Скачать презентацию Activities of the Regional REEEP Secretariat for Central Скачать презентацию Activities of the Regional REEEP Secretariat for Central


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Activities of the Regional REEEP Secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe during the period Activities of the Regional REEEP Secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe during the period of August – mid-October 2004 Kristina Vilimaite, Project Manager KVilimaite@rec. org The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe REEEP Programme Board meeting, October 14, 2004 The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Geographical coverage of the secretariat 16 countries: from Estonia to Turkey The regional REEEP Geographical coverage of the secretariat 16 countries: from Estonia to Turkey The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Events • Building the Partnership for Sustainable Energy: the first REEEP Regional Meeting for Events • Building the Partnership for Sustainable Energy: the first REEEP Regional Meeting for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey took place on September 30, 2004 in Budapest • REEEP regulatory session during the Green Power CEE Conference on September 28, 2004 • Event being organised for energy stakeholders together with EU DG-TREN (FORRES project Evolution and Utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources up to 2020) on December 10 in Budapest The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Promotion • • • Ad in the Green Horizon Poster Website: www. rec. org/reeep Promotion • • • Ad in the Green Horizon Poster Website: www. rec. org/reeep Trampoline update Presentations in various events, e. g. Ankara Climate Change conference, NATO Parliamentary delegation, CEE governmental officials during the Sustainability Course, during the MEDREP launch… The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Advisory Committee Establishment Members confirmed: • Beatriz Yordi, EC DG Energy and Transport, Regulatory Advisory Committee Establishment Members confirmed: • Beatriz Yordi, EC DG Energy and Transport, Regulatory policy and promotion of new energies and demand management • Jaqueline Ligot, EBRD Director of Energy Efficiency • Vilmos Civin, Hungarian Power Companies Ltd • Anca Diana Barbu, Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany • Vladimir Hecl, Energy Center Bratislava The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Other activities • Attending GOF training on project monitoring • • • and evaluation Other activities • Attending GOF training on project monitoring • • • and evaluation Development of a detailed work plan for the secretariat activities for coming 8 months (until April 2005) Cooperation agreement with MEDREP; negotiations about cooperation with DG JRC institute for sustainable development and REPROMO-WIP Assessment of needs for RE and EE information (questionnaire) for Information Clearing House The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Idea paper for trampoline databases (Information Clearing House) Contents of ICH: Country-by-country Institutions and Idea paper for trampoline databases (Information Clearing House) Contents of ICH: Country-by-country Institutions and people: database Laws and regulation (inc. feed-in tariffs, subsidies) Current state of penetration of RE and EE Technical and economic potential of RE and EE Administrative procedures on how to start a project The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey

Idea paper for trampoline databases (Information Clearing House) Contents of ICH: Country-by-country Concepts and Idea paper for trampoline databases (Information Clearing House) Contents of ICH: Country-by-country Concepts and definitions Case studies: success stories, lessons learned Funding and partner-matching facility Available technologies Events in CEE and Turkey News; Q&A, FAQ The regional REEEP secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey