- Количество слайдов: 10
About Myself Made by: Dorozhkin Dima 7 7 A form 7
ЦЕЛЬ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИИ Цель моей презентации показать, как можно ответы на анкету участника языкового конкурса UNESCO сделать не просто формально, а подойти к этому творчески, используя свои фото и Интернет ресурсы.
I am a son for my parents, a brother for my sister and a student of the 7 th form.
I like to speak English, swim and travel. I am clever, talkative, creative, friendly and a bit lazy.
What I want to change in myself I`d like to gain weight, to look older and to be more athletic. I`d like to become less talkative, less lazy and to improve my memory. I want to get along with my teachers, classmates and my younger sister.
My motto is «Better late, then never»
In my opinion in the future I shall be a tall, athletic and handsome man with brown eyes, brown hair and a good sense of humour. I shall be a student of the University and on Sundays I think I will work in the Mc. Donald`s to get some money. I will live in a good small flat in the centre of Moscow but often I shall visit my parents and my younger sister. When I have free time, I will have a good time with my friends or go to the cinema with my girl friend.
What I think about the future As for me I don`t care about the future. It`s useless because I am young and can`t change much. I want to rest, to relax, to have a good time with my friends and to solve only everyday problems. Though I think that the future will be good.