptions of sexual acts.
Information products for children under the age of sixteen (16+) It allowed for turnover of information products for children under the age of sixteen, may be related information products provided for in article 9 of this Federal law, as well as information products containing justified its genre and (or) plot: 1) the depiction or description of accident, accidents, disasters, illness, death naturalistic without showing their effects, which can cause children to fear, terror or panic; 2) the depiction or description of cruelty and violence (excluding sexual assault) naturalistic without showing the process of deprivation of life or bodily injury provided that expresses compassion for the victim and (or) negative, condemning the attitude to violence, violence (except for the violence used in cases of protection of citizens ' rights and legally protected interests of society or the state); 3) information on narcotic drugs or psychotropic and / or an intoxicating substances (without demonstration), about the dangerous consequences of their consumption with the demonstration of such cases, provided that expressed negative or condemning the consumption of such funds or substances and contains an indication of the danger of their use; 4) separate abusive words and / or expressions that are not related to obscene language; 5) non-operating interest in sex and not having the offensive depiction or description of sexual relations between a man and a woman, except for images or descriptions of sexual acts.
Information prohibited for distribution among children (18+) 1) encourage children to commit acts that threaten their lives and (or) health, including harm to their health, suicide; 2) able to inspire in children the desire to use narcotics, psychotropic and (or) intoxicants, tobacco products, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, beer and beverages, manufactured on its basis, to participate in gambling, prostitution, vagrancy or begging; 3) substantiating or justifying the permissibility of violence and / or violence, or incite to carry out violent acts against people or animals, except for the cases stipulated by this Federal law; 4) denying family values and forming disrespect to parents and (or) other family members; 5) justifying illegal behavior; 6) contains obscene language; 7) contains information of a pornographic nature.