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Academies Presentation for Heads and governors www. hertsdirect. org
Why become an Academy? • • Freedoms and Flexibilities to improve standards – free from local authority control. – become their own admissions authority, – ability to set own pay and conditions for staff, – freedom from following the National Curriculum, – able to change term dates and the lengths of school days. Finances – Direct from DFE(EFA) – Based on local authority funding formulae – Plus Education Services Grant (Per pupil unit 2014/15: £ 140) – Early years funding (where applicable) from LA – Top up funding for high needs pupils from LA – Growth fund from LA for agreed expansions (where applicable) – Ability to be more entrepreneurial Local perceptions – Academies being seen in a positive light by parents. www. hertsdirect. org
Why not become an academy? • • • Small schools LACSEG is small Small schools may not have capacity to manage the extra responsibilities. E. g. admissions, pensions, etc. Do small schools have capacity? Impact on LA services and schools remaining with LA. Uncertainty about future funding arrangements. Changing patterns of accountability. – Audited accounts and financial reports that comply with Companies Act and EFA. – Office of the schools commissioner’s responsibility for standards. www. hertsdirect. org
Current position in Hertfordshire Number converted % of Number in school type process % of school type Primary 28 7. 04 4 1 Middle 3 75 0 0 Secondary/Upper 52 71. 2 0 0 Special 4 16. 0 1 4 All Through 2 100 0 0 ESC 1 12. 5 0 0 Total 90 17. 5 5 0. 97% www. hertsdirect. org
Requirements – outstanding schools and good schools with outstanding features • • Your pupils’ attainment and progress must be above the national average You will need to prove that your school’s finances are healthy Quick and easy 3 -4 months Straight forward conversion under 2010 act Agree to support another school to raise its performance. VA and Foundation schools need consent of trustees. Schools with a religious character will need the approval of the local Diocese. www. hertsdirect. org
The conversion process 1. Registration – On line form at: 2. www. education. gov. uk/academies – Triggers Df. E contact – Start consultation 3. – – Obtaining Funding Agreement – Employ lawyer – – – Set up Trust Register at Companies House Complete; land transfer, CTA, bank account, TUPE, Pensions etc Contracts, loans and outstanding works Sign funding agreement www. hertsdirect. org Application to convert – Governors pass resolution approve proposal to convert. – – – 4. On line application Start TUPE - requires separate consultation Support for another school Academy order issued Access £ 25, 000 Pre-opening – Complete odds and ends – Register with exam boards – Transfer contracts – Agree bank balance with Hertfordshire
The Trust and Company – single academy trust model. • • • An exempt charity. Established by the current GB in consultation with a Foundation if one exists. “Members” – at least 3. Other members can be appointed once set up. Register Trust with companies house ‘Memorandum and Articles of Association’ are needed. Available on Df. E website. Memorandum - names and signatures of members. Articles - structure and organisation of management etc. Trust (members) appoints a Board of Governors or Directors as described in articles. Trust enters into funding agreement with Df. E. Only a maximum of 1 governor can be an LA governor. Up to 20% or 2 governors whichever is the smallest can be LA associated. www. hertsdirect. org Members Directors (Governors)
Umbrella trust model • • • Each school will convert as a separate Academy Trust retaining autonomy; e. g. of budget and staffing. Agree to join or set up an UT with a group of schools together. Schools agree a structure for UT that can allow shared governance, collaboration and procurement of services and staff. UT may also set a joint vision for the schools or procure joint services. Popular with Diocese Can be variety of schools; e. g. VA and community. www. hertsdirect. org Umbrella Trust Members Academy Trust 1 Academy Trust 2 Academy Trust 3 Members Directors / Governors Directors/ Governors
Multi-academy trust model • • • £ 25, 000 for Primary schools converting together For any joint application, one of the member Trust Members schools must be ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’ Each school submits a separate application and their Governing Body would need to pass a resolution to convert. Each school’s application will be considered on its merits, and the Secretary of State will only approve those where he is satisfied there appropriate Board of Directors accountability mechanisms in place to support the weaker schools to improve. Requires detailed negotiation of new structure for funding agreement. The MAT holds ultimate responsibility for all decisions regarding the running of the individual Chief Executive Principals Academies, from setting the curriculum to HR Appointed by Directors One employer for all staff, Allows the moving of resources through schools in the chain The MAT will ultimately be accountable and responsible for the performance of schools in the Local committee chain. Powers delegated by The MAT can agree to delegate as much or as little Directors power down to the advisory bodies or local governing bodies of the schools involved www. hertsdirect. org
Hertfordshire’s position and useful websites • • • Will support any school wishing to convert. Will make available any services we can for academies. Will seek to encourage all schools in Hertfordshire to work in partnership for the benefit of local young people. www. hertsdirect. org • • DFE Academies site www. education. gov. uk/academies – Documents available for download including: Guidance for schools becoming academies Standard lease agreements Memorandum and articles of association Flow Chart Application forms Hertfordshire academy site on The. Grid. www. thegrid. org. uk/leadership/academies – Documents available for download including: Prospects of services Contact details This presentation • The Co-operative College www. co-op. ac. uk/schools-and-young-people Tel: 0161 246 2926 Email: schools@co-op. ac. uk