16 Adolescence 10 to 20 years..pptx
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TIMING OF PUBERTY Over Margaret J Meehan the last century it has been observed that girls are beginning menarche at increasingly younger ages in the developed world. The age of menarche stabilised in the 1960’s at 12. 8 yrs in USA, 13. 2 yrs in UK, 13. 5 yrs in Ireland. Factors implicated in the timing of menarche include weight, exercise and nutrition.
TIMING OF PUBERTY CONT. Absent fathers have also been implicated as a factor in early pubertal timing. An ‘evolutionary’ explanation of early pubertal timing rests on the notion that a girl whose biological father is absence is more ‘vulnerable’, has fewer resources and less protection, so it makes evolutionary sense for this girl to be able to reproduce earlier than females whose biological fathers are present and caring for them. Margaret J Meehan
EFFECT OF PUBERTAL TIMING Margaret J Meehan Early maturation: Boys – associated with more positive outcomes, particularly in terms of social development; they enjoy prestige. Girls – more problems, including increased likelihood of negative moods and behaviours, negative body image and of engaging in risk-taking behaviours. Late Maturation. Boys – lower achievement, self-esteem and happiness. Girls – higher achievement
HEALTH BEHAVIOUR IN SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN Some of the findings from the HBSC Ireland 2006. Margaret J Meehan Smoking – 19% of children report that they currently smoke. Drunkenness- 31% of children have had so much alcohol that they were really drunk. Dieting – 13% of children report that they are currently on a diet: 24% of 15 -17 yrs girls reported they are currently dieting.
HEALTH BEHAVIOUR IN SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN CONT. Exercise – 47% of children report that they exercise four or more times a week. Food poverty (when one cannot obtain an adequate and nutritious diet) – 16% of Irish children report that they go to school or to bed hungry because there is not enough food at home. Health perceptions – 28% of Irish children report excellent health. Margaret J Meehan
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT o o o Margaret J Meehan o With the increasing activity seen in the brain, one would expect an increase in the cognitive abilities of the adolescence. The growth of the frontal lobe results in greater ability in higher reasoning and thinking. This links in with Piaget’s Formal Operational stage (12 onwards) The child learns to think in abstract terms and to use deductive logic.
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT CONT. Abstract Deductive logic: They begin to think more logically and are able to consider and test hypotheses (educated guesses or explanations). Margaret J Meehan thinking – no longer confined to ‘real’ objects, concepts or ideas. They begin to understand concepts such as justice, ethics or love.
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT CONT. Margaret J Meehan Piaget’s abstract thinking relates to other areas: Neurological – the increased growth in the prefrontal cortex is responsible for higher reasoning and thought. Moral – Kohlberg and Piaget believed that the ability to reason morally at higher and more complex levels came in early teens. Self – teens can now think about who they are, their different selves and their possible and future selves, which involves the use of abstract thought.
ELKIND’S THEORY OF ADOLESCENT EGOCENTRISM The increased self-consciousness seen in adolescents is referred to as adolescence egocentrism. Imaginary audience is the adolescence belief that others are as concerned about their thoughts and behaviour as they are. It is quite literally the idea that they have an audience watching them. The personal fable is the adolescent’s belief that their experiences are unique and that they are not subject to the rules that govern the rest of the world. This contributes to a sense of invincibility. Margaret J Meehan
16 Adolescence 10 to 20 years..pptx