Скачать презентацию Adaptive Data Refinement for Parallel Dynamic Programming Applications Скачать презентацию Adaptive Data Refinement for Parallel Dynamic Programming Applications


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Adaptive Data Refinement for Parallel Dynamic Programming Applications Shanjiang Tang 1, 2, Ce Yu Adaptive Data Refinement for Parallel Dynamic Programming Applications Shanjiang Tang 1, 2, Ce Yu 1, Bu-Sung Lee 2, 3, Chao Sun 1, Jizhou Sun 1 1 Tianjin 2 Nanyang University, China Technological University, Singapore 3 HP Labs, Singapore 25 th May 2012

Out. Line • • 2 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Out. Line • • 2 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Tianjin University

Dynamic Programming (DP) Ø What is Dynamic Programming (DP) ? DP is a popular Dynamic Programming (DP) Ø What is Dynamic Programming (DP) ? DP is a popular algorithm design technique for the solution of many decision and optimization problems by decomposing the problem at hand into a sequence of interrelated decision or optimization steps that are solved one after the others. Generally, if r represents the cost of a solution composed of sub-problems x 1, x 2…xl, then r can be written as: r = g(f(x 1), f(x 2), f(x 3), … , f(xl)). Examples: 3 Tianjin University

DP Applications: Bioinformatics Ø DP Algorithms in Bioinformatics 4 Tianjin University DP Applications: Bioinformatics Ø DP Algorithms in Bioinformatics 4 Tianjin University

DP Parallelism Ø Block-based Partitioning vs DAG a. Block divisions of DP matrix    DP Parallelism Ø Block-based Partitioning vs DAG a. Block divisions of DP matrix    b. DAG mapping Figure 1: The one-to-one mapping between the data blocks of DP matrix and its corresponding DAG 5 Tianjin University

DP Parallelism Programming Model Ø DAG Data Driven Model S. J. Tang, C. Yu, DP Parallelism Programming Model Ø DAG Data Driven Model S. J. Tang, C. Yu, et al. Easy. PDP: An Efficient Parallel Dynamic Programming Runtime System for Computational Biology, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol 23, no 5, pp. 862 -872, May 2012. 6 Tianjin University

DP Parallelism Framework: Easy. PDP Ø Easy. PDP Framework v A shared-memory system implementation DP Parallelism Framework: Easy. PDP Ø Easy. PDP Framework v A shared-memory system implementation of DAG Data Driven Model for DP applications v Adopt the dynamic workers pool v Current version works with C/C++ and use P-threads Ø Source code (open-source now) downloading at: v http: //easypdp. sourceforge. net/ v http: //cs. tju. edu. cn/orgs/hpclab/release/Easy. PDP/ 7 Tianjin University

DP Parallelism: Workload Unbalance Ø Wavefront Computation v Non-saturated Computing Domain (NCD) v Saturated DP Parallelism: Workload Unbalance Ø Wavefront Computation v Non-saturated Computing Domain (NCD) v Saturated Computing Domain (SCD) Ø Workload Unbalance v Not enough tasks evenly shared by workers during the NCD v NCD becomes serious when there are hundreds of workers, e. g. , cluster environment v Varying Workloads for irregular DP in SCD 8 Tianjin University

Out. Line • • 9 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Out. Line • • 9 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Tianjin University

Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Dynamic Data Repartitioning v Re-partition the data block into Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Dynamic Data Repartitioning v Re-partition the data block into smaller ones whenever detecting workload unbalanced (i. e. , there are idle workers) Ø Challenging Issues: v How to keep the data dependency for repartitioned block data? v How to detect the workload unbalance during runtime? v How many partitions are suitable for a data repartitioning? 10 Tianjin University

Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Multi-Level DAG Model 11 Tianjin University Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Multi-Level DAG Model 11 Tianjin University

Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Workload Unbalanced Detection v Based on the principle that Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Workload Unbalanced Detection v Based on the principle that the load unbalanced is assumed whenever there are idle workers before the whole computation finishes. Our system just need to periodically check the status of workers in the pool. Ø Size of Partitions for a data block v Give an empirical result by experiment. v It’s fine when set the number of partitions to the square of the number of workers. 12 Tianjin University

Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Mechanism 13 Tianjin University Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Ø Mechanism 13 Tianjin University

Out. Line • • 14 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Out. Line • • 14 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Tianjin University

Analysis of Detailed Execution 15 Tianjin University Analysis of Detailed Execution 15 Tianjin University

Varying Values of Partitions Figure 8: the exploration for the suitable value of partitions Varying Values of Partitions Figure 8: the exploration for the suitable value of partitions for repartitioning. Findings: It’s fine to set the divider d to the number of workers. 16 Tianjin University

Performance Evaluation Figure 9: The improvement rate of the enhanced Easy. PDP system with Performance Evaluation Figure 9: The improvement rate of the enhanced Easy. PDP system with the adaptive data refinement mechanism against the former Easy. PDP version with fixed block size. 17 Tianjin University

Out. Line • • 18 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Out. Line • • 18 Background & Motivation Adaptive Data Refinement Approach Evaluation Conclusion Tianjin University

Conclusion Ø Adaptive Data Refinement Mechanism v Currently, we implement it in our Easy. Conclusion Ø Adaptive Data Refinement Mechanism v Currently, we implement it in our Easy. PDP framework. In future, we will add it to our distributed framework (Easy. HPS). v The idea is not limited to DP applications, it can be used in other applications whose dependency can be modeled as DAG. 19 Tianjin University