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Achievement Assembly February 2017 th 17
Well done to everyone who has received a sticker or certificate or V. I. P. pass in the past week and to anyone who shared their good work in our assembly.
Class Attendances Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 93. 10% 92. 90% 95. 00% 95. 67% 95. 33% 94. 00% 97. 33%
Top Yard Well done Year 6 for being best attenders for the whole school in the past week with 97. 33%. Y 6, who were also best Key Stage 2 attenders, and the stars of the week from Years 3, 4 and 5 had the opportunity to go on top yard after assembly today. Congratulations!
House Points Year 1 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
House Points Year 2 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
House Points Year 3 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
House Points Year 4 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
House Points Year 5 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
House Points Year 6 Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
Reception Class Awards Layla Audrey
Class Awards Year 1 Yazmin Adam
Class Awards Year 2 Dean Cecilia
Class Awards Year 3 Frankie Ayan
Class Awards Year 4 Qais Owen
Class Awards Year 5 Ellie Leeyan
Class Awards Year 6 Joseph Zeeshan
Top Table on February 27 th Layla Audrey Yazmin Adam Dean Cecilia Frankie Ayan Qais Owen Ellie Leeyan Joseph Zeeshan
Totals Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
Totals for this half term Alnwick Bamburgh Lindisfarne
Totals for this half term Lindisfarne have won most House Points this half term with 3409 so they will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 3 rd March. Congratulations!