Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Lately, plastic surgery has become

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Lately, plastic surgery has become a popular phenomenon, just as similar to the Christian Louboutin craze. Plastic surgeries have became commonplace and of course widely-accepted all over the world.

Aesthetic Surgery (or Cosmetic Surgery) covers the operations and nonsurgical procedures needed for the body image to be in the measures that are eye-catching and socially accepted as beautiful. The most important aim of Aesthetic Surgery is to increase the individual’s self-confidence, and help him to be more productive, happier and more successful in family, work and social life by changing the perception of his body positively.

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) is a world leader in plastic surgery. After a year-long process, the Society has produced the "ISAPS Biennial Global Survey™" of plastic surgeons and procedures in the top 25 countries and regions – representing 75% of all procedures in 2009.

Geographic Trends The top 25 countries and regions are: 1. United States 2. China 3. Brazil 4. India 5. Mexico 6. Japan 7. South Korea 8. Germany 9. Turkey 10. Spain 11. Argentina 12. Russia 13. Italy 14. France 15. Canada 16. Taiwan 17. United Kingdom 18. Colombia 19. Greece 20. Thailand 21. Australia 22. Venezuela 23. Saudi Arabia 24. Netherlands 25. Portugal

According to a recent study conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, nearly 15 million cosmetic procedures were performed across the world in 2011.

The most popular cosmetic plastic surgery operation in India The most popular cosmetic plastic surgery operation in India in year 2009 according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons was liposuction (117,000 procedures) with breast augmentation (110,000 procedures) coming in at a very close second. However, if all cosmetic breast operations (breast augmentation, breast lift, female breast reduction, male gynecomastia reduction) were considered, that category (200,000 total procedures) overwhelmed liposuction by a large margin. Hair transplantation is unusually popular in India. At nearly three times the number of performed in China (the number two country for this operation), India accounts for nearly 40% of all hair transplants performed worldwide.

The most popular cosmetic plastic surgery operation in India Due to the fashion standard in India of wearing long and heavy earrings, cosmetic surgery to repair a torn ear lobe is common. The second and third most popular cosmetic surgeries performed on the face are rhinoplasty nose reshaping and blepharoplasty eyelid surgery. However, neither of these procedures in India bears more than a slight resemblance to the surgical methods used in East Asia. Non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as injectables (Botox and fillers), laser hair removal, laser and chemical peels, and so on are much less popular in India than in the United States, China, and Brazil. Dimple surgery , on the other hand, seems to be much more appealing that one would ever expect.

The Most Popular Plastic Surgeries in the US There are currently about two million plastic surgery procedures a year in the U.S. I was curious to find out, what exactly Americans wanted to change about themselves. After all, haven't we all at one point wanted to change something about ourselves? Now gentlemen, this isn't just about the ladies. Men have indulged in the plastic surgery craze, contributing to more than one hundred fifty thousand surgeries per year. So here we indulge in a bit of medical statistics and find out about the 10 Most Popular Plastic Surgeries in the United States!

#10 Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Removal) The surgery to remove male breast tissue is becoming vastly popular in the United States specifically, and makes our list at number 10. The are over twenty thousand Gynecomastia Surgeries performed each year. The treatment is mainly for men, as it can usually be blamed on genetics or on weight gain. It is also a common problem experienced by men who have used steroids and marijuana over a period of time. Just as a typical breast lift, the incision is usually made around the nipple, so that it leaves no scarring. Cost: $6000-$7500.

#9 Brow Lift A Brow lift is a surgery to reduce wrinkles in the skin of the forehead by lifting the shape of the eyebrows; and a forehead lift. The average age of a patient receiving this lift is 47 in the US. Women are getting this procedure done 6:1 versus the men! Cost of Forehead Lift: $5000-$6000.

#8 Breast Lift A Breast lift is obviously for perking up sagging or oddly shaped breasts. Most breast lift patients have either recently lost a significant amount of weight or just been through multiple or one pregnancies, which leave the breast looking somewhat deflated. Cost of Breast Lift: $4500-$8000

#7 Face Lift (Rhytidectomy) What is the difference between getting a brow lift (forehead lift) and a face lift? The face lift doesn't exclusively concentrate on the forehead, eyes area. It lifts up the whole face improving sagging cheeks, sagging chin, sagging eyes and forehead! Americans currently spend over $1 Billion dollars every year on face-lifts. And remember, most cosmetic surgeries are NOT covered by insurance; they come out-of-pocket! Cost of a Face Lift: $10,000-$20,000.

#6 Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Rhinoplasty, a nose job, is a surgery to improve the appearance of the nose either through reshaping, resculpting or filing. Rhinoplasty is often also performed to improve function of breathing: i.e. for deviated septums! (So it can be covered by insurance). Cost of Rhinoplasty: $6000

#5 Breast Reduction As you can tell by the photo, breast reductions really are necessary at times for a woman's well being and improvement of quality of life. Women who suffer from extremely heavy or large breasts have trouble breathing, suffer from back & neck problems, and poor posture. Because it is a medical issue, breast reduction surgery is a surgery often paid for by insurance companies, as the benefits are more than cosmetic. Cost of a Breast Reduction: $6000-$7000

#4 Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Abdominoplasty removes excess skin from the stomach region and tightens the skin that hangs. Tummy tucks are growing common, especially among post-pregnancy women or after losing significant weight quickly. The ideal candidate doesn't have fat in the abdomen, but too much hanging skin. Cost of a Tummy Tuck: $6000-$7000

#3 Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) This is an extremely common surgery in Asia, becoming rapidly popular in the US. It is often referred to as double-eyelid surgery. It is mainly for Asian women who want a crease they don't have to form a "double-eyelid". (Look at photo on right.) In the US however, eyelid surgery is mainly to reduce puffiness, sagging eyelids and severe under-eye bags. Cost of Blepharoplasty: $3000-$4000

#2 Breast Augmentation We all know how popular breast augmenting has become in the US, but did you know just how much? There are over 350,000 breast aug. surgeries each year! Although just a few years back Silicone implants were banned due to health risk, are now popular again. But still, 80% of women choose saline implants, although not as "real feeling" as silicone. Cost of Breast Augmentation: $5500-$6500

#1 Liposuction That's right folks, liposuction remains the most popular surgical procedure in the country for over a decade now. Liposuction is a very simple procedure in theory: it improves a body's shape by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. The problem is, you can only remove so much fat in one surgical sitting. The great thing about liposuction is, it can be used on almost anywhere on your body: butt, stomach, thighs, hips, chin, back, and arms. Cost of Breast Augmentation: $4000-$10000

UK cosmetic surgery statistics 2013: which are the most popular? More than 50,000 cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in the UK last year, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, with liposuction recording a 41% rise According to Baaps, there were 50,122 surgical procedures performed in 2013 - a rise of 17% on average since 2012. The association represents one in three cosmetic surgeons in the UK. The audit which highlights an "impressive double-digit rise in all cosmetic procedures", reports that not a single individual procedure saw a decrease on the year - a trend it claims has not been seen since pre-recession.

Cosmetic surgery statistics, UK (women)

Cosmetic surgery statistics, UK (men)

Cosmetic surgery statistics, UK (Men & Women)


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