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advocacy fundamentals great lakes alliance region
“advocacy” is the work of making change
three essentials of advocacy #1 the goal of advocacy is to change systems #2 your voice is the mechanism for advocacy #3 building relationships is fundamental
why does advocacy matter to your organization? effective advocacy will • make the connection between social service and social change • raise your organizational profile in your community • build relationships with key decision-makers • insure the stability of public and private funding for your activities mystery image #1
five steps of successful advocacy initiatives mystery image #2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. identify a problem get the facts strategize launch your effort evaluate success
step #1: identify the problem how does your organization/group define the issue? • how does the issue relate to your mission? • how do those affected by the problem define it? (Are you on their side? ) mystery image #3 how do other stake holders and community leaders define it?
identify the problem how does the opposition define the issue? • what is true about their argument? • what points of agreement do you have? • how will you respond to their side?
step #2: get the facts • Do your homework! • Have data, but also have stories • Assemble research into a brief one page document that summarizes the issue and your stance
step #3: strategize effective strategies are: • • planned timely creative engaging strategies can be aimed at: • targeting a decision maker • growing a grassroots base
strategies are limitless great lakes alliance region
take it to the legislature mystery image #4 • lobby your elected officials • provide testimony at hearings • partner with legislators to draft legislation
take it to the courts mystery image #5 • file a lawsuit • join a class action suit • file an amicus brief
take it to the ballot box • get your candidate elected • introduce a ballot initiative • run for office • track your elected official’s voting record
take it to the streets • • • picket parade sit-in canvas march on city hall, the capital, or the white house • civil disobedience & creative protest
take it to the virtual streets launch an electronic campaign • petitions • “take action” emails and alerts • create a websites about your issue
take it to your community • organize grassroots activists • conduct educational campaigns • form or join a coalition • write articles, op-eds and letters to the editor
take it to your community • hold a memorial, candlelight vigil, speakout, town hall forum, or brown bag lunch • train activists, peace keepers, or lobbyists • host house parties • think locally & be creative!
step #4: launch • • • give allies advance notice about your initiative pick one spokesperson invite everyone you know invite the media have relevant education materials available
step #5: evaluate your success outcome: did you succeed in making the change you set out for? process: did your activities result in: • new partnerships or coalitions • new or activists or members (or new commitment from your existing grassroots body) • new relationships with elected officials • publicity or media contacts
tactical practice! great lakes alliance region
Thank You! Presentation prepared by Rebecca Gurney, Advocacy Coordinator, glaadvocacy@rrohio. com great lakes alliance region