Скачать презентацию Admin data The use of administrative data sources Скачать презентацию Admin data The use of administrative data sources


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Admin data The use of administrative data sources in the Netherlands May 12, 2016 Admin data The use of administrative data sources in the Netherlands May 12, 2016 Otto Swertz

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What are administrative data? 1. Primary source vs secondary source (collected by the statistical What are administrative data? 1. Primary source vs secondary source (collected by the statistical authority or collected elsewhere) 2. Data from an administration or from the administration? 3. Only data on more than one company? 4. Microdata or aggregated data? 5. How do open data and big data fit in? 3

What are administrative data? Our choice of definition Adminstrative data are all data which What are administrative data? Our choice of definition Adminstrative data are all data which are collected and managed by another organisation, but are useful for statistics. We call this secondary data sources to distinguish them from the primary sources. 4

Used admin data in the Netherlands – – – Grid operators for gas and Used admin data in the Netherlands – – – Grid operators for gas and electricity. National geological institute for mining activities. Subsidy register for renewables. Trade statistics. Market authority for grid losses. Motor vehicle registration. In development/wished for: – Registry of solar panels – Gas used for CHP (no energy tax on it) – Access duty for transport fuels 5

What is in the statistics law – It says more or less: we can What is in the statistics law – It says more or less: we can get all data which are somehow obliged by the government. If they are public, then the organisation will have to deliver. If they are private, they have to be added to the law. – Client files ar held privately and are taken up in an act. – For every new dataset demanded by the government, but held privately the minister will have to add such an ‘act’. 6

Classifying admin data sources Open data Confidential data Held publicly Held privately Governmental, obliged Classifying admin data sources Open data Confidential data Held publicly Held privately Governmental, obliged No problem Statistics law Problem Commercial, voluntarily No problem Nice to have 7

Classifying admin data sources Open data Confidential data Held publicly Held privately Governmental, obliged Classifying admin data sources Open data Confidential data Held publicly Held privately Governmental, obliged Gas/oil production, grid operators Tax data, customs, population Use per connection, low tax rate use Commercial, voluntarily Climate data … … 8

Best paractice: using client files – Dutch Energy Balance (NEH) • Manufacturing industry & Best paractice: using client files – Dutch Energy Balance (NEH) • Manufacturing industry & energy companies: questionnaires • Agriculture/homes: external sources – Energy consumption for services sector? Black hole! – Solution? Request from the energy distribution companies their administrative data with client connections: the “client files”. 9

Why use client files? – Client files contain records with all gas and electricity Why use client files? – Client files contain records with all gas and electricity connections within the Netherlands – 11 regional and 3 national distribution companies – More than 8 million electricity connections – More than 7 million gas connections – No administrative burden on respondents – Usability for statistical purposes? 10

What’s in the files? – Homes / businesses / pumping-engines / cell phone towers What’s in the files? – Homes / businesses / pumping-engines / cell phone towers / overhead contact wires (train), etc. – How to identify connections? (EAN code) – Records contain address data: postal code, house number, extension – Linking to other administrative data with known units – Distinction between houses and businesses 11

Energy consumption service sector 12 Energy consumption service sector 12

Electricity consumption Information and communication sector 13 Electricity consumption Information and communication sector 13

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15 Other households Single parent household Married couple with children Unmarried couple with children 15 Other households Single parent household Married couple with children Unmarried couple with children Married couple without children Unmarried couple without children One‐person households electricity (k. Wh) Client Files households 6000 5000 Bouwperiode 1960‐ 1980 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 detached Semi detached Corner house Row house apartement Row house Corner house Semi‐ detached

Specific energy consumption Natural Gas Government services Commercial services 16 Specific energy consumption Natural Gas Government services Commercial services 16

Concluding remarks – Client files: very good source for energy statistics! – Solve linking Concluding remarks – Client files: very good source for energy statistics! – Solve linking problems and connect with other files – Solve assignment problems (how to cope with differences among registers) – Use spatial information (GIS) ‐ May provide solution for assignment (block heating, greenhouses) – But: quality of individual records ‐ Plausibility check ‐ Special attention for (too) big mutations: error? 17

It brings opportunities – Use for regional climate actions – For determining specific energy It brings opportunities – Use for regional climate actions – For determining specific energy consumption – For classifying neighbourhoods with ‘succes with energy saving projects’ 18

Questions? 19 Questions? 19