Об академии.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
About our Academy Презентацию подготовили студентки 1 -го курса: Драгош А. А. , Кузнецова А. А. , Куликова М. А Группа: ЭПО-011
Introduction State regional institution of higher vocational training – Financial Technological Academy, established in a science city Korolev, meets all the contemporary requirements. It provided training and advanced training on a wide range of specialties, needed for innovative development of Moscow region and the country in general, opportunity of getting postgraduate education.
Creation From 26. 09. 2007 the Public educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region «Royal institute of management, economy and sociology» is transferred region in a departmental submission of the Ministry of Finance of the Moscow region.
Faculties ü Financially economics faculty ü Faculty of innovation and managements ü Information and technological faculty ü Social and humanitarian faculty ü Faculty of correspondence course ü Professional development and retraining faculty
Into structure of faculty of economy enter o Accounting and audit chair o Chair of finance and economic analysis o Economy chair o Banking chair
Now in Academy are used the main types of training ü full time courses ü correspondence courses ü part-time courses ü without attending lectures
We love our Academy!
Об академии.pptx