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Activities of International Cooperation Capacities Programme INCO-LAB & INCO-HOUSE activities Philippe Froissard Deputy Head of Unit D 3 Specific International Cooperation Activities DG Research INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation Work Programme 2007 -2010 Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) Bilateral S&T Supporting the access to Cooperation third country Programmes Partnerships (BILAT) (ACCESS 4 EU) Reinforcing cooperation with Europe's neighbours (ERA-WIDE) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Transnational cooperation among NCP (INCO NCP) INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation Call budget overview INCO-NET BILAT ERA-NET NCP ACCESS 4 EU ERA-WIDE Total (M€) 2007 -2008 16, 8 6, 4 11, 0 0, 4 34, 6 2009 7, 9 3, 0 2, 0 5, 0 17, 9 2010 4, 0 0, 5 6, 0 7, 5 18, 0 Total (M€) 28, 7 9, 9 17, 0 2, 4 5, 0 7, 5 70, 5 Year INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation Work Programme 2011 3 activities are proposed: Reinforcing cooperation with Europe's neighbours in the context of the ERA (ERA-WIDE) Strengthening European research facilities in Third Countries (INCO-LAB) Strengthening joint European S&T centres in Third Countries (INCO-HOUSE) INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Objective Strengthening European research facilities in third countries (INCO-LAB): Objective: The objective of the INCO-LAB activity is to use the joint research institutes funded by one or several Member States and located in third countries as a catalyst to structure and increase the cooperation with third countries. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Objectives • Open the activities of the joint institutes to researchers from at least 3 different MS & AC other than those owning the facilities; • Increase the scientific cooperation between researchers from MS & AC and those of the host country through the involvement of additional researchers in ongoing research activities as well as in the preparation of new joint projects via the organisation of joint seminars, summer schools and similar activities, • Prepare the way for opening the institutional arrangement of the joint institutes to additional MS & AC governments/ministries, research organisations. Proposals not addressing all three objectives will be considered ineligible INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Eligibility criteria The eligible joint institutes must be the result of institutional arrangements based on a bilateral or multilateral agreement, contract or memorandum of understanding between at least one partner – government/ministry, research organisation – of an EU MS or AC with a counterpart in a Third Country concerned. National institutes of a MS or an AC, which are located in a TC and which are the result of an agreement with the TC are also eligible. The institutional arrangement must be established before the publication of the call. The eligible joint institute can be characterised as follows: 1) an independent legal entity established in the target third country; 2) a joint Science & Technology centre, which is not a separate legal entity from its funding partners. In the first case, the proposal will be submitted directly by the joint institute; in the second case it will be submitted by the funding partners as participants. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Eligibility criteria Ø The eligible joint institutes should have a strategic research mission, should support directly research activities and should be physically established in one of the target third country (no virtual lab!); Ø Joint institutes, which depend solely on national funding from MS or/and AC are not eligible; Ø Joint institutes which are exclusively funded by private organisations are not eligible; INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Geographical coverage The third countries targeted by the activity are: • Brazil, • China, • India, • Japan, • Russia, • USA. The eligible joint institutes must be established in one of the target country INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Activities The INCO-LAB activity should cover: • The physical participation of researchers from the MS and/or AC in the joint institute (travel costs, subsistence and salary); • The enhancement of the research capacity of the joint institute with a view of further opening it to new participating researchers (resources, consumables, support staff, supplies as well as depreciation of equipment); • The preparation and implementation of future joint activities (workshops, seminars or any other similar activities). INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Activities Ø The researchers' stay in the joint institutes could last from a few months to a few years depending on the type of activities; Ø Ph. D students and post doctoral researchers can be covered; Ø Personnel costs incl. salary/rate will be defined by the joint institute; Ø The contribution to personnel costs should constitute the main fraction of the total EU contribution; Ø The contribution to equipment should not exceed 30% of the total EU contribution and should be justified on the basis of a specific research programme aimed at developing cooperation between European and third country researchers; Ø The proposals should provide a detailed planning for the participation of researchers in the joint institute and should specify how the positions will be advertised and how the researchers will be selected INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB & INCO-HOUSE – Type of activities Coordination and Support action (supporting action): CSA-SA Support actions may cover activities, depending on their nature such as: monitoring and assessment; conferences; seminars; workshops; working or expert groups or individual expert appointment letters; studies; fact finding; monitoring; strategy development; high level scientific awards and competitions; operational support; data access and dissemination, information and communication activities; management activities; specific services activities related to research infrastructures, such as for example transnational access; preparatory technical work, including feasibility studies for the development of new infrastructures; contribution to the construction of new infrastructures; cooperation with other European research schemes; or a combination of these. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB & INCO-HOUSE – Forms of reimbursement Reimbursement will be based on eligible costs: up to 100% for CSA-SA In some cases the reimbursement of indirect costs can be based on a flat rate: • ICPC lump sum (annex 1 to the Work programme); • subsistence and accommodation costs on the basis of flat rates (travel not covered); see ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/flat-rates-subsistence_en. pdf for additional information INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – Evaluation Procedure 1) the highest ranked proposal for a given Area is selected; 2) all remaining projects from each Area are ranked together in one list according to the marks obtained during evaluation; 3) the remaining budget is allocated to the projects according to their position in this overall ranking without further concern for country coverage. If there is no proposal above thresholds in a given Area, the indicative budget of this Area is added to that remaining budget. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB – FAQ Ø Can the coordinator be an other entity than the joint institute? Ø What should be the composition of the consortium? Ø What could be covered under “equipment”? Ø How should the researchers be selected? Ø Can third country researchers be covered? INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-LAB– Call fiche • • Call identifier: FP 7 -INCO-2011 -7 Call publication date: 20/07/10 Call closure date: 15/03/11 Indicative budget: 12 M€ (2 M€ for each target third country) Funding scheme: CSA-SA, typ 2 M€/project for 4 years Eligibility criteria: min 1 participants (SA) Evaluation criteria: threshold of 3 on criteria and 10 on total INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – Objective Strengthening joint European S&T centres in third countries (INCOHOUSE): Objective: The INCO-HOUSE activity is complementary to the INCO-LAB activity as its objective is to prepare the way for opening the institutional arrangement of the joint institutes to additional European organisations thus helping MS & AC develop coordinated activities with third countries. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – Eligibility criteria • The eligible joint centres must be the result of institutional arrangements based on a bilateral or multilateral agreement, contract or memorandum of understanding between at least one partner – government/ministry, research organisation – of a MS or AC with a counterpart in a third country concerned. • The eligible joint centre is an organisation, which is an independent legal entity established in the third country, whose aim is to facilitate joint science and innovation related activities through co-funding of projects. • The eligible joint centres do not host research projects. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – Activities The INCO-HOUSE activity would cover: • Feasibility study of the opening of the institutional arrangement; • Coordination costs linked to the involvement of additional organisations (travel, personnel costs…); • Dissemination of the results (workshops, seminars…). INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – Geographical coverage The INCO-HOUSE activity would target joint institutes located only in India. INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – FAQ Ø Can the coordinator be an other entity than the target joint centre? Ø Can consultants be part of the consortium? Ø What should be the composition of the consortium? Ø Can the proposal cover more than one target centre? Ø Eligible costs? INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010
CAPACITIES - International Cooperation INCO-HOUSE – Call fiche • • Call identifier: FP 7 -INCO-2011 -8 Call publication date: 20/07/10 Call closure date: 15/03/11 Indicative budget: 0. 5 M€ Funding scheme: CSA-SA, typ 0. 25 M€/project for 2 years Eligibility criteria: min 1 participants (SA) Evaluation criteria: threshold of 3 on criteria and 10 on total INCO GTN meeting, Paris, 21/10/2010