ADJECTIVES Add some “WOW” to your sentences!
What is the adjective’s job? • To modify a noun or pronoun • modify means to change in some way—in this case, to make more descriptive
FORM • Adjectives are invariable: § do not change form depending on gender or number of the noun A hot potato Some hot potatoes • To emphasize or strengthen the meaning of an adjective use “very” or “really” A very hot potato Some really hot potatoes
FORM • Position of adjectives: § usually before a noun A fat cat § after verbs like “to be”, “to seem”, “to look”, “to taste” The cat is fat. You look tired.
FUNCTION • Adjectives tell us more about a noun. ü Describe feelings or qualities: He is a lonely man. They are honest people. ü Give nationality or origin: Pierre is French. This clock is German. We live in the Victorian house.
ü Tell more about a thing’s characteristics: A wooden table. The knife is sharp. ü Tell us about age: He’s an old man. The country was young. ü Tell us about size and measurement: Janet is a tall woman and Dave is a short man. This is a very long movie.
ü Tell us about color: Angela wore a red dress. The rose was a pale pink. ü Tell us about shape: A round button or A rectangular box ü Express a judgment or a value: A boring show Grammar is fun!
Bottom Line. . . v Adjectives answer these questions about the noun: • WHAT KIND of a noun is it? • WHICH noun is it? • HOW MANY of that noun are there?
Special adjectives. . . • Articles tell us “which one” § There are only three articles. ü a, an, the The woman pushed a cart full of groceries and an excited boy while walking a dog.
Adjectives or Pronouns? • Some words can be used as adjectives or pronouns. §They are pronouns when they stand alone (replacing the noun). Which did you buy? She likes those. § They are adjectives when they modify a noun or pronoun. Which book did you buy? She likes those shoes.
Adjective or Noun? • Sometimes we use a noun to describe another noun. § The “noun as adjective” always comes first. a a a race horse is a horse that runs in races horse race is a race for horses boat race is a race for boats love story is a story about love war story is a story about war
Some practice. . . The two dark cats were walking on the fence. • The—modifies the noun cats and is an article • Two—modifies the noun cats and answers the question HOW MANY • Dark—modifies the noun cats and answers the question WHAT KIND • The—modifies the noun fence and is an article
Some more practice. . . The chocolate one is his last cookie. • The—modifies the pronoun one and is an article • Chocolate—modifies the pronoun one and answers the question WHAT KIND • His—a possessive pronoun that modifies the noun cookie and answers the question WHICH ONE • Last—modifies the noun cookie and answers the question WHICH ONE