- Количество слайдов: 36
Advanced Microeconomics ECH-51806 Part 1: Consumer Theory and Theory of the Firm Dušan Drabik de Leeuwenborch 2105 Dusan. Drabik@wur. nl The material contained in these slides draws heavily on: Geoffrey A. Jehle and Philip J. Reny (2011). Advanced Microeconomic Theory (3 rd Edition). Prentice Hall, 672 p.
Disclaimer These slides are not meant to be your sole study material. They are just a (incomplete) summary of what will be covered in Part 1 of the course. 2
Quotes to live by “You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there. ” “I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did. ” - Yogi Berra 3
General Information • Advance level course (abstraction, mathematically oriented, but fun) • All relevant information (e. g. , problem sets, home assignments, tests) here: http: //home. deds. nl/~pvmouche/advmicro. html Textbook Recommended supplemental reading 4
General Information • Exercises to be solved at home and discussed in class (not graded) • Home assignment for Part 1 due on or before September 18, 2017 in room 2105 (hand-written is fine) (graded) • No official office hours for Part 1. Write me an e-mail or stop by 5
Consumer Theory 6
Primitive notions Four building blocks: • • Consumption (choice) set Consumption bundle (plan) Preference relation Behavioral assumption 7
Preferences and utility Axioms of consumer choice 8
Preferences and utility 9
Preferences and utility 10
Preferences and utility 11
Preferences and utility 12
The utility function 13
Consumer’s problem Find Consumption bundle Feasible set Utility maximization problem Solution to the UMP is Marshallian demand functions 14
Consumer’s problem and consumer demand behavior 15
The indirect utility function Indirect utility function is a maximum value function: 16
The expenditure function Hicksian (compensated) demand functions 17
Properties of the expenditure function Advanced Microeconomic Theory – Consumer Theory 18
Relations between IUF and EF Advanced Microeconomic Theory – Consumer Theory 19
Duality between Marshallian and Hicksian demand functions Advanced Microeconomic Theory – Consumer Theory 20
Income and substitution effects 21
The Slutsky equation 22
Relationships between UMP and EMP Utility maximisation Expenditure minimisation Slutsky equation (for derivatives) x(p, y) Roy’s identity v(p, y) v(p , =x )) , y (p , e (p , u )) e(p, u) = v(p, e(p, u)) v(p, y) = e(p, v(p, y)) e(p, u) x u) p ) y (p , h p x( = p, xh(p, u) = x h( xh(p, u) e(p, u) Adapted from Mas-Collel, Whinston and Green (1995); p. 75 24
Theory of the Firm 25
Production • Production possibility set • Production plan • Production function 26
Production 27
Cost Conditional input demand 28
Properties of the cost function 29
The competitive firm Profit maximization . . . or Cost function 34
The profit function 35