About my life Kostarev Alexander Student of CIT, Скачать презентацию About my life Kostarev Alexander Student of CIT, about_my_life_wide_sreen.ppt Размер: 30.8 Mегабайта Количество слайдов: 14 Описание презентации About my life Kostarev Alexander Student of CIT, по слайдам About my life Kostarev Alexander Student of CIT, 4434 group Hello, I’m Alexander Kostarev. And this is my workplace. It was … Until I installed Arch. Linux. I have many friends. And I like spending time with them. This is me with my nephew Svyatoslav. Together we did a lot of stupid things and not very. For example, the game Cosmonaut, which has only 3 levels =) ) Now, I study at the College of information technology in the group 4434. This year we are finishing college! But I have a problem. I’m still unemployed. I watched a lot of anime. And I played a lot of videogames Time spent on it will not return. So I began to devote more time to programming. . THE END. Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ