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AFC Mindstorming Research Workshop - Celebrating Prof. Igor Podlubny’s 50 th Birthday Basic Information About Me Name: Yang. Quan Chen Email address: yqchen@ieee. org T: (435)797 -0148; F: (435)797 -3054 Affiliation: Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems (CSOIS), Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University. Web: http: //www. csois. usu. edu/people/yqchen Education High School: Tongzhou High School, Jiangsu Province, China BS: University of Science and Technology of Beijing (USTB) (former name: Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology, 1985, China MS: Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), 1998, China Ph. D: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1998. My hobbies. My goal of life/My current research interests Badminton. Music. Vegetable gardening. Work harder (and then) to make life easier. In general – Be myself, win respects from peers, leave something behind remembered by others. 6/2/2011 In general: dynamic systems and controls Mobile actuator and sensor networks, Distributed parameter systems and controls, Fractional calculus, fractional order control and fractional order signal processing Interval computation, personal remote sensing Iterative learning control/repetitive control, Intelligent/smart mechatronics, UAVs Fractional order stochastic systems and controls AFC@USU Slide-1