Аль фараби слайд по философии.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 21
Abu Nasr Mahomed ibn Tarkhan of ibn Uzlag Al-Farabi at-Turki, known in the medieval Muslim East as "The second teacher", i. e. the second ambassador of Aristotle.
• Philosopher and scientist. Encyclopaedist of the East, the largest representative of east aristotelizm.
• The largest historians of culture and science noted greatness and uniqueness of a figure of Al Farabi. Astronomy, logic, theory of music and the mathematician, sociology and ethics, medicine and psychology, philosophy and the right - the list of its interests
• In young years Farabi left the hometown and practically visited all cities connected with Islam and the Arab caliphate
• Philosophical activity of al-Farabi is manysided, he was scientist-Encyclopaedist. The total of works of the philosopher fluctuates between the 80 th and the 130 th. Al-Farabi sought to comprehend a world design systematically. The beginning looks quite traditionally is Allah. The middle is a hierarchy of life. The person is the individual comprehending the world and acting in it. The end - achievement of original happiness.
Al Farabi's compositions Main compositions of Al Farabi: "Wisdom gems", "The treatise about views of residents of the virtuous city", "The word about classification of sciences", "The big book about music". In social and ethical treatises of Al Farabi I developed the doctrine about the "virtuous city" directed by the governorphilosopher acting at the same time as the imam, i. e. the leader of a religious community transferring to general public in a figurative and symbolical form the truth received by it from "active intelligence". "The big treatise about music" Al Farabi – the most important source of data on music of the East and Ancient Greek musical system. Al Farabi had impact on Ibn Xing, Ibn Budge, Ibn Tufaylya, Ibn Rushda, and also on philosophy and science of medieval Western Europe.
Bikes of a merit of Al - Farabi in development of mathematical sciences. It left many works that to mathematics which still were almost not studied. To us his following compositions of the mathematical contents are known: the mathematical section "Words about Classification of Sciences" (manuscripts are stored in libraries of Paris, Istanbul, Madrid), trigonometrical heads "Book of annexes to "Almagest"" (the only. the manuscript known to us is stored in the British museum in London which to page of their time wasn't published and not translated into other languages), "The book of spiritual skillful receptions and natural secrets about subtleties of geometrical figures" (the only manuscript known to us is stored in library of Upsalyoky university in Sweden), "Comments to difficulties in introductions to the first and fifth books of Euclid" (the Arab manuscripts of this composition didn't remain, but there are two manuscripts of the Hebrew translation which are stored in Munich), "The treatise that is correct and that is wrong in sentences of stars" (some manuscripts remained, there are editions and the translations into the modern languages).
Many streets and the areas in all Kazakhstan and beyond its limits are called by his name. And practically in each city there is a monument of the great thinker
Al Farabi's monument before the historical museum
Al Farabi was really the world-class person, it pulled together and synthesized the most valuable achievements of the Arab, Persian, Greek, Indian and Turkic culture in the creativity. Al Farabi was not simply the scientist -humanist who pulled together various cultural traditions, in it there lived a genius of the reformer of science seeking to systematize knowledge of the time.
Аль фараби слайд по философии.ppt