Acid rains Whenexpertstalk aboutacid rain, oneis always

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Описание презентации Acid rains Whenexpertstalk aboutacid rain, oneis always по слайдам
Acid rains
Whenexpertstalk aboutacid rain, oneis always avery unpleasant incident which happenedin the USA. Then, in thetown of. Wheeling drizzlingrainfor three days, which wasmore acidlemon juice.
In normalprecipitation fallingas rain, alsocontainsa number of acids, andis considered normal. But this timeexceededthe normalacidityof 5000 times.
First of all, we must say thatthe very nature ofacid raindoes not exist. Acidrainsarecommo n.
The reason fortheir occurrencein the fact thatalmost allcountries around the worldevery year increasesair pollution.
This is due toburning of fossil fuels: coal, oil andgas.
As a result, the atmospherereleases massive amountsof acidgases. Theypollute the atmosphereandnotjust a long time remainin it, andtransported over long distances. Whenthe rain, these pollutantscombinewith moisturein the atmosphereandthennormalprecip itationinthe form of rainare dangerousacid rains.
Acid rainbringsgreat harm tonatureandhuman health. The water in theseas, riversand lakesunsuitable forlife.
In Canada, for example, due to frequentacid rainfor more than 4 thousand lakes declared dead, another 12 thousand onthe verge of death. Disturbedbiological balance of 18 000 lakesin Sweden.
In Norway, thefish is no longerapart ofthe South. Lakes.
Cause great damage toacid rainforests, parks andgardens. Turn yellow and fall offthe leaves, young shootsare madebrittleas glass, and broken.
In Germany, theacid rains killedmorethan half of alloil.
Acid raincorrodeseventhe metal, resulting infasterdestroyed bridges, brokenaircraft. Many historicalmonuments thathave been around formillenniaand have been preservedto our days, maynowbe lostbecause ofacid rain.
Let’s savethe planettogether!
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