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Afghnistan TURKY Kabul Polytechnic University Ataturk University
Kabul Polytechnic University Kabul- Afghanistan Presented By Associated Prof: Amanullah Faqiri Deputy Dean Faculty of Construction And Marzia Faqiri Jun 2011 - Ataturk University-Erzurum TURKY
Kabul Polytechnic University l l l Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU) established in 1964 as Kabul Polytechnic Institute with the technical cooperation of former USSR and it worked very closely with appropriate institutions of higher education in that country. Teaching material and academic staff were provided as part of technical assistance. The polytechnic was organized into three faculties: construction, electro-mechanics and geology and mines.
At a glance. . . l l l l Located in western Kabul KPU has five Faculties & 24 departments Offers 19 bachelor’s programs KPU has around 5000 students (21% female ) It’s campus has 10 buildings, 60 hectares Ranked 2 nd among the government institutions in the country KPU has 195 Members of academic staff, 33% with Ph. D, 60% with MSc and 7% BSc
FACULTY OF CONSTRUCTION l l l l Civil and Industrial construction Hydraulic Structures Transport Engineering Structures Architecture Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry Islamic Culture Water Supply & Environmental Engineering
FACULTY OF ELECTROMECHANIC l l l Power Engineering Mechanical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Mathematics Physics Foreign Languages
FACULTY OF GEOLOGY & MINING l l l Geology and Exploration of Mines Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Engineering Geodesy Physical Education Exploitation of Mines.
According To the KPU Strategic Plane : l In July 2009, the Management of KPU decided to establish two more Faculties: 1 - Computer Engineering & Informatic 2 - Chemical Engineering.
Faculty of Computer. Enginnering&Informatic l l Computing and Information Science Information Technology Computer Engineering Software Engineering
Computer Lab
Faculty of Chemical Engineering l l l Organic Materials Technology Inorganic Materials Technology Food Materials technology Metals process technology Chemical engineering General Chemistry
l l Kabul Polytechnic University provided education up to B. S. and M. S. levels KPU used to offer MS and Ph. D degrees up to 1992. The curriculum was delivered in five years including six months practical training mainly in governmental organizations. All graduates from KPU have been working in government & non government organizations.
l l l During the war which started 1978, the education system was systematically downgraded Many male students above the age of fifteen were either conscripted to the military or forced to leave the country. Additionally any of the faculty members and other intellectuals were either killed or forced to leave the country in order to avoid persecution.
l l l A more chaotic situation and civil war conditions prevailed in the country in 1992 The buildings and other facilities of KPU were severely damaged or totally destroyed Laboratory equipment, furniture, and libraries were looted and in some cases burned to ashes.
The Emergence of Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU) l l Because of desperate need for qualified and experienced workforce in the country, it was decided to convert Kabul Polytechnic Institute to Kabul Technical University in 2002 After a long consultation with the students and Faculty members a new name of Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU) was chosen by management of KPU.
Limited progress has been achieved: Here are some examples: l l The establishment of an IT Centre with the technical assistance and all equipments from the government of the Republic of South Korea (KOICA Organization). The Afghan government has received a grant from the World Bank for a program, which is entitled Strengthening Higher Education Project (SHEP). KPU was able to establish the following partnerships that are supported by the SHEP project.
Examples of Building bridge in Higher Education
l l l KPU and University of Brighton, UK partnership: The objective of this partnership is to revitalise the departments of electrical engineering and computer engineering and IT of KPU. This partnership has started and it is progressing according to the proposed plan. 12 Professors from different departments of KPU will be trained under this programme.
l l KPU and Slovak University of Technology partnership: This programme is primarily support by the MOHE and will receive limited support from the World Bank and will provide training opportunities for academics in various subjects at KPU.
l KPU and TU-Berlin partnership: The purpose of this partnership is to train certain academics for the department of IT & CE at KPU. l KPU and USAID Angel office: two computer lab with four lecturer to teach the IT and English course for KPU Student’s and lecturers.
KPU & TUV According to this partnership KPU can send the student for BSc. , MSc & Ph. D programs l
KPU and Purdue University Partnership: l The PU provide one Computer Lab in KPU. l PU trained KPU Academic staff 2003 &2004 l PU Provide new department for Faculty of construction (BCM ) Building construction Management
KPU and University of Calgary Relationship between KPU’s department of Transportation Engineering and Uo. C’s Faculty of civil Engineering (2008) l
l KPU and TURKISH Army Now The KPU Faculty of Computer Enginnering&Informatic Supported by Turkish Army in Kabul
KPU and BAKHTAR University According to This Partner ship we arranged Some International and National conference, Student Educational conference and other exchange Program. l
Inter National Conference in KPU
The Bakhtar University Chancellor Distributed Certificate
According to KPU strategic Plane Our Two Departments will start Master Program This Program Approved by MOHE on April 2011 for following departments: 1 - Civil & Industrial Construction 2 - Hydraulic Structure The Admission of student will be start on 2012
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