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AFRICAN CENTRE OF METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT Weather and Climate Services in Africa B. L. Lamptey, Ph. D Acting DG, ACMAD bllamptey@gmail. com 13 -15 June 2017 Sunyani- Ghana 1 1
OUTLINE 1. Brief on ACMAD (Vision, Objectives, Governance) 2. ACMAD’s projects 3. Products & Services delivery 4. Climate Predictions & Climate Change knowledge initiatives 5. Major activities for the next 5 years 6. Collaboration and synergy expected with ECOWAS 2
VISION Making Weather, Climate and Environment resources for Sustainable development ACMAD 1) Created in 1987 by the UN ECA & WMO 2) Established in Niamey – NIGER since 1992. 3) Its mandate covers the 54 African States. 4) Run by a team of experts representing all sub regions A brief overview 3
OBJECTIVES 1. Promote and develop the application of meteorological data and information so as to enhance the economic and social development of the member States, assist in the investigation and mitigation of the effects of weather phenomena, improve the knowledge of the anomalies of the weather and climate resources of the member states and foster the proper conservation of the natural resources of the member states 2. To assist member States to achieve self-sufficiency in food production, water resources management, and utilisation of new and renewable sources of energy; 3. To act as an African Centre of reference in meteorology and its application to development, and as a resource Centre to stimulate applied scientific research especially in tropical meteorology and in rain-producing systems, and to enrich existing training and development programmes; 4. To strengthen national weather services to enable them to take full advantage of development opportunities offered by the Centre in support of the respective national economies in order to to ensure the total development of the whole meteorological system of the African region in a harmonious manner; 5. To develop those aspects of meteorology which are not catered for by the national and sub-regional Centres, particularly in the areas of acquiring and adapting agro-meteorological techniques successfully applied elsewhere in aid of self-sufficiency in food 4 ACMAD production and energy; and to address the many pressing issues of
ACMAD Governing Board (12 Countries among 54 Members) Scientific Advisory Committee 07 scientists (Kenya – Namibia-Niger. Morocco-Algeria-UK) DG 12 members (All REC) ALGERIA, MORROCCO, , COTE D’IVOIRE, NIGERIA, NIGER, ANGOLA, CONGO, MAURITIUS MALAWI, BURUNDI, KENYA , ETHIOPIA - Partners Committee WMO-ECA-AEMet-MFEUMETSAT-CIMMS-IRIUKMO-IRD, ……. . DDG F&A Support Weather Watch & Prediction Climate & Environment IT International Development Advocacy Committee 5 ACMAD
WMO DESIGNATED RCC MANDATORY FUNCTIONS AT ACMAD 1. Operational data services, to support LRF & climate monitoring 2. Operational activities for climate monitoring 3. Operational activities for long-range forecasting 4. Training in the use of operational RCC products and services 6
PARTNERS – CLIENTS - USERS Financial Support Member Countries Af. DB, WMO, AEMET, USAID, IDRC, EU/FP (AMMA. . ) EUMETSAT, IRI, FFEM, IDRC, IRD, CGIAR … Scientific & Technical Support WMO, AEMET, Météo-France, UKMO, NOAA, CIMMS, ECMWF, EUMETSAT , IRI, ICRISAT, Hadley Center, FFEM, CRDI, IRD, CIIFEN, AMMA, RIPIESCA, Universities … UNECA, AUC, WMO African subregional economic grouping SADC, ECOWAS, IGAD, CEMAC, IOC, UMA , ASECNA, CENSAD Sub regional technical centres Agrhymet, NBA, ICRISAT, OSS, MDSC, CERMES… DMC / SADC, ICPAC/IGAD, UN International Institutions and NGOs UNDP, UNEP, WHO, WFP, FAO, IFRCC, OCHA , GEO National Meteorological and Hydrological Services - NMHSs Agriculturalists, hydrologists, medical doctors, researchers, engineers, transporters, economist, insurance, Disaster Manager, planers. . 7
Some EO related Projects • MESA Project – Continental Climate Services for Disaster Risk Reduction • Climate Change Assessment Service • Drought Monitoring and Seasonal Climate Forecast Service • Satellite and Weather Information for Disaster Resilience in Africa (SAWIDRA) • Regional Advanced Retransmission System (RARS) • SERVIR Project • ACMAD is a consortium member of the SERVIR West Africa Hub 8
Management scales in the context of Climate Change Management Emergency Operational Weather Planning/Policy Climate Change Desalination Water Supply/Sanitation Irrigation Detention Basin Drainage Channel Culver Minor Dam Major Dam Reproduced from UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2011 9
Thank you for your attention 10
Climate Services for increased Resilience in the Sahel Project The Climate Services for increased Resilience in the Sahel Project has a regional as well as a national component (Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger) Objective of the Project Enable society to better manage the risks and exploit opportunies arising from climate variability and change especially for those that are most vulnerable to climaterelated hazards. Project budget : 1 M USD, funded by USAID 11
Products & Services delivery 12
Products & Services available 1. CAPACITY BUILDING for NMHSs & Users • • • On Job Training Secondment & visiting scientists Installation & support on methodologies & System (Forecasting systems, RANET, DBMS (Climsoft) Data rescue Workshops and RCOFs 13
Products & Services available 2. Data collection, rescue, processing, archiving 3. Production and dissemination of weather & climate information: q 10 -day climate diagnostic bulletins: • Global/African meteorological situation of the past 10 days • P and T anomalies of the past 10 days • outlook for the next week to 10 days q Monthly climate diagnostic bulletin: • Global and African climate patterns of the month • Outlook for the coming three to four months q Monthly climate and health bulletin q Seasonal Climate Outlooks in Africa (PRESAO, PRESAC, PRESANORD & PRESAOI) q Flood risk bulletin and severe weather forecasting (during relevant season): 3 days forecast for wind, dust, rainfall, floods, temperatures, waves q Africa weather watch bulletin q Continental drought monitoring 14 q Continental Long range climate forecasts
SUMMARY OF ACMAD PRODUCTS Climate & Environment Monitoring & Forecasting products Weather Monitoring & Forecasting products Research products for M & F Publications & reports Operational Products for M & F Operational Products for C &E Bulletins & Emails Research products for C & E Publications & reports 15
Weather Monitoring & Forecasting products 16
Daily Synthesis analysis and forecast products West Africa(High Impact Weather) Southern Africa W A S S F F W S A A S S A A 17
Climate service for Disaster risk reduction MESA SERVICE 2: Drought Service and Seasonal Climate Forecast over Africa Seasonal precipitation forecast is generated using output from Global Producing Centres, ACMAD’s statistical models, variability and trends analysis African drought monitor is a composite analyses of meteorological, agriculture and hydrological drought 19
Climate Monitoring & Forecasting products Climate and health bulletin for meningitis vigilance 20
Climate Predictions & Climate Change knowledge initiatives 21
ACMAD Continental Climate THEMA Warming trend changed from 2°C per century for the past 6 decades to about 3°C per century during the past 3 decades. Thus, African Negotiators to UNFCCC support 1. 5°C global warming maximum in the Paris Agreement. If the Paris Agreement is implemented and given the current warming rate in Africa, the continent may reach 3°C warming … … when at global level 1. 5°C warming will occur in the 2050 -2070 time horizon.
ACMAD Continental Climate THEMA
Major activities for the next 5 years Promote Climate services for DRR, water, agriculture at regional and national level, Through following activities: Capacity development including training of experts on climate data rescue and management, weather and climate monitoring, forecasting, climate projection and scenario generation Climate change modelling and assessment in Africa Provide and tailor climate information for planning and decision making support Collect, archive and structure climate data for climate services generation at regional and national level. 24
Strategic axis of intervention for the next 5 years q. Scientific and technical advice for negotiators at regional and national level before and during UNFCCC- COP q. Planning and implementation of climate resilient development programmes at regional and national level q. Advisories/advocacy for ECOWAS heads of State summit parliament and the commission on Climate and environment 25
ACCESS TO PRODUCTS & SERVICES Dissemination & Access to products • ACMAD Web site http: //www. acmad. org , WMO Designated RCC for Africa products at: http: //acmad. net/rcc/ ACMAD-MESA for DRR products www. acmad-au. org • WMO/WAMIS Site : http: //www. wamis. org/ 26