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INFORMATION Ø What is information Ø All around us Ø What is apprised or INFORMATION Ø What is information Ø All around us Ø What is apprised or told Ø What is known—knowledge Ø The meaning that human expresses by or extracts from Ø Representations of facts & ideas Ø Adds awareness or understanding of a topic, problem, event, subject Ø Is also known as facts, intelligence, data, news, knowledge Ø Information = Knowledge conveyed to the mind by a statement of fact

Information and Knowledge ► Knowledge is divided into § Explicit knowledge = recorded information Information and Knowledge ► Knowledge is divided into § Explicit knowledge = recorded information available for everyone and transferable § Implicit Knowledge = the knowledge available in some one’s mind ► Data—processed–into useful form --information-- knowledge ► Information is available in different forms § text, voice, visual, pictures, maps, numerical, graphical, multimedia, print, non-print (including electronic / digital) etc (their combination)

Information Ø Usefulness of information ØDiffers individual to individual. Eg. Developing health consciousness, community Information Ø Usefulness of information ØDiffers individual to individual. Eg. Developing health consciousness, community development, improving the subject Ø Value of information ØBased on relevance, update ness, timely Ø Generation of information ØResearch, development, intuition, intellect

► Information is the sixth basic need of human being or basic fuel for ► Information is the sixth basic need of human being or basic fuel for human life. ► It is driving force to the society and its advancement ► Ingredient of man’s life cycle ► It is decisive element ► It is staple diet for the readers of newspapers and mass audience of broadcasting media ► It is an essential ingredient to all the areas of human endeavors – business, health, education. ► Governments can not govern or industry would cease to function with out relevant information.

Information and Education § Information is life blood of education § Essential ingredient for Information and Education § Information is life blood of education § Essential ingredient for § Teaching and learning § Research § Generation of new ideas and new knowledge § Supports formal and continuing education programs § Design and development of curriculum § Creation of materials and methods § Development of new tools / aids and techniques

 • Updates the subject contd • To keep abreast of changing World / • Updates the subject contd • To keep abreast of changing World / Environment • Multidisciplinary approach • Awareness Vs expertise • Can develop regular interaction with peers or subject experts • Self education • Education at home • Success in the competitive World • Support to society

Information Society • Due to complete and increased dependence on information for every human Information Society • Due to complete and increased dependence on information for every human activity-the present society is known as INFORMATION SOCIETY • Information and social development is inseparable • The need for information both existing and new is responsible for information revolution, which is responsible for unprecedented advances in information generation, storage, and communication • The terminology changed and we are known as KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY as we depend on the KNOWLEDGE.

Information Literacy • To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize Information Literacy • To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information (ALA). • A new liberal art that extends from knowing how to use computers and access information to critical reflection on the nature of information itself its technical infrastructure and its social, cultural, and philosophical context and impact (Jeremy Shapiro & Shelley Hughes, 1996). •

Information Literacy (contd) • • • important events relating to Information Literacy include: 1974: Information Literacy (contd) • • • important events relating to Information Literacy include: 1974: The related term ‘Information Skills’ was first introduced in 1974 by Zurkowski to refer to people who are able to solve their information problems by using relevant information sources and applying relevant technology (Zurkowski, 1974). 1983: A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Education Reform • 1986: Educating Students to Think: The Role of the School Library Media • – Program – • outlines the roles of the library and the information resources in K-12 education 1987: Information Skills for an Information Society: A Review of Research – • • shows that we are "raising a new generation of Americans that is scientifically and technologically illiterate. " includes library skills and computer skills in the definition of information literacy 1988: Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs 1989: National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL), a coalition of more than 90 national and international organizations, has its first meeting 1998: Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning – Emphasizes that the mission of the school library media program is "to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. "

ACCESS • What Is Access? – Attainable – Available – Approachable – Contact – ACCESS • What Is Access? – Attainable – Available – Approachable – Contact – Right to use • How to get or lay the hand on information – using various tools and techniques

Information Storage ü Information is being stored to provide access to right users in Information Storage ü Information is being stored to provide access to right users in print or non-print form (including digital media) ü Information is available in various forms ü Text, pictures, voice, graphics, multimedia etc ü Storage ü Various types of storage media are being used ü Paper, cloth, film, magnetic, optical and magneto-optical etc ü Capacity / quantity of information can be stored varies ü Each media has their own size (eg: Floppies/ CD/DVD) and uses different methods / techniques / technologies for increased storage (eg: compression / optical / magnetic / magneto- optical)

Retrieval or Disseminate ü Stored information is being disseminated or retrieved with which the Retrieval or Disseminate ü Stored information is being disseminated or retrieved with which the access is possible ü Retrieval = Extraction of data from files (this word is being extensively used in the context of IT) ü Disseminate = Distribute or spread widely

Use of information n Five steps for use of information n n n Awareness Use of information n Five steps for use of information n n n Awareness Identification Availability Accessibility Use There is a need for n n Collection of information Organisation of information Develop information products Develop tools and techniques to retrieve the information from these products

► Information is growing and getting multiplied ► Science information is getting doubled everry ► Information is growing and getting multiplied ► Science information is getting doubled everry 10 -15 years ► Information industry attempts to collect newly generated and existing / old information available in various languages / places / formats ► It processes and attempts to design and develop information products to disseminate and distribute the information ► The products help in bibliographic control ► Information is commodity ► Information Technology is being extensively used in this process

Types of information sources • Primary sources – Information is brought out / published Types of information sources • Primary sources – Information is brought out / published for the first time— journals, newspapers • Secondary sources – Sources developed on the basis of primary and they help to locate primary sources—Encyclopedias, Indexing including citation indexing, Abstracting journals, Bibliographies, Year books • Tertiary sources – Sources developed with the help of primary & secondary – text books, bibliography and bibliographies

Secondary sources • Secondary sources are useful to identify and locate the information / Secondary sources • Secondary sources are useful to identify and locate the information / primary sources. • They are of different types • Information is organized systematically / logically subject wise to enable to search and identify the required and relevant information • Searching the secondary sources is user friendly—especially key word searching— single or multiple

Reference sources n n n Encyclopedia – gives background information- general and subject Dictionaries-general Reference sources n n n Encyclopedia – gives background information- general and subject Dictionaries-general / language and subject / thesaurus / glossary. Provides meanings, genealogy, synonyms, how to use for sentence etc Directory – to know about the addresses / list Who’s who Gazetteer, atlas, travel guides, maps Year books, manuals, news summaries, census data, data about a place / region

IT and organisation of information Increased storage capacity Easy to organize / arrange—packing and IT and organisation of information Increased storage capacity Easy to organize / arrange—packing and repacking Convenient to search Fast and reliable access / communication Portability of storage devices Remote access—no geographical barriers Control on access- permission and monitoring 24/7 access Can handle all types of formats No language barrier

Types of services n n Availability of Content pages Bibliographies Trade n Subject n Types of services n n Availability of Content pages Bibliographies Trade n Subject n National / regional n n n Indexing and abstracting journals Newspaper indexes News summaries Databases

Sponsors of the services Libraries § Current awareness service § Selective dissemination of information Sponsors of the services Libraries § Current awareness service § Selective dissemination of information § Information and reference service ► Institutions § COPSAT (INFLIBNET) (It is no more available) § J-gate (Journal Gateway by Informatics) § OCLC first search § INFLIBNET through Infonet – providing access to databases and document delivery services § British library provides access to different sources through online (in addition to providing many types of services to its members) § Resource sharing by libraries / institutions. ►

n n Open access journals n The journals which are online and available for n n Open access journals n The journals which are online and available for free access to any one. Many are also peer reviewed n Eg: PLOS; Bio-medical central, American Society of Biochemistry, Gateways n A node that serves as an entrance to another network, and vice-versa. Listserv or electronic mailing list n email-based mailing list application Repositories / Archives n A real or virtual facility for the deposit of academic publications

PATENTS n Delphion n n It provides access to Patent Information System and the PATENTS n Delphion n n It provides access to Patent Information System and the tools to use them (It is subscription based). http: //www. delphion. com/

DIGITAL LIBRARIES § Digital library is a library in which collections are stored in DIGITAL LIBRARIES § Digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats § Digital Library of India – § It is digitizing all the significant works in India. Significant works in India from more than 20 institutions have been digitized. Books, journals, newspapers and manuscripts are the main collection. They can be accessed freely by any one and it has search facility with author, title, year etc - free access § http: //www. new. dli. ernet. in/ § Europeana, Europe’s multimedia online library (Digital) § It enables people around the world to access more than two million books, maps, recordings, photographs, archival documents, paintings and films online. These resources come from national libraries and cultural institutions of the European Union's 27 Member States § http: //www. europeana. eu/ § World Digital Library § http: //www. worlddigitallibrary. org/ § proposed by Librarian of Congress James H. Billington in a 2005 speech to the U. S. National Commission for UNESCO. It involves public research institutions and libraries working with private organizations to digitize significant primary materials from institutions worldwide. It aims to make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, and other cultural materials. The documents published from 500 AD onwards are included. Number of institutions from all over the World joined this project.

§ Project Gutenberg § http: //www. gutenberg. org/wiki/Main_Page § There are over 28, 000 § Project Gutenberg § http: //www. gutenberg. org/wiki/Main_Page § There are over 28, 000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. § A grand total of over 100, 000 titles are available at Project Gutenberg

Google book search n http: //books. google. com/ Book Search works just like web Google book search n http: //books. google. com/ Book Search works just like web search. When the book with content that contains a match for search terms, it will link to search results. n one can see a preview of the book. n in some cases, If it's in the public domain, you're free to download the entire text a PDF copy n Reference pages for every book are prepared, so that one can quickly find all kinds of relevant information: book reviews, web references, maps and more n If the choice book is found, click on the "Buy this book" and "Borrow this book" links to see where you can buy or borrow it n When you click on a search result for a book from the Library Project, you'll see basic bibliographic information about the book, and in many cases, a few snippets – a few sentences showing your search term in context. If the book is out of copyright, you’ll be able to view and download the entire book n

OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS-Directories n n n http: //openmed. nic. in n At this site OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS-Directories n n n http: //openmed. nic. in n At this site you will get free medical subject journals. All Indian medical journals are freely accessible www. openj-gate. com n you find about article index from 3000 free journals through this website www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/entrez/ n For journals and databases for the medical subject articles and reports. www. imsc. res. in/library/Open. Access. php www. pubmed. gov MIT Open courseware site n http: //ocw. mit. edu/Ocw. Web/web/home/index. htm

OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS-contd • Directory of Open Access Journals service covers free, full text, OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS-contd • Directory of Open Access Journals service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. They aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 4159 journals in the directory. Currently 1499 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 277020 articles are included in the DOAJ service – www. doaj. org • Medknow Publications --is a publisher for academic and scientific, peer-reviewed, online+print open access journals. 80 print + online journals, is probably the largest open access publisher of print journals in the world which does not charge author or author institution for submission, processing or publication of articles. Each journal published by Medknow has its independent website. – http: //www. medknow. com/ • The Free Medical Journals Site – The Free Medical Journals Site is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet. www. freemedicaljournals. com/ • Free full text journals in all subjects – This site does not attempt to list ALL periodicals on the Internet, only those which offer free full-text content. www. Free. Full. Text. com • Free peer reviewed journals Bentham Publishers have launched more than 200 peer-reviewed open access journals during this year, under the banner of "Bentham OPEN". The journals will cover all major disciplines and are exclusively open access publications. http: //www. bentham. org/open/index. htm

Open access journals-contd • http: //lislinks. blogspot. com/ LIS Links: Link Library of Open Open access journals-contd • http: //lislinks. blogspot. com/ LIS Links: Link Library of Open Access English Language Journals – Open Access, Free Access, E-Journals, e-journal, Periodical, Periodicals, Magazines, Journal, Abstract, Articles, Quarterly, Research – Search and Browse the Open Access (OA) English Language Journals in All Branch of Knowledge • Free open access repositories - Directory Open. DOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. . www. opendoar. org

Free journals in Computer Science • • • • The Open Applied Informatics Journal Free journals in Computer Science • • • • The Open Applied Informatics Journal The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal The Open Bioinformatics Journal The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal The Open Information Systems Journal The Open Medical Informatics Journal The Open Numerical Methods Journal The Open Remote Sensing Journal The Open Signal Processing Journal The Open Software Engineering Journal The Open Systems Biology Journal The Open Virtual Reality Journal (source: http: //www. bentham. org/open/Jrnls. By. Sub. htm)

 OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS n LAU | Libraries: Free Online Journals n n Open OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS n LAU | Libraries: Free Online Journals n n Open Directory - Science: Publications: Journals: Free Online Journals n n Directory of free full-text journals in chemistry, biochemistry, and related subjects. www. abc. chemistry. bsu. by/current/fulltext. htm Full Text Electronic Journals in Education n n Bepress - A publisher of free online scholarly journals. . Free Medical Journals - Lists a large number of medical journals that currently provide free. . . dmoz. org/Science/Publications/Journals/Free_Online_Journals/ ABC Chemistry : : Free Full-Text Journals in Chemistry - A n n Many new electronic journals, and some electronic versions of existing print journals are available free of charge on the Internet. www. lau. edu. lb/libraries/free-journals. html The "Communications Among Researchers" Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association has compiled this list of electronic journals. aera-cr. asu. edu/links. html Strategian: Free Full Text Journal Articles in Biology, Chemistry. . . n free full text articles in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics, and psychology. www. strategian. com/free_full_text_articles. html

 Open Access Journals-contd ► List of journals available free online § http: //en. Open Access Journals-contd ► List of journals available free online § http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_journals_available_free_online ► List of academic journals ► Open access journal ► List of scientific journals ► Free. Patents. Online § http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_academic_journals § http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Open_access_journal § http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_scientific_journals § the best online site for free patent searching, has had a makeover. In addition tothe graphical differences, the site has been completely rewritten to allow more users. § http: //www. freepatentsonline. com/

Electronic Mailing Lists-Directories • These are also called as Electronic Group or Discussion Group Electronic Mailing Lists-Directories • These are also called as Electronic Group or Discussion Group as the • • communication takes place between individuals and the members of the group All the common portals such as Yahoo, MSN, Google provides facility for creation of electronic groups. One can choose the interested group and join to get the messages sent by all the members. The academics should join into the groups which are relevant to their field The list of groups can be found at – – http: //groups. yahoo. com/ http: //groups. google. co. in/ or http: //groups. google. com/groups/dir http: //groups. msn. com/ http: //www. lsoft. com/catalist. html • Specialist / Subject Groups – Lists in Library and Information Science • http: //launch. groups. yahoo. com/group/iatlis/ • http: //launch. groups. yahoo. com/group/nmlis/ – Social Work • http: //cosw. sc. edu/swan/listserv. html – Lists for Musicians • www. geocities. com/Vienna/1655/listhtml

Electronic Mailing Lists- Subject • Different subjects – http: //web. syr. edu/~jryan/infopro/lists. html – Electronic Mailing Lists- Subject • Different subjects – http: //web. syr. edu/~jryan/infopro/lists. html – http: //www. bentley. com/en. GB/Community/Discussion+Groups/Directory/ – http: //lists. topica. com/dir/? cid=0 • Information on Conferences – – – www. allconferences. com http: //www. netlib. org/confdb/conf_list. html www. infolibrarian. com • Thesis and Dissertations – NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. • http: //www. ndltd. org/ • http: //www. theses. org/ • http: //www. dissertations. org/ – Australian Digital Theses Programme • http: //adt. caul. edu. au/ – MI (University Microfilms International) • http: //wwwlib. umi. com/

ETD § TUG Electronic Theses Project ► http: //www. lib. lutwaterloo. ca/TUG/ETD § JETD ETD § TUG Electronic Theses Project ► http: //www. lib. lutwaterloo. ca/TUG/ETD § JETD Project ► http: //www. fics. utoronto. ca/etd § Digitale Dissertationen of Humboldt University at Berlin ► http: //www. edoc. hu-berlin. de § University Lumiere Lyon 2 Digital Theses Project ► http: //www. univ-lycon 2. fr/search. html § National Library of Canada ► http: //www. nic-bnc. ca/index-e. html

Five Key Sites in Medicine • Medline Plus – http: //medlineplus. gov/ The best Five Key Sites in Medicine • Medline Plus – http: //medlineplus. gov/ The best single one-stop source. Includes authoritative info for laypersons on medical conditions, drug info, medical dictionaries and encyclopedias, doctor finders, and hospital finders. • Best Doctors – http: //www. bestdoctors. com/ There's a lot of good free information here, but for a fee you get the results of a survey that asked doctors, "If you had a close friend or loved one who needed a neurological surgeon (for example), to whom would you refer them? " As always, before registering, read the privacy policy to find out how your personal information will be used and protected. One nice feature: questions you might ask your doctor.

 Five Key Sites in Medicine n Diagnostic Tests: the Family Health Guide n Five Key Sites in Medicine n Diagnostic Tests: the Family Health Guide n n http: //www. health. harvard. edu/fhg/diagnostics. shtml Answers the doctors rarely have time to give you about the test they've scheduled you for: what it's for, how to prepare for it, what will happen, what risks there may be, what you have to do afterward, and how long before you get the results. Diesase and Disorder Support Groups, Ask NOAH n http: //www. noah-health. org/english/support. html Because support groups are where you go for emotional support and help from people who have gone through what you're going through

► Prescription Drug Reference § http: //www. healthsquare. com/drugmain. htm § One of the ► Prescription Drug Reference § http: //www. healthsquare. com/drugmain. htm § One of the PDR guides from a trustworthy medical publisher, a searchable and alphabetical subject guide to medications and their purposes, side effects, contraindications, interactions with other drugs and foods, recommended dosage, results of overdose. If everybody made a list of everything in their medicine cabinets and checked each drug out here (or in the other guides listed below), lives might well be saved

 • FINDING HEALTH ARTICLES IN ONLINE MAGAZINES AND DATABASES CAM on Pub. Med • FINDING HEALTH ARTICLES IN ONLINE MAGAZINES AND DATABASES CAM on Pub. Med (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) – Medical research on alternative therapies and herbal and nutritional approaches. Find. Articles. com • http: //www. findarticles. com/PI/index. jhtml – Index of magazine and journal articles available free on the web http: //www. nlm. nih. gov/nccam/camonpubmed. html • Medical Journals: Web. Med. Lit Providing efficient access to the best medical journals on the web. “ http: //webmedlit. silverplatter. com/ • Pub. Med: Medline Search for abstracts from articles in medical journals. – http: //www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/Pub. Med/medline. html • Pub. Med Central – Limited full-text article retrieval – http: //www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/.

ONLINE MEDICAL BOOKS • ONLINE MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOKS – Best Doctors Results of a ONLINE MEDICAL BOOKS • ONLINE MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOKS – Best Doctors Results of a survey that asked doctors, "If you had a close friend or loved one who needed a neurological surgeon (for example), to whom would you refer them? " Requires registration for use and a fee for access to the database. As always, before registering, read the privacy policy to find out how your personal information will be used and protected – http: //www. bestdoctors. com/ • CANCER World Wide Web Links http: //www. harthosp. org/Health. Info/index_links. htm • Trustworthy health and medical information: Health On the Net initiative http: //www. harthosp. org/Health. Info/index_links. htm

Medterms. com http: //www. medterms. com/ One of many medical dictionaries available on the Medterms. com http: //www. medterms. com/ One of many medical dictionaries available on the net; this is clearer than most for those without medical training. Rx. List http: //www. rxlist. com/ Search by keyword for drug information, including what its purpose is, indications for its use, side effects, interactions with other drugs, how it should be used, and any special instructions. There's also a section on alternative medicine.

Repositories n Bio. Med Central http: //biomedcentral. com n n A commercial, for-profit Open Repositories n Bio. Med Central http: //biomedcentral. com n n A commercial, for-profit Open Access publisher and journal hosting service ensures permanent Open Access for the journals by depositing them in independent archives, the. LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) concept . The primary depository in the United States is Pub. Med Central n n The University of Potsdam in Germany, at INIST http: //www. inist. fr/index_en. php in France and in e-Depot n The National Library of the Netherlands' digital Archive.

Open Access Journals § http: //ejournals. library. ualberta. ca/index. php/EBLIP § Journal on Evidence Open Access Journals § http: //ejournals. library. ualberta. ca/index. php/EBLIP § Journal on Evidence Based Library and Information Practice § http: //www. internationalbreastfeedingjournal. com/> § International Breastfeeding Journal (is the 87 th independent, Open Access journal)< hosted by Bio. Med. Central § http: //www. implementationscience. com/ § On Implementation Science an independent, Open Access journal hosted by Bio. Med Central . § http: //www. ace-eco. org § Avian Conservation and Ecology-fully electronic scientific journal sponsored by the § Society of Canadian Ornithologists and Bird Studies Canada. § http: //bmf. aip. org/ § Biomicrofluidics is an online open-access journal published by the. American Institute of Physics to rapidly disseminate novelmicrofluidic techniques with diagnostic, medical, biological, pharmaceutical, environmental, and chemical applications

► http: //www. biology-direct. com/ § Biology Direct Fulltext v 1+ (2006+) ISSN: 1745 ► http: //www. biology-direct. com/ § Biology Direct Fulltext v 1+ (2006+) ISSN: 1745 -6150 ► http: //www. geochemicaltransactions. com/ § Geochemical Transactions Fulltext v 1+ (2000+) ISSN: 1467 -4866 ► http: //www. substanceabusepolicy. com/ § Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy Fulltext v 1+ (2006+) ISSN : 1747 -597 X ► http: //www. trialsjournal. com/ § Trials Fulltext v 7+ (2006+). Continues Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine ISSN: 1745 -6215 ► http: //biomedcentral. com/1468 -6708/ § Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine Fulltext v 1 -6 (2000 -2005). Continued by Trials ISSN: 1468 -6708

► ► ► Algorithms for Molecular Biology http: //www. almob. org/ ISSN: 17487188 Annals ► ► ► Algorithms for Molecular Biology http: //www. almob. org/ ISSN: 17487188 Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research http: //www. asir-journal. com/ ISSN: 1750 -1164 Carbon Balance and Management http: //www. cbmjournal. com/ ISSN: 1750 -0680 Cell Division http: //www. celldiv. com/ ISSN: 1747 -1028 Chinese Medicine http: //www. cmjournal. org/ ISSN: 1749 -8546 Diagnostic Pathology http: //www. diagnosticpathology. org/ ISSN: 17461596 Education for Evidence-Based Practice http: //www. eebp. org/ ISSN: 17501598 Implementation Science http: //www. implementationscience. com ISSN: 1748 -5908 International Breastfeeding Journal http: //www. internationalbreastfeedingjournal. com/ ISSN: 1746 -4358 Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration http: //www. j-biomeddiscovery. com/ ISSN: 1747 -5333 Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury http: //www. jbppni. com/ ISSN: 1749 -7221

► ► ► Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery http: //www. cardiothoracicsurgery. org/ ISSN: 1749 -8090 ► ► ► Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery http: //www. cardiothoracicsurgery. org/ ISSN: 1749 -8090 Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research http: //www. josronline. com/ ISSN: 1749 -799 X Molecular Neurodegeneration http: //www. molecularneurodegeneration. com/ ISSN: 1750 -1326 Nanotechnology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics http: //www. ndtjournal. com/ ISSN: 1750 -1156 Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases http: //www. ojrd. com/ ISSN: 17501172 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine http: //www. peh-med. com/ ISSN: 1747 -5341 Radiation Oncology http: //www. ro-journal. com/ ISSN: 1748 -717 X Scoliosis http: //www. scoliosisjournal. com/ ISSN: 1748 -7161 Synthetic and Systems Biology http: //www. ssbjournal. com/ ISSN: 17478332 World Journal of Emergency Surgery http: //www. wjes. org/ ISSN: 17497922 Saline Systems Fulltext v 1+ (2005+) http: //www. salinesystems. org/ ISSN: 1746 -1448

Theoretical Economics > <http: //www. econtheory. org/> is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published Theoretical Economics > is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by the Society for Economic Theory ► Cyto. Journal Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral/1742 -6413/ ISSN: 1742 -6413 ► Nutrition & Metabolism Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1743 -7075/ ISSN: 1743 -7075 ► Virology Journal Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1743 -422 X/ ISSN: 1743 -422 X ► Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1743 -1050/ ISSN: 1743 -1050 ►

► Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1742 -5573/ ISSN: ► Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1742 -5573/ ISSN: 1742 -5573 ► Biomedical Digital Libraries Fulltext v 1+ (2004+) http: //biomedcentral. com/1742 -5581/ ISSN: 1742 -5581 ► International Journal of Vehicular Technology http: //www. hindawi. com/journals/ijvt/ is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet

Biology Image Library ► http: //www. biologyimagelibrary. com/ A virtual library is an online Biology Image Library ► http: //www. biologyimagelibrary. com/ A virtual library is an online collection of images, movies, illustrations and animations across biology and biomedicine, for use in education and research. particularly in the field of Biological Sciences. It is also a new, easy way to share your work with others without losing any rights to it or limiting how you use it in the future. Access to Biology Image Library for non-commercial use is by subscription. The subjects covered are § § § § Development Biology Histology & Pathology Immunology Microbiology & Parasitology Molecular & Cellular Biology Neuroscience Plant Biology It's coming soon from Bio. Med Central ► ► What is the Biology Image Library? The library is a collection of images, illustrations, movies and animations that are useful for research and education. It is also a new, easy way to share your work with others without losing any rights to it or limiting how you use it in the future. Who is the library aimed at? The library is aimed at lecturers and teachers, researchers and students. It should also be useful to members of media organizations looking for visually striking and scientifically reliable material and to any organization that is looking for pictures for commercial purposes.

Nature launches OPEN ACCESS educational site § http: //www. nature. com/scitable § Nature Publishing Nature launches OPEN ACCESS educational site § http: //www. nature. com/scitable § Nature Publishing Group, Nature Education launches free education website fit for Generation Y. § It brings together a library of scientific overviews with a worldwide community of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. § Nature Education today launches Scitable, a free, online educational resource for undergraduate biology students and educators. Currently focused on genetics, Scitable combines authoritative scientific information with social media functionality. Scitable is the first product launch from Nature Education, a division of Nature Publishing Group formed in January 2007 to develop innovative education resources and tools for college science students and educators. . § Scitable provides students with free online access to more than 180 overviews of key genetics concepts. The overviews are evidence-based and have been vetted by Nature Publishing Group staff. By connecting with other Scitable users via groups, chat functionality and other social media features, students can collaborate online with classmates, or with a wider community of experts, researchers and fellow students. § Scitable is also intended as a teaching tool for faculty. Educators can set up public or private groups for their students, providing reading lists, course-packs of Scitable articles and group discussions. Scitable is flexible and easy to use, and can be incorporated into courseware services such as Blackboard. . § Nature Education plan to expand the service to other subject areas in future.

Web resources Ø World Wide Web (WWW) Ø It is estimated that 4. 5 Web resources Ø World Wide Web (WWW) Ø It is estimated that 4. 5 new websites are created per second. Ø Websites of institutions, organisations and personal. Ø The content may be verified or not verified Ø They are the best information resources Ø Most of these resources are indexed and searchable through the search engines / meta search engines. Ø The search engines enable only those resources that are registered with them Ø Most of these resources are either directly accessed through web crawlers or connected through the hyperlink by other websites too. Ø These resources are optimally used as the search engines publicise and provide information about them Ø Most important is the content is available outside, therefore, is also known as surface web

SEARCH ENGINES AND META SEARCH ENGINES ► Web search engine is a tool designed SEARCH ENGINES AND META SEARCH ENGINES ► Web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the WWW (World Wide Web). Search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in newsbooks, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input (wikipedia). ► Eg: Google, Yahoo, Alta. Vista, Bing A meta-search engine is a search tool that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Metasearch engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously. Metasearch engines operate on the premise that the Web is too large for any one search engine to index it all and that more comprehensive search results can be obtained by combining the results from several search engines. This also may save the user from having to use multiple search engines separately. ► It is frequently used to classify a set of commercial search engines, but is also used to describe the paradigm of searching multiple data sources in real time. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) uses the terms Federated Search and Metasearch interchangeably to describe this web search paradigm. ► § Eg: Brainboost, Chunk. It!, Clusty, Dogpile, Excite, Harvester 42, Hot. Bot, Info. com, Ixquick, Kayak, Leap. Fish, Mamma, Metacrawler , Meta. Lib, Mobissimo, Myriad Search , Side. Step, Turbo 10, Web. Crawler

TYPES OF SEARCH ENGINES (Source: Wikipedia) ► General ► ► Geographical limited scope Accoona, TYPES OF SEARCH ENGINES (Source: Wikipedia) ► General ► ► Geographical limited scope Accoona, (China/US), Alleba (Philippines), Ansearch (Australia/US/UK/NZ) , Araby (Middle East), Baidu (China ), Daum (Korea), Guruji. com (India), Goo (Japan), Leit. is (Iceland) Miner. hu, (Hungary), Najdi. si (Slovenia), Naver (Korea), Onkosh (Middle East), Rambler, Russia, Rediff, India , SAPO, Portugal/Angola/Cabo Verde (Mozambique), Search. ch (Switzerland) , Sesam (Norway, Sweden), Walla! (Israel), Yandex (Russia), Zip. Local (Canada/US). Accountancy IFACnet Business. com, Global. Spec, Nexis (Lexis Nexis), Thomasnet (United States) ► ► § Ask. com (formerly Ask Jeeves), Baidu (Chinese) , Cuil , Google , Live Search (formerly MSN Search) , Sogou (Chinese) , Sohu (Chinese), Yahoo! Search,

TYPES OF SEARCH ENGINES (contd) ► Legal § West. Law, Lexis (Lexis Nexus), Quicklaw TYPES OF SEARCH ENGINES (contd) ► Legal § West. Law, Lexis (Lexis Nexus), Quicklaw ► News § Google News, Daylife, Mag. Portal, Newslookup, Nexis (Lexis Nexis), Topix. net, Yahoo! News ► Blog § Amatomu, Bloglines, Blog. Scope, Ice. Rocket, Sphere, Technorati ► Multimedia § blinkx, Find. Sounds, Google Video, Picsearch, Podscope, Seeq. Pod, Veveo, You. Tube, Pixsta, Munax Play. Audio. Video, Yahoo! Video ► Maps § Géoportail, Google Maps, Map. Quest, Live Search Maps, Yahoo! Maps

► Commercial § Databases § Aggregators § Information or document supply on demand ► ► Commercial § Databases § Aggregators § Information or document supply on demand ► INTERNET § Access to library (including other library) resources § Free and web resources § Websites provides lot of information § Helps in remote access § Ease in transfer of information § Manipulation / packaging / repackaging § Speed in searching § Increased communication—death of distance

DEEP WEB ü ü ü This is also known as Invisble web or hidden DEEP WEB ü ü ü This is also known as Invisble web or hidden web or deepnet. This refers to WWW content that is not part of surface web. In 2000, it was estimated that the deep web contained approximately 7500 terabytes of data and 550 billion individual documents ( estimated deep web content is 91, 000 terabytes- by University of California). Surface web (which can be reached through sear engines) has only 167 terabytes (LC contains 11 terabytes). They are classified into: ü ü ü ü Dynamic content Unlinked content Private web Contextual web Limited access content Scripted content Non-HTML / text content ü ü ü Use federated search by subject based on search engines Web harvesting Yahoo made through Yahoo! Subscriptions ü ü ü Closerlooksearch Science. gov Northern Light ü Searching the deep web ü Deep web search engines—search by topic

FREE WEB RESOURCES ► Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition Containing nearly 51, 000 entries (marshalling FREE WEB RESOURCES ► Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition Containing nearly 51, 000 entries (marshalling six and one-half million words on a vast range of topics), and with more than 80, 000 hypertext cross-references, the current Sixth Edition is among the most complete and up-to-date encyclopedias ever produced. http: //www. bartleby. com/65/ ► The World Factbook, 2003 The U. S. government’s complete geographical handbook, featuring 268 full-color maps and flags of all nations and geographical entities. Each country profile tracks such demographics as population, ethnicity and literacy rates, as well as political, geographical and economic data. http: //www. bartleby. com/151/ ► The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition Over 90, 000 entries feature 10, 000 new words and senses, 70, 000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full -page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes http: //www. bartleby. com/61/ Roget’s Thesauri http: //www. bartleby. com/thesauri/ ► ► Quotations http: //www. bartleby. com/quotations/

FREE WEB RESOURCES- contd 2 ► ► ► ► English Usage, Style & Composition FREE WEB RESOURCES- contd 2 ► ► ► ► English Usage, Style & Composition Search Usage: http: //www. bartleby. com/usage/ Free English fictions http: //www. bartleby. com/fiction/ Free English Non-fictions http: //www. bartleby. com/nonfiction/ E- Books Index to Subjects http: //www. bartleby. com/subjects/ E- Books Index to titles http: //www. bartleby. com/titles/ Search Reference http: //www. bartleby. com/reference/ Search Verse http: //www. bartleby. com/verse/ Link to bartleby. com http: //www. bartleby. com/

POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS & VIDEO LECTURES ► There are internet sites which provide the power POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS & VIDEO LECTURES ► There are internet sites which provide the power point presentations at free of cost on various topics / subjects ► www. slideshare. net ► www. google. com § One has to go for advanced search and look for searching the power point presentations. § VIDEO LECTURES § http: //www. academicearth. org/ ► ► ► ► One can download thousands of video lectures from World’s top scholars. Subjects include– Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Law English, Entrepreneurship, History, Mathematics Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science Psychology, Religion Some of the universities participated are—Berkeley, Harvard ► MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Yale § http: //nature. com/nature/videoarchive § http: //uk. youtube. com/Nature. Video. Channel ► Videos featuring interviews with researchers and scientists on various scientific projects

JOURNAL Content Pages § http: //www. tictocs. ac. uk § tic. TOCs is a JOURNAL Content Pages § http: //www. tictocs. ac. uk § tic. TOCs is a new scholarly journal tables of contents (TOCs) service. It’s free, its easy to use, and it provides access to the most recent tables of contents of over 11, 000 scholarly journals from more than 400 publishers. § Using tic. TOCs, you can find journals of interest by title, subject or publisher, view the latest TOC, link through to the full text of over 250, 000 articles (where institutional or personal subscriptions, or Open Access, allow), and save selected journals to My. TOCs so that you can view future TOCs (free registration is required if you want to permanently save your My. TOCs). tic. TOCs also makes it easy to export selected TOC RSS feeds to popular feedreaders such as Google Reader and Bloglines, and in addition you can import article citations into Ref. Works (where institutional or personal subscriptions allow). This project was started on 1 April 2007 for a period of two years. § Presently many publishers are providing regularly at free of cost the title pages of their journals (well in advance), if registered with them (on their site).

Content Pages § http: //j-gate. informindia. co. in § It is a paid service Content Pages § http: //j-gate. informindia. co. in § It is a paid service and is an e-gateway to global e-journal literature and offered in 7 different subject groups and was launched by Informatics (India) Ltd. This is compilation of articles to provide seamless access to millions of journal articles offered by 5464 publishers available online by linking to full text at publisher sites. . It was launched in 2001 and presently has a massive database of journal literature, indexed from 19250 e-journals. Currently, J-Gate offers two types of products/services: § Table of Contents for 19250 e-journals (TOC) § Database A comprehensive searchable database with 14405606 articles, with 4, 000+ articles added every day. § Under the Infonet Consortia the academic libraries get customized service (JCCC). the contents / full text of journals subscribed under consortia as well as individual libraries are merged, which enables access to all journals through one source. http: //www. openj-gate. com § This is an electronic gateway to global journal literature in open access domain. It is free for access. Launched in 2006 to promote OAI. Open J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles (now around 30 millions) with an approximate addition of 300, 000 articles available online. Open J-Gate is also a database of journal literature, indexed from 5325 open access journals (including 2998 peer-reviewed), with links to full text at Publisher sites. It is updated constantly and provides the users to browse Table of Contents (TOC) of latest issues. Most important is it is searchable by Title, Author, Abstract, Author's Address/Institution, Keywords with boolean search across fields.

RESEARCH PAPERS IN ECONOMICS n http: //www. repec. org/ n Re. PEc (Research Papers RESEARCH PAPERS IN ECONOMICS n http: //www. repec. org/ n Re. PEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 65 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All Re. PEc material is freely available. Any one can add their materials to Re. PEc through a department or institutional archive -- all institutions are welcome to join and contribute their materials by establishing and maintaining their own Re. PEc archive n Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World n n http: //edirc. repec. org/ There amazing number of economics institutions on the WWW. Christian Zimmermann (Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Connecticut) indexed by countries and tfields. By Feb 2009, 11098 institutions in 229 countries and territories are listed.

FREE MANAGEMENT RESOURCES n Free Management Library n n The Library provides easy-to-access, clutter-free, FREE MANAGEMENT RESOURCES n Free Management Library n n The Library provides easy-to-access, clutter-free, comprehensive resources regarding the leadership and management of yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations. Content is relevant to the vast majority of people, whether they are in large or small for-profit or nonprofit organizations. Over the past 10 years, the Library has grown to be one of the world's largest well-organized collections of these types of resources. http: //www. managementhelp. org/

EDUCATION § Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) § http: //eric. ed. gov/ § ERIC EDUCATION § Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) § http: //eric. ed. gov/ § ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U. S. Department of Education. ERIC provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. § The ERIC Mission § The ERIC mission is to provide a comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information that also meets the requirements of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 § What's in the ERIC Collection Bibliographic records of education literature, plus a growing collection of full text § Journal Index Alphabetical list covering 1966 to the present § Featured Publications Quick search options to locate special collections

REFERENCE GUIDE § ONLINE- a reference guide to using Internet sources § http: //www. REFERENCE GUIDE § ONLINE- a reference guide to using Internet sources § http: //www. bedfordstmartins. com/online/index. html § Connotea § Free online reference management for clinicians and scientists § http: //www. connotea. org/ § ASK. com

GATEWAYS § Internet Public Library www. ipl. org § Michigan Electronic Library www. mel. GATEWAYS § Internet Public Library www. ipl. org § Michigan Electronic Library www. mel. lib. mi. us § Penn Electronic Library www. library. upenn. edu § BUBL Information Service www. bubl. ac. uk § Argus Clearing House www. clearinghouse. net § Internet Index www. sunsite. berkeley. edu/siteindex. html § UNESCO Libraries Portal- An international gateway to information for librarians and library users http: //www. unesco. org/webworld/portal_bib/pages/Cooperation/ Associations/National/Asia-Pacific/more 2. shtml

Subject Gateways § EEVL Engineering Resources <http: //www. eevl. ac. uk/> § BUBL Information Subject Gateways § EEVL Engineering Resources § BUBL Information Service as an Internet Reference Resource § Clearing House for Subject oriented Internet Resource Guides § UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry Department § The WWW Virtual Library § Galaxy § Library and Information Science

BLOGS n What is a blog? Ø Ø Ø A blog is basically a BLOGS n What is a blog? Ø Ø Ø A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web A blog (from web log) is a website where entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs and web pages. Readers can also often leave comments, making blogs more interactive than normal websites. Activity of updating a blog is “blogging” Someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger. ”‘

BLOGS-contd ► 1, 75, 000 new weblogs are created each day ► More than BLOGS-contd ► 1, 75, 000 new weblogs are created each day ► More than 2 blogs are created each second ► 1. 6 million postings per day /18. 6 postings per second ► Characteristics § § § Updated regularly Places content in reverse date Subscribe No need of HTML knowledge One click publishing comments

 • Why should you have a blog? – A Blog is a simple, • Why should you have a blog? – A Blog is a simple, cost-effective way to create a professional online presence. – Create a conversation between you and the people who matter to you. – Tremendous way to boost your search engine rankings. – Deliver a huge impact for very little money. – Take control of what you publish. – Develop a position of thought leadership. – Collect your customers feedback. – Create a historical record of your content. – Earn Money by displaying Ads • Where to search for relevant blogs Ø Ø http: //blogsearch. google. com/ http: //www. blogger. com http: //livejournal. com http: //wordpress. com Ø Search Engines for Blogs Ø Amatomu, Bloglines, Blog. Scope, Ice. Rocket, Sphere, Technorati

Few social science blogs Ú http: //guysread. typepad. com/theblurb/ o What Math and Science Few social science blogs Ú http: //guysread. typepad. com/theblurb/ o What Math and Science teachers know about Social Studies Ú http: //sgrp. typepad. com/sgrp/2008/03/new-social-scie. html – New Social Science Blog on Race/Racism Ú http: //itsfine. wordpress. com/2008/03/16/some-feminist-reading/ – Some feminist reading Ú http: //blog. co. in – It is a free service for communication, self-expression and freedom of speech. This blog increases the availability of information, encourages healthy debate, and makes possible new connections between people Ú http: //blogs. sulekha. com/ – Create your blog online for free. Blog your experiences, Share pictures, write poetry or simply have fun reading best indian blogs. Ú www. blogsinindia. com/ – Directory of Indian Blogs.

Open source software (library related) § § DSpace § It is a well known Open source software (library related) § § DSpace § It is a well known Digital repository software developed by MIT. It has all the in -built features which is required for any ideal institutional repository. http: //www. dspace. org/ e. Prints § § Greenstone is a suite of software tools for building and distributing digital library collections on the Internet or CD-ROM. It is open-source, multilingual software, issued under the terms of the GNU General Public License. § § http: //www. greenstone. org/ Moodle § § § It is a digital library software for digital repository. Feature wise it is as good as DSpace. http: //www. eprints. org/ It is one of the best free e-learning tool used across the world. http: //moodle. org Joomla & Drupal § These are free content management system tool. It can be used to manage the different forms of online collection for the organization. § http: //joomla. org § http: //drupal. org

Open Source Software n Word. Press With advent of w 3 and the era Open Source Software n Word. Press With advent of w 3 and the era of web 2. 0 it became very easy to become a writer and invite others to read our articles and thought. This tool meant for the same. http: //wordpress. org n Media. Wiki n Yes Wikipedia are there from centuries to make our self informative on some given subject. Now we are into digital age and our need and volume of information also increased. We need to have information at a single mouse click. So to fulfill all this mediawiki a free tool has been designed. http: //mediawiki. org n KOHA n n n Koha is an integrated library system (ILS) and was the first open source ILS. Koha was created in 1999 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand. The first installation went live in January of 2000. The latest version is Koha V 3. 0 http: //www. koha. org/ New. Gen. Lib n n New. Gen. Lib, an Integrated Library Management System, is now freely available as open source under the most widely used free software license, GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) v 3. Since becoming open source under GNU GPL. http: //www. verussolutions. biz/web/

Open source software ► Open. Biblio ► Open. URL re. Searcher suite (CUFTS, GODOT, Open source software ► Open. Biblio ► Open. URL re. Searcher suite (CUFTS, GODOT, DBWIZ) § Open. Biblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality. § http: //obiblio. sourceforge. net/index. php/Main/Open. Biblio § Developed by SFU. This is entirely a new initiative and efforts are being done. http: //software. lib. sfu. ca/ ► Cufts § CUFTS is an open source (GPL) Open. URL link resolver designed for use by library consortia. It supports multiple sites from one server, online management tools, usage statistics, and supports a knowledgebase of over 350 resources with 422, 000 title records. Sites can individually activate resources they have access to, as well as subserts of titles for packages to which they only have partial subscriptions. CUFTS 2 includes a journal listing system which can incorporate print record data to provide users with an integrated, comprehensive list of journals they have access to. Integrating the link resolver and journals lists means that subscription information only has to be maintained in one place. § http: //cufts. lib. sfu. ca/

Open source software (contd) § GODOT § Launched from a link embedded in your Open source software (contd) § GODOT § Launched from a link embedded in your library's citation databases or other resources, GODOT is web-based software which enables library patrons to view your library's holdings for that item, whether in electronic format or in print, as well as other library's holdings. This is combined with the ability to request documents not in your collection via Interlibrary Loan. GODOT is free, open source software created at Simon Fraser University and the University of Manitoba § http: //researcher. sfu. ca § db. Wiz § http: //dbwiz. lib. sfu. ca/dbwiz/ § db. Wiz is an exciting federated search tool that allows users to select an appropriate starting point when doing research. db. Wiz gives users of library resources a quick and effective means of choosing the right research resource. db. Wiz gives librarians the ability to create a customized search profile. A search profile consisting of any number of databases can then be searched at a single point of access.

OPACs § Indian Institute of science online public access Catalogue <http: //deen. library. iisc. OPACs § Indian Institute of science online public access Catalogue § Library of Congress Online Catalogue § University of saskatchewan Library Catalogue § Dissertation and theses Online Public Access Catalouge § NARA Library Online Public Access Catalogue § University Research Libraries copac

Digital Libraries § Berkeley Digital Library <http: //elib. cs. berkeley. edu/> § Alexandria Digital Digital Libraries § Berkeley Digital Library § Alexandria Digital Library § Informedia Digital Video Library § University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Digital Libraries § University of Michigan Digital Library § Stanford Integrated Digital Library § National Resource Centre, NIFT, New Delhi § International Children's Digital Library

Library and Information Centers § National Center for Science Information (NCSI) <http: //www. ncsi. Library and Information Centers § National Center for Science Information (NCSI) § National Informatics Center (NIC) § National Information Center for Machine Tools and Production § National Information Centers (NICs) § Environmental Information system § Biotechnology Information Center § Information Center S. N. D. T. Women's University § Information Center for Aerospace Science and Technology

§ Bhabha Atomic Research Center <http: //www. barc. ernet. in/> § R & D § Bhabha Atomic Research Center § R & D Center for Iron & Steel (RDCIS) § Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) § National Small Industries Corporation § National Medical Library, New Delhi. § Environmental Systems Research Institute § Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) § Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)

Councils § Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) <http: //www. csir. res. in/> § Councils § Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) § Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) § Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) § University Grant Commission § Department of Scientific &Industrial. Research

§ National Earthquake Information Center <http: //wwwneic. cr. usgs. gov/> § National Aeronautics and § National Earthquake Information Center § National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Vaccine Information Center Uranium Information Center International Information Centers. International Information System for the Agri. Sci. &technology. AGRIS) World's Leading International Nuclear Information System International Nuclear Information System(INIS) Institute of Scientific and Technical Information(VINITI) United Nations Edu. Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) International federation for library association and institution(IFLA)

§ International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) <http: //www. kb. nl/infolev/fid/about/> § Association § International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) § Association for Information Management(ASLIB) § American library association(ALA) § Special Libraries Association (SLA) § The Library Association(UK) § Social Science Information Gateway § Social Science Information Center § International Sociological Association (ISA) § OCLC Online Computer Library Center

§ Patent Information System (PIS), <http: //did. nic. in/vsdid/pisnew. htm> § Indian Space Research § Patent Information System (PIS), § Indian Space Research Organisation § National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS) § Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) § Agriculture Network Information Center § Indian MEDLARS Center § American Information Resource Centers in India (AIRC)

RESEARCH METHODS - Glossaries § Research Methods for Social Sciences Glossary for Qualitative Research RESEARCH METHODS - Glossaries § Research Methods for Social Sciences Glossary for Qualitative Research Methods http: //cwis. livjm. ac. uk/busrmccl/aem 303/glossql. htm § Quantitative, Positivist Research Methods in Information Systems http: //dstraub. cis. gsu. edu: 88/quant/7 glossary. asp 4. § Common and uncommon marketing research words and phrases http: //www. quirks. com/resources/glossary. asp § Research Methods Glossary http: //www. bath. ac. uk/e-learning/gold/glossary. html#glossary § Glossary of common statistical terms http: //www. audiencedialogue. org/gloss-stats. html § Glossary of Health Care and Health Care Management Terms http: //depts. washington. edu/hsic/resource/glossary. html § Glossary of Internet Terms http: //www. walthowe. com/glossary/ § Definitions for thousands of the most current IT-related words http: //whatis. techtarget. com/ § Glossary of Internet Terms www. internet-guide. co. uk/glossary

Institution Based Multidisciplinary Information System § § § § Indian National Scientific Documentation Centers Institution Based Multidisciplinary Information System § § § § Indian National Scientific Documentation Centers (INSDOC) (NISCAIR) http: //www. insdoc. org/ Defense Scientific Information & Documentation Center (DESIDOC) National Social Science Documentation Center (NASSDOC) Small Enterprises National Document Center (SENDOC) National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training Indian MEDLARS Center

Engineering and Technology databases § A fair number are listed at Per. X Listing Engineering and Technology databases § A fair number are listed at Per. X Listing of Engineering Repository Sources http: //www. icbl. hw. ac. uk/perx/sourceslisting. htm § Commercial databases in engineering are listed in http: //www. saur. de/index. cfm? id=0000010424 http: //www. amazon. com/Engineering-Literature-Routledge-Studies. Information § Tech. Xtra might be useful to you, as it cross-searches 31 different collections (databases) in technology, and therebyfacilitates access to over 4 million items on technological subjects, (but by no means all) many of which are freely available in full text. http: //www. techxtra. ac. uk/

Web based resources ü Book shops üwww. amazon. com üwww. fabmart. com ü Library Web based resources ü Book shops üwww. amazon. com üwww. fabmart. com ü Library catalogs ühttp: //catalog. loc. gov ühttp: //americanlibrary. in. library. net ühttp: //www. bclindia. org ü Free periodicals üIndian Science Academy üIndian Medical journals

Ø Information service Ø Ø Ø www. libraryspot. com www. infolibrarian. com www. questia. Ø Information service Ø Ø Ø www. libraryspot. com www. infolibrarian. com www. questia. com www. britannica. com http: //www. reference. com/ Ø To access databases Ø UGC-INFONET is providing access to lot of journals (about 4000 e-journals) through individual university’s networks Ø Every member of the British library can access the databases, Encyclopedia and other language resources

LIBRARY CONSORTIA Ú What is Library Consortia? – It is cooperation among the libraries LIBRARY CONSORTIA Ú What is Library Consortia? – It is cooperation among the libraries especially now it is being used for collective bargaining for purchase of information resources by which thei buying power increases. In turn, they are able to procure more documents / journals with the same financial resources. They are able to provide access to increased number of journals. Ú INDEST (Indian National Digital Library in Science and Technology) Engineering colleges are subscribing e-journals through INDEST at discounted rates ranging between 20 – 80%. Ú CSIR consortia – It is able to provide access to all the journals purchased by the CSIR labs in electronic form. Ú FORSA (Forum for Resource Sharing in Astronomy and Astrophysics)

Databases § ABI-Inform –Business, commerce, trade and management § Proquest- social sciences § ERIC Databases § ABI-Inform –Business, commerce, trade and management § Proquest- social sciences § ERIC – Education § Agris- Agriculture § INIS- Nuclear science § LISA—Library Science § BIOSIS-Biological Sciences § AGGREGATORS (full text AND Abstracts) § § EBSCO PROQUEST

Databases in COMPUTER Science n n n n ACM Digital Library Aerospace & High Databases in COMPUTER Science n n n n ACM Digital Library Aerospace & High Technology Database Compendex Computer and Information Systems Abstracts (CSA) Computing Reviews (Computing Reviews) IEEE/IET Electronic Library Web of Knowledge

Websites for jobs § § § § www. Naukri. com www. Job. Street. com Websites for jobs § § § § www. Naukri. com www. Job. Street. com www. Jobs. Ahead. com www. Career. Age. com www. Placement. India. com www. Career. Mosaic. India. com www. Info. Librarian. com www. Timesjobs. com

Conclusions • To get access to relevant information- one needs to know – Information Conclusions • To get access to relevant information- one needs to know – Information resources (both free and subscribed) – How to get them – What will be the cost – Knowledge of IT to access information – Take the assistance from the library staff – Informal communication with professionals / colleagues