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About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Sinewave Computer Services Private Limited (SCSPL), is a company in business of providing business solutions mainly to Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants and Corporate for past 24 years. The company specializes in Indian Taxation and HR Management solutions through its versatile products. SCSPL, has multiple Taxation and other products, some of the major products are: 1. Taxbase: Software for Indian Income Tax return preparation including E-filing of return for Individual/HUF, Trusts, Cooperative Societies and Corporate Sector. Also including module like Wealth Tax, Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at source (TDS), Audit Forms, Customer Billing, Fringe Benefit Tax, Annual Information Return (Beta), Financial Statements, Monitor Returns/Received and Pending documents, SMS Sending, Movement of Shares, etc. Available in Single user. 2. Taxbase. LAN: Software for Indian Income Tax return preparation including E-filing of return for Individual/HUF, Trusts, Co-operative Societies and Corporate Sector. Also including module like Wealth Tax, Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at source (TDS), Audit Forms, Customer Billing, Simple Accounting, Fringe Benefit Tax, Annual Information Return (Beta), Financial Statements, Monitor Returns/Received and Pending documents, SMS Sending, Movement of Shares, Confirmation of Intimation, Rectification Letter etc. Available in Multi-user and Single user variants. 3. TDSXpress: Tax Deduction at source, separate product for corporations covering preparation and printing of TDS certificates, preparation of Quarterly return with electronic filing (e-filing) of such returns. Unique TDS Snapshot Window gives overview of all payments made by the entity to various payees (Contractor, Financer, Property Owner etc. ) under various sections, payment of such deduction to the government and one shot preparation of TDS certificates for all payees Software supports emailing/ exporting to Word/PDF of various reports.
About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. 4. VATXpress: (Maharashtra) Value Added Tax software, catering to preparation & printing of monthly, quarterly, Half yearly & annual returns Covers Composition, Package scheme, Work contractor, Other Dealer and this dealers Data entry, Periodic Returns (Form 231, Form 232, Form 233, Form 234), CST Returns (Form III-E), Revised Return, Audit Form (704), Post Filing Information. The software consolidates the data of all the periods in a financial year and generates a computation sheets. Caters to other statutory forms, Covers C-Form Tracking and software may be run in Network. Reports may be exported in PDF or DOC formats. The software also facilitates emailing of the forms, reports to their respective dealers. Also including module like TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) and PT (Professional Tax). TDS provides employer details, Contractor, Sub- contractor details and Challans, Bill Information, Payment and Various Reports. PT (Professional Tax) provides Employee details, Salary Slab wise Tax calculated and related Reports. 5. Paywhiz. Professional: Paywhiz. Professional is a versatile system catering to computation of Payroll including preparation of Payslips, Payroll registers including appropriate computations of income taxes based of earnings. The system has full fledged features of Taxbase backing the Payroll system Classifies and stores Payroll data from month to month for the employees. Tax Deduction at Source based on Indian Taxation is self computed based on salary earned till date and estimation of projected salary. Provides high flexibility in defining the users own additions and deductions. The defined calculations can include constants, variables and formulae. Software further caters to statutory reporting for ESIC, PF wherever applicable. Provides for management of leaves and loans. Self Process of subsequent month data based on: Either previous month data or XLS import wherein XLS files, which includes attendance data, Rate Card, Leave & Loan Register along with specific override feature. Also additional sheet for annual information received from employees is provided. 6. Office Organizer: This software is designed for Tax Consultants office for better management of day to day working. The software caters to better management of consistent flow of customers, information through various designated staff members. Intra-net mailing facility is provided along with mail inbox and outboxes. Facility for printing of TDS Challan Payments along with e-filing of quarterly TDS returns are provided. Library function along with issue and return of books is provided. Attendance system for staff members.
About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. 7. Service Tax. Xpress: Widely accepted software to prepare service Tax Challans and Monthly/Quarterly/Half Yearly returns preparation and filing. Available in 2 modes i. e. integrated with Taxbase and Standalone. Reminders may be sent on paper or emails to customers reminding them for non-filing of their returns. This software provides a facility to export Bills/Receipts/Credit related data from Service Tax Software to Microsoft Excel, and also Import similar data from Microsoft Excel to Service Tax Software. 8. Taxbase Personal: Software for Individuals. Anyone could instantly compute the taxable income and taxes. Thus relieving you from tedious manual working of tax computations, filing up and checking the computation sheet and Tax Returns. 9. E-TDSXpress: This software provides Deductor information (i. e. company/Organization), information about payees/ deductees(i. e. contractor/financers/property owner etc. ), detail of challan payment made to the government. Automatically updates Form 27 A information on single ”Update” button click. 10. Digital Certificate: Valid for e Filing of ROC ( Registrar of the Company Returns) for the purpose of MCA 21 (Ministry of Company Affairs) Project Valid for ITR returns. Available in USB Token Format as per the ROC Gazette Notification. Channeled through Tata Consultancy Ltd. , a well known Certifying Authority.
About Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. 11. IPRO for MCA 21: Software is designed, keeping in mind the statutory requirements of a company regarding forms & registers as per the Government guidelines. It enables to maintain annual return form, combined company registers, minutes, forms, notice, compliance certificate, fixed assets, certificate printouts etc. as per the ROC guidelines. "i. Pro" is a real time software based on single entry multiple reports concept which reduces the man hour usage unbelievably. SCSPL, has over 6000+ customers located in various parts of India. SCSPL, has geographical spread in India, with head office located in Pune and branch offices at: Mumbai , Bangalore Nashik , Hyderabad Kolhapur SCSPL, is also operating through value chain partners in following areas: Chennai, Ranchi, Mumbai, Akola Kolkatta, Panaji, Lucknow, Ahmedabad Delhi, Nagpur, Bhopal, Trivanduram, Thane, Belguam
Taxbase– Login Screen v v v Secure, protected by passwords, unauthorized entry to system is not permitted. Multiple databases may be maintained for multiple chartered accountants/ consultants who may be partners however work on different client bases. You may keep separate copies of the product on network with all usingle license purchased from SCSPL. You may update the product with latest version in about 10 -12 minutes; the new versions may be because of tax law changes, new formats of various forms and new features incorporated in Taxbase. We strongly recommend you to update the database structure using the link (Click Here to Update Taxbase Database) provided on the Login screen to prevent any conflicts while using the software.
User Parameters and Reminder Screen v v v The above screen stores information about you as a user, this data may be transmitted to SCSPL optionally, hence we are aware on the versions being used by you. This data is used optionally, to print on bills prepared by you, computation sheets etc. Registration number is needed, for online updates etc. , it is unique number provided to all licensed users of the product. From August 2007, version incorporated SMS system, where in birthday, anniversary, advance tax reminders may be sent to your clients. This is based on the master information of your clients. Besides above there are options to send routine reminders to your clients, these reminders may be like payment of provident fund, payment of TDS, payment of services tax, ESIC etc. These settings are done through master file data of client or control screen provided. You may disable this facility, if same is not desired by you. Based on above criteria, upon entry to Taxbase system reminds you on such SMS’s which are needed to be sent.
Taxbase Home Screen v v v The above screen displays all clients defined by you in the Taxbase. You may select the sort order by name and further you may apply filters such as group selection, status, residential status, ward etc. , this way you may filter to see only clients meeting particular set of criteria. This enables you to avoid browsing through long list of clients. You may select the assessment year, for which you may want to work with. The A Taxbase supports tax computations from AY 1998 -1999 onwards. You may double click on the desired assessee to go into detailed income working for the assessee. You may click on New button to define new assessee. You may take a print of the above grid based on criteria selection on printer.
Defining New Group and Assessee v v Upon clicking new button, you are displayed a pop up window, where in you may define an assessee under existing group, or define a new group altogether. Group, means a group/ family of taxpayers. This means you may address the correspondence to main member of the group. Upon clicking new group, you would be prompted to enter the name and address of the main member of group. Such address of group may be picked up at the time of defining an assessee, thus eliminating repeat data entry.
Defining New Group and Assessee 1 2 v v v This screen facilitates entry of the group information viz. group name, address, city, pin, telephone no, email ID, etc. You can use this option to categorize your assessees in a particular group. Further, group passwords are provided, hence user can access a group data only with passwords. If the Address fields are not enough for the user he can select the button in the left corner to add five line address(Image-2).
Tax Payer Master Data 1 3 2 v v v v v Select Master Data->Static Information option to enter Assessee information. (Image 1 above) Assessee-First, Middle and Last name, Pan, Sex, office, Residential & Filing address, Assessing Officer, father name, mobile number, email ID would be entered on the screen. (Image 2 and 3). Ward may be selected from existing defined wards or a new one may be created. Date of birth along with anniversary date for individuals may be entered. Areas Applicable allows the user to select the areas applicable from the given list which is used in Master File List & to Send SMS. Credit Card and Bank details may be entered as per required. You may delete any taxpayer with option of deletion of data for specified assessment year or throughout the system. Short name is provided for addressing taxpayer through SMS system. Area Code, AO type, Range Code & AO no, File No. are provided for e-filing.
Income Tax Detail Screen v v v This screen enables you to enter income in any selected chapter along with provisions therein of that chapter. Upon exit from any chapter, total income along with taxes along with interest (if applicable) would be computed and displayed. You may print computation sheet and return of income from here, both options of printing that is, windows graphical print and conventional and fast dot matrix printing. The Other Form Data enter the information pertaining to the return such as Due Date , Date and Place of Filing, the Signatory etc. for a particular selected assessee. All returns of income are catered to specifically Form ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-7, ITR-8, Form 30. All other Form Are available from ‘Form’ menu.
Income From Salary v v Upon clicking Salary, you would be displayed above screen wherein you may enter one-employer details. You may also choose to enter multiple employer information. Other entries in salary may include one or more of the following: HRA received, rent paid for computation of taxable HRA. Rent-free accommodation details. Motor car Other perquisites through other details option. Arrears (Salary) , gratuity, compensation received along with past year taxable figures for computation of relief u/s 89. Allowances included earlier, which are exempt from tax u/s 10, exempt u/s 16(ii).
Income Detail Screen after entry of Salary Details v v Based on above data, income details screen is updated along with computation of tax after duly effecting section 80 C (based on PF entry made) and TDS deducted from salary. In case of short payment of advance tax or lesser deduction of TDS, interest u/s 234 A, B and C are self-computed. Please note the package fully caterers to changes in rate of interest during various time frames and applies interest accordingly. Another, mention needed to be done here, is that in case of capital gain arising in later instalments interest u/s 234 C for previous instalments are done after deducting such capital gains from taxable capital gains. In case of relief computation, effect of relief is also provided on this screen. Now, we would go ahead and enter details of house property (self occupied) along with income from Other Sources, deductions under Chapter VI-A & deductions made under section 80 C / 80 CCC
Income from House Property v v v As the specified taxpayer is staying in a house, which has a housing loan against it, we need to specify amount of interest paid. In case there is interest accrued prior to possession, you may enter the same under pre-construction interest, which may be deducted in five equal instalments. you may enter details of Rented properties, Self Occupied and/or vacant properties. Repairs and collection at standard rates are at Standard rates & self-computed. In case of unabsorbed loss due to interest or otherwise the system would carry forward such losses automatically. Click on TDS and go for ‘Other TDS Details’ and Enter the particulars and the amount of TDS paid that has not been covered under any of the earlier mentioned sources of income.
Business Summary v v v Through this option you can enter the following Business Details: Income from firms Business/Profession LIC Commission Agent Remuneration and Interest Other Business Income
Business Income from firms v v This screen will help you to enter the following information if such income has been received by the assessed : The Name of the Firm Share of Profit (negative, if it is a loss); Any amount received as Remuneration and Interest Any number of entries as Income from Registered Firms may be entered into the system.
Profit/Gain from Business/Profession 1 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 v This page will help you to enter general information of business. like name of business, net profit (loss), no. of branches, accounting method etc. 1. Business Name: In this option we can enter the Business name
Profit/Gain from Business/Profession 2 2. Allowable/Disallowable: In order to make entries relating to the Allowable / Disallowable regarding this source of income, Click on the “Detail” and select Allowable or Disallowable accordingly the option will be displayed Disallowable/ Allowable items are those items that can be added / deducted from the net profit/loss. 3. Nature of Business or Profession: Use this option to select the nature of business or profession whichever applicable. 4. No. of Branches: Use this option to enter the Number of Branches in Business. 5. Method Stock of Valuation : Use this option to enter details of Stock valuation method and the change in Stock valuation method. 6. Audit Details : The Audit information such as whether the assessee is liable to maintain account as per section 44 AA, is he liable for Tax Audit u/s 44 AB (a)/(b), is he liable for tax Audit u/s 44 AB(c) read with S. 44 AD/AE/AF, whether the accounts audited before specified date and whether the Audit Report is furnished if yes then enter the Receipt no. and filing date can be entered. 7. Tax Deduction at Source: Use this option to enter Tax Deduction at Source in Business.
Profit and Gain (1) v This page will help you to enter the details of profit under section 44 AD, 44 AE and 44 AF. v Section 44 AD : Business or supply of labour for civil construction is mentioned in this section. v Section 44 AE : To enter the detailed and summarized information pertaining to Business of plying goods carriages. v Section 44 AF : This section is used for the business of retail trade.
Profit and Gain (2) v This page will help you to enter the details of profit under sections 10 A / 10 AA / 10 BA /10 BB etc. v The information to be entered are: Whether section 10 A / 10 AA / 10 BA applicable. Weather opted out filing declaration u/s 10 A / 10 AA / 10 BA If the Section 10 A / 10 AA / 10 BA applicable but is not opted out filing declaration u/s 10 A / 10 AA / 10 BA then enter the Section, Year and Amount details. v The income specified in section 28(ii) to 28(vi) can also be entered v The Deemed income u/s 33 AB, 33 ABA, 33 ABB, 41, 72 A, 80 HHD, 80 IA, etc. , can be entered
Deduction u/s 80 HHC v To access the screen select menu Master Data -> Static Information and tick the 80 HHC option. v This page will help you to compute deductions under section 80 HHC. v This screen will help you to enter the Sales and Purchase figures for the domestic and exports along with expenses and receipts, based on which the deduction u/s 80 HHC, is calculated.
STT Details v This page will help you to enter profits and gains from transactions chargeable to securities Transaction Tax, Tax Payable and Tax Paid amount will be used to compute rebate u/s 88 E.
LIC Commission Agents v v v This screen will help you to enter expenses deductible from commission earned by agents of Life Insurance, etc Insurance agents of Life Insurance Corporation having total commission (including first year commission, renewal commission and bonus commission) of less than Rs. 60, 000/- for the year, and not maintaining detailed accounts for the expenses Incurred by them, may be allowed as follows: i. Where separate figures of first year and renewal commission are available, 50% of first year commission and 15% of the renewal commission; ii. Where separate figures as above are not available, 331/3% of the gross commission. In both the above cases, the ad hoc deduction will be subject to a selling limit of Rs. 20, 000/-. The gross commission in (ii) above will include first year as well as renewal commission but will exclude bonus commission.
Partnership Details v Note : The Partners defined should be defined as assessee in Taxbase. On this screen You can select the Partners from the list of assessee available. v This option is available only if the assessee is a Partnership Firm With Status code 05 or 06 whichever is applicable, also the Partners & their Share Percentage in Profit, Loss & Remuneration should also be defined accordingly. The option for defining partners and their Share Per-cent in Profit, Loss & Remuneration is available on Static Information Screen & Income Detail Screen, after defining the Status code as 05 or 06 this options gets enabled, to go to this option you just have to single Click on “Partners” button, the above Screen will appear.
Remuneration and Interest v v This screen will help you to enter remuneration and interest paid to partners. Remuneration and interest paid are automatically posted to the respective partners (if the partner is defined as an assessee in the Taxbase) when remuneration and interest screen is closed.
Other Business Income v This screen will help you to enter income from any other business.
Final Screen Of Business Income v The final working of Profit/Gain from Business/Profession along with TDS computation will be displayed.
Speculation v v Through this option You can enter the Income derived from Speculation Business. v Balance profit from speculation business amount get automatically calculated. You can Also Add / Deduct for Adjustment in accordance with Ss. 28 to 44 AD.
Capital Gain – Detail Format v v v v Upon clicking on Capital Gains, you would be displayed above screen for entry of capital gain details. You may select asset type, which may be Residential, Land, Shares, Debentures, Deemed Capital Gain or Others. Long Term or Short Term capital gain is self determined. Indexation of capital gain – for long term is automatically done. 10% tax or 20% tax is also automatically done. Provision for export and import from XL file are provided. Hence where a customer has a long list of shares, you may forward a blank XL file for the customer to enter data and forward the same to you for importing in Taxbase. Please Note: You can either enter the Capital Gain Information in “Detailed” or “Summary” format.
Capital Gain – Summary Format v v This screen show the summary of Capital Gain. Please Note: You can either enter the Capital Gain Information in “Detailed” or “Summary” format.
Income from Other Sources v v 1. 2. 3. A source of income which does not specifically fall under any one of other heads of income (viz. , Salaries, Income from House Property, Profit/Gains from Business/Profession or Capital Gain) is to be computed and brought to charge using this screen of Income from Other Sources. As can be seen from the above screen, Income from Other Sources is classified into three main categories which are as follows: Dividend Any dividend declared distributed or paid by company to its share holders is chargeable to tax under this category irrespective of fact whether shares are held by the assessee as Investment or Stock-In-Trade. Interest Income by way of interest on securities is taxable under this category, if same is not taxable as Business Income. Other Details pertaining to rental income, brokerage, family pension can be entered here.
Other Special Income v v Through this option under special income source you can enter description for income under section; 110, 111 A, 112, 113, 15 AB, 15 ACA, 15 AD, 15 BB, 15 BBA, 15 BBB, 15 BBC, 15 D, 15 E, 15 R. Enter the Description, Amount, Expense, Tax Rate and TDS also.
Brought Forward Losses v This option enables enter details of earlier years losses that have been brought forward to the current assessment year. v Enter the date of filing the Return during the specified assessment year and also the losses brought forward since the previous eight years under the various heads i. e. , House Property Loss , Speculation Loss , Business Loss, Depreciation Loss , Losses u/s 35 (4) , Capital Losses (bifurcation of Long term and Short term is available from AY 2003 -2004 onwards )and Loss from Horse Racing. If any of these losses are to setoff against income of the current year, the same can be done by clicking on the “Setoff Losses” button on this screen.
Losses Setoff v v v Losses of previous years may be set off against income of the current year via this screen. Previously entered losses are displayed here , against the various sources of income and the relevant setoff may be entered. The balance losses (if any) are then show as carried forward losses which may be carried forward to the next assessment Year. Losses may be carried forward upto 8 years.
Deduction u/s 80 C / 80 CCC v Deductions in respect of payments for: Life Insurance Premium. Provident Fund. Installment or part payment for purchase or construction of residential house property or repayment of loans (restricted to Rs. 20, 000/-). Public Provident Fund. Accrued interest on National Savings Certificates. New Deposits in National Savings Certificates. Premium from Unit Linked Insurance. Cumulative Time Deposit. Investment made in Debentures/Shares of Companies as approved by C. B. D. T. Educational Expenses Deduction in respect of contribution to certain pension funds-(80 CCC) Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government Group Insurance Mutual Fund Other 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Deductions under Chapter VI-A v v All relevant sections are covered under this chapter. The various deductions taken care of in this chapter are : 80 D, 80 DDB, 80 E, 80 G 100%, 80 G 50%, 80 GGA, 80 GGC, 80 HHA, 80 HHBA, 80 HHC, 80 HHD, 80 HHE, 80 -I, 80 I-A, 80 -IB, 80 JJAA, 80 M, 80 O, 80 P, 80 QQA, 80 RR, 80 RRA, 80 RRB, 80 U.
Exempt Income And Agricultural Income 1 2 v Through this option you can enter the Income which are fully exempt. When You Click on the Exempt income the above screen appears with the Four options (Image 1). 1. Income Claimed Exempt u/s 10 2. Minor Income deduction u/s 10(32) 3. Income Claimed Exempt u/s 10(33), 10(34), 10(35) & 10(24) 4. Tax-exempt interest income v Click on any of the above option , a separate screen for data entry appears for all the three options. v Agricultural Income means (Image 2) Any rent or revenue derived from land which is situated in India and is used for agricultural purposes. Any income derived from such land by agricultural operations including processing of the agricultural product, raised or received as rent in kind so as to render it for the market or sale of such produce. Income attributable to a farm house subject to certain conditions.
Other TDS Details v v v . Enter the particulars and the amount of TDS paid that has not been covered under any of the earlier mentioned sources of income. This page will help you to enter like name, Address, city, section no. of Certificate State, Pin, TAN no. , Date Amount, Codes etc. You Import the Data from Excel of click on “Import from Excel” option, similarly you Export the Data of click on “Export to Excel” option.
Payment of Advance Tax v v v Details of Advance Tax paid on the different installment dates, including name and address of the banks where the said installments were paid are to be entered here. Any number of advance tax payments may be specified. Further, the user is provided with an option to print Advance Tax Challan at this stage itself.
Advance Tax & Self-Assessment Challan Formats v v The above is screen snap shot of the challan. The same may be printed on A 4 size paper on windows printer, same is not available on dot matrix (DMP) option. DMP under windows printing will be able to print above challan. There are options available to print the same on pre-printed Challans provided by Tax-print, Mumbai. Please note that both windows printing and SMP options are available for printing pre-printed Challans.
Income Details Screen v v v The final working of Income and taxes along with interest computation will be displayed. You may select to print the computation sheet and/or return of income. Both are available in windows as well as in dot matrix format. Sample Screen shots of computation sheet and return of income are displayed on subsequent screens.
Return of Income Format v Click on Return of Income button of Income Detail Screen to view the return form.
Forms 1 v 2 The system provides you various Forms like Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 10, etc shown in Image 1 and Image 2 above.
Forms (1) v Form ITR-1 Indian Income Tax Return (For Individual having Income from Salary/Pension/Family Pension and Interest) (Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962). v Form ITR-2 Indian Income Tax Return ( For individual and HUFs not having Income from Business or profession) (Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax, 1962). v Form ITR-3 Indian Income Tax Return (For Individual/HUFs being partners in the firm and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship) (Please see Rule 12 of the income-tax Rules 1962). v Form ITR-4 Indian Income Tax Return (For Individual/HUFs having Income from proprietary business or profession) (Please see rule 12 of the Income tax Rules, 1962). v Form ITR-5 Indian Income Tax Return (For firms, AOIs and BOIs). v Form ITR-6 Indian Income Tax Return (For Companies other than companies claimed exemptions under section 11) v Form ITR-7 Indian Income Tax Return (For person including companies required to furnish return under section 139(4 A) or section 139(4 B) or section 139(4 C) or section 139(4 D)) v Form ITR-8 Indian Income tax Return (For Fringe Benefits) v Challan no. ITNS 280(Black and White format) – Advance Tax, Self Assessment Tax etc. Challan. v Challan no. ITNS 281(Black and White format) T. D. S. Tax challan (200).
Forms (2) v v v Form 1 Return of Income for companies other than those claiming exemption u/s 11. Form 2 Return of Income for Non-Corporate assesses not claiming exemption u/s 11 and having income from business or profession. Form 2 B Return of Income for block Assessment. Form 2 C This Form is used with effect from the assessment year 2002 -2003 by individuals/ HUF/ AOP/ BOI, whose total income for the previous year is not more than Rs. 50, 000/- and who satisfy the basic conditions. Form 3 For non-corporate assessees not claiming exemption u/s 11 and not having income from business or profession. Form 3 A For assessees, including companies, claiming exemption u/s 10 or 11. Form 3 CA Audit report under section 44 AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in a case where the accounts of the business or profession of a person have been audited under any other law. Form 3 CB Audit Report u/s 44 AB of the Income tax Act, 1961, in case of a person referred to in clause[b] of sub rule [1] of rule 6 G. Form 3 CD Statement of particulars required to be furnished under section 44 AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Form 3 CEB Particulars relating to international transactions required to be furnished under section 92 E of the Income tax Act, 1961. Form 10 Notice to the Assessing Officer/ Prescribed Authority under section 11(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
Forms (3) v Form 10 A Application for registration of charitable or religious trust or institution under section 12 A(a) of the Income tax Act , 1961. v Form 10 B Audit Report under Section 12 A[b] of the Income Tax Act, 1961, in the case of charitable or religious trusts or institutions. v Form 10 BA Declaration to be filed by the assessee claiming deduction under section 80 GG. v Form 10 CCA Audit Report under section 80 HHB of the Income-Tax, Act 1961. v Form 10 CCB Audit Report under section 80 -I(7) or 80 -IA(7) or 80 -IB or 80 -IC of the Income-Tax, Act 1961. v Form 10 CCAB Certificate to be issued by Export House / Trading House to the supporting manufacturer for purposes of clause(b) of sub – section (4 A) of section 80 HHC. v Form 10 CCAC Report under section 80 HHC(4) / 80 HHC (4 A) of the Income tax Act. 1961. v Form DB For evidence of payment of securities transaction tax on transactions entered in a recognized stock exchange. v Form DC For evidence of payment of securities transaction tax on transactions of sale of unit of equity oriented fund to the Mutual Fund. v Form 10 E For furnishing particulars of income under section 192 (2 A) for the year ending 31 st March 2006 for claiming relief under section 89(1) by a Government servant or an employee in a company, co-operative society, local authority, university, institution, association or body. v Form 10 G Application for grant of approval or continuance thereof to institution or fund under section 80 G (5) (iv) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Forms (4) v Form 10 -I Certificate of prescribed authority for the purpose of section 80 DDB. v Form 12 BA For individuals only. Statement showing particulars of perquisites, other fringe benefits or amenities and profits in lieu of salaries with value thereof. v Form 13 Application by a person for a certificate under section 197 and/ or 206 C(9) of the Income -tax Act, 1961, for no deduction/collection of tax or deduction/ collection of tax at a lower rate. v Form 15 AA Certificate under section 197(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, relating to deduction of tax. v Form 15 F Declaration under section 197 A(1) of Income tax Act , 1961, to be made by an individual claiming receipt of interest of securities without deduction of tax. v Form 15 G Declaration under sub-sections (1) and (1 A) of Section 197 A of the Income - Tax Act, 1961, to be made by an individual or a person (not being company or a firm) claiming receipts without deduction of tax. v Form 15 H [197 A(1 A)] Declaration under Section 197 A (1 A) of Income tax Act, 1961, to be made by a person (not being a company or a firm) claiming receipt of interest other than Interest on securities without deduction of tax. v Form 15 H[197 A(1 C)] Declaration under Section 197 A(1 C) section 197 a Of the Income tax Act, 1961, to be made by an individual who is of age of sixty-five years or more claming certain receipts without deduction of Tax. v Form 15 -I Declaration for non-deduction-of tax at source to be furnished to contractor under the second proviso to clause (i) of subsection (3) of section 194 C by sub-contractor not owning more than two heavy goods carriages/trucks during the Financial Year 2005 -2006.
Forms (5) v Form 16 Certificate under section 203 of the Income tax Act, 1961 for tax deducted at source from Income chargeable under the head Salaries. v Form 16 A Certificate of deduction of tax at source under section 203 of the Income tax Act, 1961. v Form 16 AA Certificate of Tax deduction of source for income chargeable under the head ‘salaries’- cum- return of income. v Form 27 C Declaration under sub section(1 A) of section 206 C of the Income tax Act, 1961 to be made by a buyer for obtaining goods without collection of tax. v Form 28 A Intimation of the assessing officer under section 210(5) regarding the notice of demand under section 156 of the income tax Act, 1961, for payment of Advance tax under section 210(3) / 210(4) of the act. v Form 29 B Details relating to computation of book profits of the company for the purposes of section 115 JB of the Income tax Act, 1961. v Form 30 Claim for refund of tax. v Form 31 Application for a certificate under the first proviso to sub section(1 A) of section 230 of the Income tax Act, 1961. v Form 32 Authorization from Assessing Officer. v Form 34 A Application for a certificate under section 230 A(1) of the Income tax Act, 1961. v Form 35 Appeal to the Commissioner of Income tax (Appeals) Designation of the Commissioner (Appeals). v Form 36 Form of appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.
Forms (6) v v v Form 49 A Application for a certificate under section 230 A(1) of the Income tax Act, 1961. Form 49 B Form of application for allotment of tax deduction and collection account number under section 203 A of the Income tax Act, 1961. Form 56 F Report under section 10 A of the Income tax Act, 1961. Form 56 G Report under section 10 B of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Request for New PAN card Or And Changes Or Correction in PAN Data Income Tax Clearance Certificate Income tax clearance Certificate
Computation Sheet – Summary/Annexure Summary v Annexure The screen shows computation of Total Income under various heads, how tax has been arrived at and the balance amount payable and refundable. The computation sheet is provided with various annexure to justify the computation of total income and taxes.
Reports - Income Tax v Relief u/s 89(i) - Accrued Basis: In the Arrears - Accrued Basis screen, if more than 10 years of arrears details are entered, they will not appear in full in computation sheet. In such cases you need to turn off the printing of arrear details on computation sheet using menu Miscellaneous -> User Parameters/Options settings -> Taxbase -> Computation Sheet -> Do not print relief u/s 89(i) option and print a separate report using menu Reports -> Relief u/s 89(i) Accrued - basis option. v Income Tax Register: It prints Income Tax details like Taxable Income, Tax plus Interest, Advance Tax, etc for the assessees under the selected range of group for the selected Assessment Year. If Taxbase & TDS are selected in Assessee Class then the Income Tax details of employees defined in the TDS system are also included in the Income Tax Register. v Groupwise Income Sheet: It prints details of Income and Tax in a more elaborated manner than the Income Tax Register for a range of selected group. It lists the break up of the Taxable Income under the various heads like Salary, House Property, Business/Profession, etc along with deduction under Chapter VI-A, Losses and Rebate details. v Assessee Year-wise Report of Income: It provides a report based on a specific group/assessee over the last five years (years prior to the selected Assessment Year). v Batch Printing: This screen will help you to print Return of Income, Computation sheet, Form No. 30 and Form No. 49 A in bulk in DMP or Laser Format for the selected list of Assessees.
Reports - Advance Tax v v 2 1 Image 1 Advance Tax Challan : Advance Tax Challans may be printed through this option. They are printed on regular Advance Tax Challans with the data you enter through the Advance Tax module. These challans are accepted by the government. Advance Tax Register : This register provides a view on how advance tax has been paid by the assessees, during the different installments. It shows the installment wise details of Estimated income, the Tax Deducted at Source and the amount of advance tax paid under the different installments. Image 2 Auditor’s Report : This option will help you to prepare the Auditor's Report. A default format is provided the contents of which can be edited as per the uses choice. You can then be print the Auditors Report using Print button. Auditors Report (CARO 2003) : This option will help you to prepare the Auditor's Report as per CARO 2003 Format. A default format is provided the contents of which can be edited as per the uses choice. You can then be print the Auditors Report using Print button.
Reports v v v Challan Printing : You will use this option to prepare the following challans in the black and white format. Income tax Challan (ITNS 280) TDS/TCS tax Challan (ITNS 281) Securities Transaction Tax, Hotel Receipts Challan, Interest Tax, Expenditure Tax, Estate Duty, Wealth Tax, Gift Tax (ITNS 282) Banking Cash Transaction Tax and Fringe Benefit Tax (ITNS 283) Master File List : To print the Master File list select the Assessment year, then select the different selection criteria available for printing the Master File List. The selection criteria available for printing the Master File List are 1. Month of Birth. 2. Income Chapter. 3. Liable for Advance Tax 4. Residential Status. 5. Gender 6. Senior Citizen. 7. PAN No 8. Status 9. e-mail ID, 10. Audit required (as per latest data). 11. List sorted on 12. Include addresses in report 13. Print address labels only. Data Entry Sheet : This menu includes following options : Income Details : The Data Entry Sheet may be provided by the user to his clients to enable them to fill out the necessary particulars. This sheet may then be given to the data entry operator to enable them to enter the relevant data into Taxbase. Investment Details : The Data Entry Sheet may be provided by the user to his clients to enable them to fill out the Chapter VI-A deduction details. This sheet may then be given to the data entry operator to enable them to enter the relevant data into Taxbase.
Wealth Tax 1 2 v v v Select Application->Wealth Tax option to open Wealth Tax module (Image 1 above). (Image 2) shows all Taxbase Assesses in the grid You may select the assessment year, for which you may want to work with. You may click on New button to define new assessee. You may take a print of the above grid based on criteria selection on printer.
Wealth Tax Computation 1 2 v v Select Wealth Tax->Net Wealth Details option to open Wealth Tax Computation (Image 1 above). Image 2 shows summary of the Wealth Tax form. Through this option you may enter the details of the Wealth/ Property available in different types Viz, Immovable Property , Movable Property , Other persons includible wealth , Interest held in asset of Firm or AOP, Self Assessment and Assets Claimed Exempt. The Tax payable by the assessee is automatically computed and displayed as shown in the screen 1 simple clicking of the mouse over a particular head for example , Immovable property, takes you further into entry of details pertaining to that head. An explanation on each of this wealth / property heads has been deal with in the write-ups that follows. The bottom portion of this screen facilitates entry of other information pertaining to the return such as the Due Date of the Return , the Place and Date of Filing, the Signatory to the return etc and printing/viewing of Form BA and the Computation Sheet.
Immovable Property v This option enable you to enter the Immovable Property Details. The Details to be Entered are Description, Address, Value as per Schedule III and Debts owned. To enter a description you have to select the Description of the Immovable property Form the list , the Descriptions available in the list are Building , Urban Land Others.
Self Assessment for Wealth v v This option allows user to enter the Self Assessment Tax paid by the assessee along with details like Payment Date, S/A Tax amount, Bank and Branch through which it has been paid. If we click on Print Challan button it will display a Challan which is displayed on subsequent slide.
Challan For Wealth Tax v v v The above is screen snap shot of the challan. The same may be printed on A 4 size paper on windows printer, same is not available on dot matrix (DMP) option. DMP under windows printing will be able to print above challan. Please note that both windows printing and DMP options are available for printing pre-printed challans.
Assets Claimed Exempt v This option enable you to enter the Assets Claimed Exempt Details. The Details to be Entered are Description Value, Debts owned and Reason for the Claim.
Documents Attached v This option enables you to enter the Details of the Documents Attached with the Return Form along With the number of copies attached.
Other Form Data v This screen enables you to enter the information pertaining to the return such as Due Date, Date and Place of Filing, the Signatory etc. for a particular selected assessee.
Computation Sheet for Wealth Tax v Above is a screen showing what the Computation Sheet would look like. In order to have a printout of the same, the “Print” or “DMP Output” option on the top left hand corner of your screen provides an option to print the report on the printer. v Computation Sheet is available in two formats old & new. v The above screen is displaying Old Computation Sheet, Old Computation sheet is divided in to two parts i. e. Summery & Annexure by default whenever you open the computation sheet is opened. v The annexure part is displayed if you want to see the annexure part then simply click on Annexure tab at the bottom of the report.
Form BA v Form BA is used for Return of Net Wealth for Individuals, Hindu Undivided Families / Companies.
Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) v v v Select Application->Fringe Benefit Tax option to open FBT module (Image 1 above). This option is applicable only for Assessee status 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. (Image 2) shows all Taxbase Assessees in the grid You may select the assessment year, for which you may want to work with. You may click on New button to define new assessee. You may take a print of the above grid based on criteria selection on printer. To enter FBT details for particular assessee (next slide).
Data Entry of FBT Details v v Select Data Entry->FBT Details option to open Expenditure Details (Image 1 above). (Image 2 ) shows FBT Expenditure Details screen. In this Screen we can enter the details of Particulars, Head of Expenditure under FBT and Amount according to the respective Quarters Provision for export and import from XL file are provided. Hence where a customer has a long list, you may forward a blank XL file for the customer to enter data and forward the same to you for importing in FBT.
FBT Summary v This slide shows the summary screen where in the user can view the details filled in the Details FBT. Here the Total and Advance FBT @ 31. 365% get automatically calculated.
FBT Other Data v In this screen we can enter Other Data like Assessment year, Ward, Return, Section under which return is being filled [ 115 WD(1), 115 WD(2), 115 WH, 115 WD(3) ], Acknowledgement no. , Original Receipt no. , Date of Filling, Verification details and Employees based both in and outside India.
FBT - Details 2 1 v v This screen shot displays FBT details Summary where the details are to be filled in the Details Form or by clicking the respective Quarters link according to the Quarters. Here the Advance Tax Paid and Self Assessment Tax Paid details can be filled by the user by clicking the respective Links(Image-1). As well as Tax paid entries from Data. Entry->FBT challan->advance tax & Self assessment tax(Image-2).
FBT Advance Tax Challan v v v Details of Advance Tax paid on the different installment dates, including name and address of the banks where the said installments were paid are to be entered here. Any number of advance tax payments may be specified. Further, the user is provided with an option to print Advance Tax Challan at this stage itself.
FBT Self Assessment Tax Challan v v This option allows user to enter the Self Assessment Tax paid by the assessee along with details like Payment Date, S/A Tax amount, Surcharge, Education Cess, Interest & Bank and Branch through which it has been paid. S/A Tax Challan printing option is also provided on same screen.
Computation Sheet for FBT v v Clicking on Computation Sheet on the FBT Detail Screen will display a Screen which shows all the Computations filled in the above Forms. The same may be printed on A 4 size paper on windows printer, same is not available on dot matrix (DMP) option. DMP under windows printing will be able to print above computation sheet.
Form 3 B v This Form is used for Return of Fringe Benefits.
Office Organizer v This Module is designed for Tax Consultants office for better management of day to day working. The module caters to better management of consistent flow of customers, information through various designated staff members. Intra-net mailing facility is provided along with mail inbox and outboxes. Facility for printing of TDS Challan Payments along with e-filing of quarterly TDS returns are provided. Library function along with issue and return of books is provided. Attendance system for staff members. v Above image is of Office Organizer Home : In this image we can see the Assessee defined in Taxbase. .
Inward/Outward Register v Above image shows the Inward outward register of the Documents from and in to the company.
Other Modules Included In Taxbase v Financial Statements Excel kind of easy entry for various statements such as Balance Sheet, Trading Accounts, Receipt & Payment Statement. Picks up data from previous years. Windows printing or Dot matrix printing is possible. Easy Control of Data for numerous taxpayers. v Billing Simple yet comprehensive billing system, facilitating half/full page bill printing. Receipt entry and printing available. Keeps track of outstanding and ledgers. Optional link-up with Service Tax module.
Salient Features of Taxbase v v v v Taxbase caters to all types of taxpayers from AY 1998 -1999. Taxbase, has many forms required by the tax consultant, such as 3 CA, 3 CB, 3 CD, 3 CEB, 10 A, 10 BA, 10 CC, 10 CCA, 10 CCB, 10 CCAC, 10 E, 10 G, 12 BA. . much more. Taxbase has text sensitive exhaustive help system built in. Return record register tracks documents received and pending from various customers. Post filing access to information on returns filed, not filed and not prepared for specified assessment year. Advance Tax working is separately provided, where advance tax install do the computes based on last year/ instalment data. Reverse computation of Income Estimates are done based on advance tax amount paid. Advance Tax Reminders may be sent in printed format or emailed. Similarly, circular letters/emails may be sent. Separate module for Share movement is provided, where shares held by a taxpayer are entered along with transactions and closing is automatically carried forward for next year. Capital Gain chapter has facility to pick sale details from this module. Single tax payer/ group exports are provided for to facilitate remote working and subsequent importing for the same. Backup features at exit are provided. Basic content on Income Tax are built into Taxbase. Security, many aspects are covered, such as, Access control, each user has access rights on following broad areas, § Master Data § Modification of data § Billing system § TDS system Further, group passwords are provided which are above-mentioned security, hence user can access a group data only with passwords. Optionally, freezing of returns upon submission to department.
Other Important Features of Taxbase v v v v v Your assistants may not be fully aware of tax laws, as software assists the user in every aspect for preparation of return. Speed, Taxbase computes the return at fraction of time and provides elegant looking returns, computation sheet and challan formats. You save on interaction time with customer, as the customer may receive the return on emails. Your customers may be informed about the return filing status on SMS. Your customer may be informed about documents pending on him, thus the return may be pending. This may be done through e-mail and/or SMS system. You may filter lists of customers based on numerous criteria, few instances are like: Senior citizens Female tax payers Companies only Tax Payer list for a particular ward. …. Other criteria, which may be desired by you. You may print taxpayer wise last five assessment year income details for purposed of tax planning. You may print refund register for a ward, where-in refunds are due but not received. Optionally, pick up of data from previous year, hence eliminating need to re-entry of similar data.
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