Скачать презентацию ACS 2 1 for Linux RH 7 2 Скачать презентацию ACS 2 1 for Linux RH 7 2


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ACS 2. 1 for Linux RH 7. 2 Installation Tutorial Paola Sivera ESO ACS 2. 1 for Linux RH 7. 2 Installation Tutorial Paola Sivera ESO

Some General Issues for ACS 2. 1 n where: web pages http: //www. eso. Some General Issues for ACS 2. 1 n where: web pages http: //www. eso. org/~gchiozzi/Alma. Acs/index. html u CD content u documentation + README and Test proc u ACS Overview, Installation Manual, Release Notes n who: gchiozzi@eso. org n what: general purpose tools -> binaries ACS sources -> compilation

What n gnu tools (not gcc) and tcltk tools u gcc is the native What n gnu tools (not gcc) and tcltk tools u gcc is the native one for RH 7. 3, 2. 96 n java 1. 4. 1_02 n Jac. ORB 1. 4. 1 (+Ant 1. 5. 1) n ACE 5. 3, TAO 1. 3 + Patches n n n Python 2. 2 omni. ORB 4. 0. 0 and omnipython 2. 0 In-house develop. Tools = templates, Makefile, tat, … ACS Sources

Installation steps 1) Install the operative system -> sys admin 2) Install the tools Installation steps 1) Install the operative system -> sys admin 2) Install the tools (binaries) -> install script 3) Compile the ACS libraries -> make 4) Test the software

Installation step 1: OS n Operative System: RH 7. 2 Full installation; if not, Installation step 1: OS n Operative System: RH 7. 2 Full installation; if not, add: u pdksh 5. 2. 14 -13 u glibc-dlevel 2. 2. 4 -13 u kernel-headers 2. 4. 7 -10 u itcl-3. 2 -65, tclx-8. 3 -65 u gcc 2. 96!

Space disk n CD ~180 MB n ACS-2. 1 ~1500 MB n ACS ~65 Space disk n CD ~180 MB n ACS-2. 1 ~1500 MB n ACS ~65 MB (under $HOME) (The sources can grow up to 350 MB is the “clean” after “make all” is not performed)

Environment and User n n n Whatever user can install ACS 2. 1 Default Environment and User n n n Whatever user can install ACS 2. 1 Default interactive shell: bash Environment variables: $HOME/. acs/. bash_profile. acs to be sourced at login: . $HOME/. acs/. bash_profile. acs n Other emacs and x resources stuff

Prepare the system n n Create the installation directory /alma (not necessary the creation Prepare the system n n Create the installation directory /alma (not necessary the creation of ACS-2. 1) Give right permissions to the installation user Create the installation user

Installation step 2: script <CDFILES>= where_you_have_the_cd <INSTALL_DIR>=where_you_install_the_release $ <CDFILES>/INSTALL/0_Install. ACS <CDFILES> <INSTALL_DIR> constraint when Installation step 2: script = where_you_have_the_cd =where_you_install_the_release $ /INSTALL/0_Install. ACS constraint when installing gnu and tcl tools: respect the absolute path /alma/ACS-2. 1

Step 3: Build the ACS libraries Unset the INTROOT!!! $ source $HOME/. acs/. bash_profile. Step 3: Build the ACS libraries Unset the INTROOT!!! $ source $HOME/. acs/. bash_profile. acs $ export OPTIMIZE=0 $ cd $HOME/ACS $ make build_clean ($ make build) Look at $HOME/ACS/build. log

Step 4: Test the SW § $ acs. Start. ORBSRVC § $ maci. Manager Step 4: Test the SW § $ acs. Start. ORBSRVC § $ maci. Manager & § $ maci. Activate Activator § $ objexp & § $ abeans. Start alma. acs. examples. PSPanel. Tutorial

Step 4: Test the SW 2 SHUTDOWN: close the obj and abeans window n Step 4: Test the SW 2 SHUTDOWN: close the obj and abeans window n $ maci. Activator. Shutdown Activator n $ maci. Manager. Shutdown n $ acs. Stop. ORBSRVC