- Количество слайдов: 6
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Сербай Мадина Уралов Данияр Пак Валерия Омурзаков Бекзат Куанышева Карлыгаш Абдулпаттаев Нурилло Жусупаева Дамира Конакбаева Жансая
Student’s Guide to Academic Integrity The guide is the best resource students can use to learn the rules at OU, understand why it’s important, and how they can participate throughout the school year. The New Faculty Guide to Academic Integrity is Available! This guide seeks to answer general questions Faculty members might have about Academic Integrity at OU as well as provide information on the process for reporting incidents of academic misconduct.
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing.
Honesty and fairness are fundamental values shared by students, staff and faculty in the University of Toronto community. The ethic of intellectual honesty goes hand in hand with the University's efforts to advance and disseminate knowledge by drawing fairly on the ideas of others, by presenting and testing ideas, and by giving and receiving appropriate recognition.