About the Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Born in

About the Author

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Born in Lyon, France on June 29, 1900 Fond of writing and Flying Became a Pilot in 1926 Wrote “The Little Prince” in New York City in 1940 Died during one flying mission on July 31, 1944 1900 ~ 1944

About this Book

The three most popular books in the 20th century — the Holy Bible, Muslim Koran, and The Little Prince

This book is dedicated to Leon Werth, the best friend of the author.

Plot Summary The texts are selected from the book.

I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara.

And I saw a most extraordinary small person.

“I am responsible for my rose,” the little prince repeated.

“Approach, so that I may see you better,” said the king, who felt consumingly proud of being at last a king over somebody.

“Ah!Ah! I am about to receive a visit from an admirer,”

“Why are you drinking?” “So that I may forget.” “Forget what?” “Forget that I am ashamed.”

“And what do you do with these stars?” “Nothing. I own them.”

“But why have you just lighted it again?” “Those are the orders.”

“The planet Earth,” replied the geographer. “It has a good reputation.”

“Whomever I touch, I send back to the earth from whence he came,” the snake spoke again.

“I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose.”

“To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.”

Then I am happy. And there is sweetness in the laughter of all the stars.

Analysis of Major Characters Reference: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/littleprince/canalysis.html

The Little Prince A pure and innocent traveler Contracts with different adult characters Search for answers is more important the the answers themselves.

The Narrator An adult, but used to be an imaginary child A human being grows and develops over time.

The Rose A crucial character A symbol of universal love Love comes from investing in other people

The Fox A friend and a instructor His encounter with the little prince displays an ideal friendship

The Snake Master life’s mysteries Poisonous bite indicate the unavoidable phenomenon of death.

Analysis of Plot Reference: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/littleprince/facts.html

A Flashback Plot Conflict The conflict between the childlike perspectives of the prince and the beliefs of the adult world Climax The fox teaches the little prince his secret, and the little prince realizes the value of his rose.

Major Theme

The major theme is the importance of looking beneath the surface to find a real truth and a meaning of a thing.

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