Activator Week 15 Day 1 • Read to Self or Read to Other for 20 minutes – Points can be earned for getting into position fastest – Everyone brought a book – Silent transition
Read Strategically • Discuss with your partner how this picture relates to using context clues…
Reading New Words in Context • After reading the example from p. 173 together as a large group, complete Lesson #1 from page 175 -Number your paper 1 -20 -Write the answers on your own paper
Describe a time when you had fun participating in an activity with other people
Activator Week 15 Day 2 • Read to Self for 20 minutes – Points can be earned for getting into position fastest – Everyone brought a book – Silent transition
Critical Writing I will strengthen my writing by…
Food Surprise Spring break at Disney World Rides Pool
Activator Week 15 Day 2 • Read to Self for 20 minutes – Points can be earned for getting into position fastest – Everyone brought a book – Silent transition
Conjunctions CC = , for , and , nor , but , or , yet , so Combines two independent clauses into one sentence.
SC = although when while unless (until) because if since Combines a dependent and independent clause into one sentence. USE A COMMA WHEN DEP CL IN FRONT.
CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS • ; however, • ; moreover, • ; consequently, Can be used to CONNECT clauses, introduce ideas, interrupt ideas.
1. The forecast calls for snow on Friday. It is hot on Wednesday. 2. Ice on the roads is dangerous. They may cancel school. 3. People buy extra groceries. There is a threat of bad weather. 4. You have to wake up at your normal time to find out if school is closed. You can go back to bed.
CW: Combine these sentences using either a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb. 1. I pulled out the boxes of holiday decorations. I am going to start decorating my house. 2. Pizza has cheese. People who can’t drink milk should not eat pizza. 3. My tooth broke when I bit into a walnut. I can’t see the dentist until Thursday. 4. Some people like grits with butter. Some people like grits with cheese.
Write your own sentences. • Look at the details you have listed on your prewriting web. • Use these details to write one to two sentences that use either a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb.
Narrative Organization • Intro (hook, hint at lesson learned, 3 -5 sentences. ) – Hook = definition, dialogue, question • Body (2 paragraphs of supporting details, appeal to senses, use transitions) • Closing (lesson learned, provide closure, nothing new, 3 -4 sentences)