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Abu Nidal One of the most feared transnational terrorist organization. Also Known as: Fatah Revolutionary Council Arab Revolutionary Brigades Black September Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims Katrina Perez, Laura Falcon, James Jensen
Founder and Beliefs • The ANO was founded by Sabri AI-Banna. • Al-Banna came up with the name of the organization translated as “father of the struggle. ” • He believed in no goal other than the total liberation of the Palestine people. • He wanted to eliminated Israel. He strongly opposed Israel peace negotiations. • He was motivated by anger over displacement of his family from the Palestine during the 1948. • He started his first terrorism organization with the Black September.
The Beginning • The ANO was founded after the split of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1974. • The group structure consisted of many functional committees, political, military, and financial. • They started the group in Ba’th-ruled Iraq. • The group consisted of around 400 members at its peak.
Places under combat • They carried out terrorist attack in 20 different countries. Here are some of the few: • United States • United Kingdom • France • Arab • And others
Attacks • 1976 - They hijacked an Air France jet, and flew to Benghazi, Libya, where they released everyone, but the Jewish passengers. • 1982 - American tourists were gunshot at Goldenberg's Restaurants in Paris. Six people died and 22 were wounded. • 1985 - Egypt Air Flight 648, was hijacked and lasted 30 hours. 60 people were killed.
• 1985 -Nidal members wounded 75 and killed 13 at Leonardo da Vinci Airport. • 1986 - Pan AM F 173 is hijacked and killed 22 passenger and injured another 150. • 1986 -Nidal attacked Istanbul’s Neve Shalom synagogue, and killed 21 people. • 1988 -In the City of Poros Nidal pulled machine guns and grenades and killed 9 passengers and injured 98.
Supporters • The group received aid, logistical supports, safehaven, and training from a multitude of countries including: Iraq, Syria, and Libya. • Nidal received training, weapons, supplies, and safehaven from their supporters.
Leaders Death • In August 2002 Sabri Al. Banna committed suicide in Baghdad, Iraq. • There were speculations that he was killed by Iraqi forces. • Since his death, the group is now based in Iraq, and they are no longer seen as an active group.
References • Martin, Gus. (2003). Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives , and Issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Pp. 73, 83. • Abu NIdal http: //judicial–inc. btz/abu_nidal. htm • In the Spotlight: Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) http: //www. cdi. org/terrorism/ano-pr. cfm • Abu Nidal Organization http: //cfrterrorism. org/groups/abunidal/html