- Количество слайдов: 18
AEP's grid. SMART sm Project AEP's grid. SMART Project - Implementation of CIM within Metering/AMI South Bend pilot Greg Steinmetz AEP grid. SMARTsm 11/12/2009
Presentation Contents sm • What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • What is grid. SMART South Bend Pilot? • How is AEP implementing CIM within the South Bend Pilot? • How can you prepare yourself and your companies? 2
What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • A multi-year initiative that includes a suite of customer programs and advanced technology initiatives that will transport us into a new era of energy delivery and customer service. • grid. SMARTsm components, include: – Customer programs: Energy efficiency and conservation opportunities and options. – Distribution grid management and advanced metering: New technologies that improve service reliability by quickly identifying and possibly reconfiguring the distribution circuit to minimize the impacts of certain service interruptions; advanced data and communications systems that provide customers and AEP with real-time use and pricing information to facilitate usage decisions that immediately impact the monthly electric bill; and installation of new technologies that will allow AEP's facilities to accommodate customers' new technologies. – Distributed resources: Energy storing and energy producing devices located throughout the distribution system that respond quickly to local needs and conditions for greater service reliability. – Internal efficiencies: AEP demonstrates its commitment to grid. SMART by implementing numerous efficiency improvements within its own operations - from lighting efficiencies in office buildings to variable-speed motors in power plants. 3
sm What is grid. SMART South Bend Pilot? • AMI metering (10, 000 Smart Meters) • Automatic meter reading • Prepaid metering • Remote connect and disconnect • Distribution grid management (via AMI communications) • Enable customer conservation • • Web Portal Distribution Load Control Time of use rates HAN devices 4
IEC 61968: Interface Reference Model Framework Used - Identifying Message Types 5
IEC 61968 Part 9 - Reference Architecture 6
AEP South Bend Pilot Architecture 7
Meter Status • WSDL Location: http: //xxxx/grid. Smart. Adaptationwar/Meter. Status. WService? wsdl • Description – The purpose of this service is to provide a "ping" capability, allowing back-office applications to contact a device in the field and confirm if it is energized. The operation is asynchronous in nature, in that back-office applications must "provision" a job(s) in the AMI system(s) to perform the meter status operation. When the AMI system(s) complete processing the request, a call back service in the back-office application (called a "deliver" message) will return the results. – This message supports requesting Meter Status operations for multiple devices. For the Indiana Pilot, the
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model 9
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Meter Status (Provision)
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Mapping AEP AUID’s to AMI MRID’s (Provision)
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Invoking AMI Vendor Meter Status Service (Provision)
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Deliver Meter Status Acknowledgement (Provision)
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model AMI System Delivers Provisioning Acknowledgement (Delivery) xml version="1. 0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Message to Back-office via Callback Service (Delivery)
AEP Future Integration Model 16
How do you to prepare yourself and your companies? • Educate yourself – EPRI Resources – Grid Interop 2007 http: //www. gridwiseac. org/historical/gridinterop 2007/forum_p apers. aspx • Join the UCA - http: //www. ucaiug. org/default. aspx – Join the CIM UG - http: //cimug. ucaiug. mobi/default. aspx – Read IEC 61968 – It will be available • Purchase a Tool that you can actually look at the CIM – Power. Point's don’t tell the entire story • Figure out how you change your organization to be a Semantics friendly, model driven integration, standards involved Utility. • Get Buy in from the Right Levels – you will need to be an Educator/Advocate of Utilizing CIM in your company 17
Questions? 18