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About Romanian Educational System Romania
Romanian Education System Description: The Romanian educational structure consists of a vertical system of schooling. Five main components represent the fundamental pillars of this system: 1. Pre-school education, 2. Compulsory education, 3. Upper secondary education, 4. Vocational education and training, 5. Tertiary education.
1. Pre-school education (kindergarten) is not yet part of the compulsory cycle, and attendance is correlated with income and social class. is designed for children 3 to 7 years old.
2. Compulsory education • The compulsory cycle of education consists of four years of primary and four years of middle school education. Primary education Lower secondary education
• All Romanian pupils normally will begin primary education at age 7 but may be admitted at age 6 if they are "at an appropriate stage of mental and physical development" and have completed the final pre-school year. • Pupils may leave school at age 16 even if the "compulsory“ requirement remains unsatisfied.
3. Non compulsory education. Upper secondary education High school Vocational education: Vocational school Apprentice school
Upper secondary education High school education in Romania normally lasts four years from grade IX to grade XII in day classes or five years in evening or extramural classes. The almost 1300 institutions are overwhelmingly public, but an increasing number of private schools have emerged in recent years, predominantly in urban locations. Public upper secondary education is free. Textbooks are offered free of charge to the pupils from economically disadvantaged families.
The structure of the high school is: A) theoretical orientation: o Hard sciences profile, specialization: math – informatics and natural sciences o Humanities profile, specializations: philology, humanities and social sciences B) technological orientation: o Technical profile o Services profile o Exploitation of natural resources and environment protection profile C) aptitude based orientation: Sports profile o Military profile o Theological profile o Artistic profile o Pedagogical profile
Secondary school system. Secondary school education is organized as a second cycle of education (grades 9 through 12 or 9 through 13). The system contains the following units of secondary school education: liceu (high school) liceu de specialitate (vocational school) scoala profesionala (professional education)
Schooling is free and compulsory for children aged between 6 and 16 in the state schools. Suitably qualified pupils can progress to upper secondary education in general secondary schools, grammar schools, professional schools or vocational institutes. Graduates from scoala profesionala (professional education) do not have the right to apply for higher education programs.
Duration of compulsory education Age of entry: 7 Age of exit: 15 Structure of school system Primary education Type of school: SCOALA PRIMARA Length of program (years): 4 Age level: from 7 to 11 General education (middle school) Type of school: GIMNAZIU/SCOALA GENERALA Length of program (years): 4 Age level: from 11 to 15
Secondary education (high school) Type of school: LICEU Length of program (years): 4 -5 Age level: from 15 to 20 Certificate awarded: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT
Professional education Type of school: SCOALA PROFESIONALA Length of program (years): 2 Age level: from 15 to 17 Certificate awarded: CERTIFICAT DE ABSOLVIRE Specialized Technical Vocational education Type of school: SCOALA TEHNICA Length of program (years): 3 Age level: from 17 to 20 Certificate awarded: CERTIFICAT DE ABSOLVIRE
Specialized Technical Vocational education Type of school: SCOALA POST-LICEALA Length of program (years): 3 Age level: from 18 to 21 Certificate awarded: CERTIFICAT DE ABSOLVIRE A SCOLII POST-LICEALE
Higher education Type of school: FACULTATE Length of program (years): 4 -6 Age level: from 19 Certificate awarded: DIPLOMA DE LICENTA Higher education offers specialization in a certain field (equivalent of BA). Admission is ensured by a competitive entrance examination and is accessible for baccalaureate diploma holders. Post graduate studies are accessible by entrance examination for master’s or doctor’s degree. Higher education is mainly state but also private.
Responsibility and Administration Ministry of Education and Research - formulates and implements educational policies and strategies. - initiates Government decisions. - approves the curricula, the national assessment standards and the education units network. - is responsible for the distribution of the financial resources from the state budget to the school inspectorate.
School inspectorate (one in each of the 40 counties) -appoints and revokes the headmaster of the school. -is responsible for the teaching staff policy and the approval of the trades and specializations that are to be taught. School unit is responsible for the organization and implementation of training programs and the way the financial resources are used. Submits to the inspectorate the list of trades and specializations that are to be taught.