ACTIVE VOCABULARY (part 1) Збагачена киснем кров Oxygen

ACTIVE VOCABULARY (part 1) Збагачена киснем кров Oxygen rich blood Позбавлена кисню кров Oxygen poor blood Серце перекачує кров The heart pumps blood Праве/ ліве передсердя Right/ left atrium Правий, лівий шлуночок Right/ left ventricle Легенева артерія Pulmonary artery Аорта Aorta Постачати кисень тканинам To supply tissues with oxygen Легеневий клапан Pulmonary valve Аортний клапан Aortic valve Тристулковий клапан Tricupsid valve Мітральний клапан Mitral valve Скорочуватися To contract Розслабляти To relax Коронарні артерії Coronary arteries Капіляри Capillaries


CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The cardiovascular system carries кисень and поживні речовини to all of the cells in the body. It also picks up двоокис вуглецю and other відходи that the body produces. The main components of this system are the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

The Heart's Role in the Cardiovascular System The human heart is a hollow, muscular organ about the size of a fist. Its job is to pump blood through a network of blood vessels. These vessels form коло, which starts at the heart, goes out through your body, and then ends back at the heart again. When talking about the heart, it is helpful to look at its components: камери серцеві клапани кров'яні судини, including артерії та вени.

Heart Chambers The heart is divided into four chambers: Праве передсердя Ліве передсердя Правий шлуночок Лівий шлуночок

Valves of the Heart In a healthy heart, there are valves that keep blood flowing in a one-way direction. When they open, they only let the right amount of blood through, and then they close to keep blood from flowing backwards між ударами серця. Коло кровообігу begins with blood entering the right atrium of the heart. When the heart beats, blood flows from the right atrium into the right ventricle through a valve.

From the right ventricle, blood flows through another valve and then to легенів, where it picks up oxygen. From the lungs, it flows back into the left atrium of the heart and through мітральний клапан into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle, blood is pumped through the aortic valve and into the aorta, where it goes out to the rest of the body, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your cells. For the human heart to work right, each of the four chambers must скорочуватися at just the right time. Your heart has an electrical system that helps coordinate this timing.

Arteries and Veins of the Heart The arteries are major blood vessels connected to the human heart: The ………………. artery carries blood pumped from the right side of the heart to the lungs to pick up a fresh supply of oxygen. ………….. is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood pumped from the left side of the heart out to the body. The ………………..artery are the other important arteries attached to the heart. They carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle, which must have its own blood supply to function. The veins are major blood vessels connected to the human heart: The ………………veins carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart so that it can be pumped out to the body Порожнисті вени are two large veins that carry oxygen-poor blood from the body back to the heart.

The Role of Blood Vessels There are three main kinds of blood vessels within the cardiovascular system: ………………….. ………………….. …………………..

Arteries Arteries are large blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. This blood is rich in oxygen and nutrients. As arteries get farther away from the heart, they begin to branch and become smaller and smaller.

Capillaries The smallest branches are called capillaries. Here, oxygen is transferred from the blood into your cells. In exchange, the wastes from your cells, including carbon dioxide (CO2), are transferred into the blood.

The Veins Just beyond this area, the capillaries begin зливатися and eventually form larger vessels, called veins, which lead back to the heart. As veins carry the CO2-rich blood back to the heart, other organs filter out and dispose of the waste products.

As кров позбавлена кисню makes its way back through the heart and lungs, it picks up oxygen and nutrients. It also releases the CO2 into the air you breathe out. The heart then pumps the blood out through the arteries, and the cycle is repeated.

The Role of Blood The last main component of the cardiovascular system is blood. Blood flows throughout your entire body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to all of your cells and taking away the waste products that they produce. Blood is a fluid that carries several different kinds of cells. The three types that we will talk about are еритроцити, лейкоцити, and спеціальні фрагменти клітин, які називаються тромбоцити.

RBC, WBC and Platelets Red blood cells carry oxygen to your organs and take carbon dioxide away from them. White blood cells help your body fight infection from bacteria and viruses. They play a very important role in your body's immune system. Platelets help to seal off a blood vessel when it has been cut or torn, so they act like your own natural bandage. They also stop blood from flowing out of the damaged area.

Throughout your body thousands of miles of blood cells run to every living organ or tissue. The function of your body is dependant on a constant supply of blood and its components

TRUE OR FALSE The cardiovascular system carries waste products that the body produces to all of the cells in the body. The main components of this system are the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The circulatory loop begins with blood entering the right ventricle of the heart. The pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart so that it can be pumped out to the body

TRUE OR FALSE 5. The venae cavae carry blood pumped from the right side of the heart to the lungs to pick up a fresh supply of oxygen. 6. The aorta is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood pumped from the left side of the heart out to the body. 7. The coronary arteries carry oxygen-poor blood to the heart muscle, which must have its own blood supply to function. 8. The pulmonary arteries are two large veins that carry oxygen-poor blood from the body back to the heart. 9. Arteries are large blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.

TRUE OR FALSE 10. Red blood cells help your body fight infection from bacteria and viruses. They play a very important role in your body's immune system. 11. Platelets carry oxygen to your organs and take carbon dioxide away from them. 12. White blood cells help to seal off a blood vessel when it has been cut or torn, so they act like your own natural bandage. They also stop blood from flowing out of the damaged area. 13. The function of your body is dependant on a constant supply of blood and its components

OPEN THE BRACKETS 1. For thousands of years, people ____________________ (to associate) life with a beating heart. 2. During ancient times, people ____________ (to have) a general idea about the cardiovascular system. 3. Before the day when William Harvey ________________ (to present) his idea on the cardiovascular system people ________________ (to have) only a general idea about it. 4. In the 17th century William Harvey __________________ (to show) that the cardiovascular system _________ (to form) a closed loop in which blood is pumped by the heart. 5. As veins ___________ (to carry) the CO2-rich blood back to the heart, other organs filter out and dispose of the waste products. 6. Some day scientists _______________ (to find) a medicine to prevent all the problems with cardiovascular system. 7. I hope by 2100 scientists ________________________________ (to find) a medicine to prevent all the problems with cardiovascular system.

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