Скачать презентацию AEP s grid SMART sm Project AEP s grid SMART Скачать презентацию AEP s grid SMART sm Project AEP s grid SMART


  • Количество слайдов: 18

AEP's grid. SMART sm Project AEP's grid. SMART Project - Implementation of CIM within AEP's grid. SMART sm Project AEP's grid. SMART Project - Implementation of CIM within Metering/AMI South Bend pilot Greg Steinmetz AEP grid. SMARTsm 11/12/2009

Presentation Contents sm • What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • What is Presentation Contents sm • What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • What is grid. SMART South Bend Pilot? • How is AEP implementing CIM within the South Bend Pilot? • How can you prepare yourself and your companies? 2

What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • A multi-year initiative that includes a What is AEP’s grid. SMART Initiative? sm • A multi-year initiative that includes a suite of customer programs and advanced technology initiatives that will transport us into a new era of energy delivery and customer service. • grid. SMARTsm components, include: – Customer programs: Energy efficiency and conservation opportunities and options. – Distribution grid management and advanced metering: New technologies that improve service reliability by quickly identifying and possibly reconfiguring the distribution circuit to minimize the impacts of certain service interruptions; advanced data and communications systems that provide customers and AEP with real-time use and pricing information to facilitate usage decisions that immediately impact the monthly electric bill; and installation of new technologies that will allow AEP's facilities to accommodate customers' new technologies. – Distributed resources: Energy storing and energy producing devices located throughout the distribution system that respond quickly to local needs and conditions for greater service reliability. – Internal efficiencies: AEP demonstrates its commitment to grid. SMART by implementing numerous efficiency improvements within its own operations - from lighting efficiencies in office buildings to variable-speed motors in power plants. 3

sm What is grid. SMART South Bend Pilot? • AMI metering (10, 000 Smart sm What is grid. SMART South Bend Pilot? • AMI metering (10, 000 Smart Meters) • Automatic meter reading • Prepaid metering • Remote connect and disconnect • Distribution grid management (via AMI communications) • Enable customer conservation • • Web Portal Distribution Load Control Time of use rates HAN devices 4

IEC 61968: Interface Reference Model Framework Used - Identifying Message Types 5 IEC 61968: Interface Reference Model Framework Used - Identifying Message Types 5

IEC 61968 Part 9 - Reference Architecture 6 IEC 61968 Part 9 - Reference Architecture 6

AEP South Bend Pilot Architecture 7 AEP South Bend Pilot Architecture 7

Meter Status • WSDL Location: http: //xxxx/grid. Smart. Adaptationwar/Meter. Status. WService? wsdl • Description Meter Status • WSDL Location: http: //xxxx/grid. Smart. Adaptationwar/Meter. Status. WService? wsdl • Description – The purpose of this service is to provide a "ping" capability, allowing back-office applications to contact a device in the field and confirm if it is energized. The operation is asynchronous in nature, in that back-office applications must "provision" a job(s) in the AMI system(s) to perform the meter status operation. When the AMI system(s) complete processing the request, a call back service in the back-office application (called a "deliver" message) will return the results. – This message supports requesting Meter Status operations for multiple devices. For the Indiana Pilot, the element will not be supported. – The Response type for this service contains a standardized Acknowledgement message. Embedded in the acknowledgement is a Context. ID field, which represents an AMI head-end system agnostic identifier for the requested operation, along with a timestamp marking when the operation was started. If the operation was targeted as multiple devices, a collection of elements is also returned, indicating the success/failure to submit jobs to the AMI system for each unique device identifier (m. RID). 8

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model 9 AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model 9

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Meter Status (Provision) <soapenv: Envelope xmlns: soapenv=“. . AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Meter Status (Provision) 123456789 10

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Mapping AEP AUID’s to AMI MRID’s (Provision) <soapenv: AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Mapping AEP AUID’s to AMI MRID’s (Provision) 123456789 ---------------- . . . SSN 0000344 UTL_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE Active . . . 123456789 123456789 00: 13: 50: ff: fe: 00: fe: b 3 fdbc: cec 5: e 8 fe: 32: 213: 50 ff: fe 00: feb 3. . . 11

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Invoking AMI Vendor Meter Status Service (Provision) <soapenv: AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Invoking AMI Vendor Meter Status Service (Provision) Meter Status Request 00: 13: 50: ff: fe: 00: 82: 46 2 3 JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL --------- 13219 12

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Deliver Meter Status Acknowledgement (Provision) <S: Envelope xmlns: AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Deliver Meter Status Acknowledgement (Provision) 422830 c 7 -4 e 33 -4 a 81 -b 8 de-3232420 f 1 e 8 f 2008 -09 -09 T 03: 14: 02. 206 -04: 00 13

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model AMI System Delivers Provisioning Acknowledgement (Delivery) <? xml AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model AMI System Delivers Provisioning Acknowledgement (Delivery) JOB_EXEC_STATUS_COMPLETE Completed . . . 14

AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Message to Back-office via Callback Service (Delivery) <soapenv: AEP South Bend Pilot Integration Model Message to Back-office via Callback Service (Delivery) 422830 c 7 -4 e 33 -4 a 81 -b 8 de-3232420 f 1 e 8 f 2008 -08 -04 T 04: 00 -04: 00 123456789 ENERGIZED 2008 -08 -01 T 04: 00. 000 -04: 00 15

AEP Future Integration Model 16 AEP Future Integration Model 16

How do you to prepare yourself and your companies? • Educate yourself – EPRI How do you to prepare yourself and your companies? • Educate yourself – EPRI Resources – Grid Interop 2007 http: //www. gridwiseac. org/historical/gridinterop 2007/forum_p apers. aspx • Join the UCA - http: //www. ucaiug. org/default. aspx – Join the CIM UG - http: //cimug. ucaiug. mobi/default. aspx – Read IEC 61968 – It will be available • Purchase a Tool that you can actually look at the CIM – Power. Point's don’t tell the entire story • Figure out how you change your organization to be a Semantics friendly, model driven integration, standards involved Utility. • Get Buy in from the Right Levels – you will need to be an Educator/Advocate of Utilizing CIM in your company 17

Questions? 18 Questions? 18