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About AUTORATT - Holding the first self-control running, artificial intelligence technology for AGV in Korea - Holding the manufacture technique for ultra-low type AGV - The first development AGV for serving use in Korea. ( like restaurant use) 1
TOP Technology 3 of AUTORATT TOP 1 The first development of SLAM AGV with artificial intelligence in korea TOP 2 The first development of ultra-low AGV type in korea TOP 3 The first development AGV for serving use in Korea. ( like restaurant use) 2
Head Office of AUTORATT It plans new plant in 2018 1 -1 The vision of the AUTORATT It will be a world leader in Automatic transport system by technology fusion with our superior partner Now the industry have the challenges, it is streamlining the product line with the introduction of automated systems for securing an advantage in competition among domestic companies as well as international competition based on the reduction of production costs. AUTORATT will achieve a global leader, having the best technology with professional man power over 30 years, responding to the new paradigm of automatic transport systems market changes with partners. I'll do my best. 3
1 -2 Overview of the AUTORATT The change on the basis, Global leader AUTORATT Company Name AUTORATT CORPORATION Established 2014. 7. 1 ( Incorporation 2016. 7. 7) CEO BAEWONIL Capital 100, 000 $ Task 8, 000 $ (Achieved in 2020) Business Automatic transport system Home www. autoratt. com Headquarters T-Tower 407, Centumjungang-ro Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea Research Gilcheonri 1221, sangbukmyeon, Uljugun, Ulsan, Korea Factory Cheoksan hwarangro 96, namyimyeon, Sewongu, Cheongju Chungbuk E-mail autoratt@autoratt. com Technical reserves SLAM induced artificial intelligence AGV 4
1 -3 The Business Policy of CEO The change on the basis, Global leader AUTORATT Of Auotomatic transport system Basic maintenance Rash leap 2017 Management Policy and Promotion details Mascot of AUTORATT - Otori 01 The high-tech fusion on the basis - Introduction of foreign advanced technology, - Introduction and improvement of excellent domestic technology - Strengthen the research and development 02 Sales expansion based on revenue - Development of customer-facing products - Excavation of Potential customer - Document Securing for overseas expansion 03 Establishing structures to realize the dream of the future - Self-directed work hours - Task of patent application - Expansion of training and education 5
1 -4 The configuration of AUTORATT is the fusion The fusion is essential for larger technologies www. autoratt. com AGV Technical Support Goldstar Automation Autonomous Control Support Navitec HEAD OFFICE 407 T-Tower, 66 centum-juangang ro, haewundae-gu, Busan T : 070 -7858 -4321 F : 051 -797 -8787 E-mail : autoratt@autoratt. com Institute of Technology SLAM induced technical support Nidec, JAPAN New Technology Support LIT 1221 gilcheon –ri, sangbuk-myun, ulju-gun, ulsan-si T : 070 -7858 -4324 E-mail : ari@autoratt. com Factory 96 chucksan-whadang-ro, nami-myun, seowon-gu, cheongju-si T : 070 -7858 -4325 E-mail : arf@daum. net Partner companies Kitech Family business CHINA OFFICE China. Shanghai. Minhang. Xianfeng. Rode 25. 2 F-P T : 070 -7858 -4326 E-mail : arf@daum. net Pusan National University 6
1 -5 Organization of auto Surat The company makes talent, The talent grow the company Management innovation Bureau CEO 기술부 관리부 management technology 설계실 design 생산부 production 전자제어부 Electronics control 영업부 sales 기술영업부 Technology sale 기업부설연구소 Research Institute 경영혁신관리부 Management 해외시장개척부 Oversea sale KIT사업부 KIT department 7
1 -6 History of AUTORATT The history of Automatic transport system is with AUTORATT 2015. 3. 1 Smart AGV released 2015. 3. 5 China branch office - Sales MOU for cooperation 2015. 6. 1 Development of automatic filling device 2015. 11. 16 Gold. Star Busan Branch. signed the Convention 2014. 7. 1 Founded AUTORATT 2015. 8. 10 AGV kit sales 2014. 11. 1 Autonomous AGV development launched 2016. 1. 2. 7. 7. 7. 15 AGV KIT New business 5 Smart AGV business association promoting clean work 7 Incorporated to AUTORATT CORPORATIOM 10 Signed WON AGV's standard Exclusive MOU 20 Japan's S-CAT dealerships acquired Nidec 8
1 -7 Technical reserves NOT EASY , BUT, AUTORATT WILL ACHIEVE GLOBAL LEADER COMPANY Technical Reserves Artificial Intelligence Autonomous AGV LASER induced AGV Electronic-guided AGV MAGNETIC induction AGV Clean business apply AGV Ultra-low hieroglyphs AGV (H-98 mm) 9
NEG - 2015 Pallet transfer AGV 3000 KG/ LASER유도 1 -8 Delivery of Productions Delivery record is competitiveness AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) Hyundai Mobis P&G SKID Transport AGV 300 KG/ Magnetic Guide Paper-roll Transport AGV 1200 KG/ Magnetic Guide KISWIRE LS Mtron Bobbin Transport AGV 1000 KG/ Electronics Guide Thin-cooper-roll Transport AGV 2000 KG/ Magnetic Guide Kimberly Seojin plant Roll type product Transport AGV 3000 KG/ Magnetic Guide Car-parts Transport AGV 2000 KG/ Magnetic Guide POSCO BNG STEEL Scrab-box Transport AGV 1200 KG/ Magnetic Guide Grinding-Shaft Transport AGV 600 KG/ Magnetic Guide 10
1 -9 Delivery of earnings developments Delivery record is competitiveness Automatic transfer system Hyundai Mobis P&G SKID Transfer Device BOX Transfer Device Anam Electronics Korea Chemical PARTS Transfer Device Pallet Transfer LIFTER Samsung Corning Seojin plant Pallet Transfer Device CAR parts Transfer Device HYUNDAI MOTOR BLOCK Transfer Device 11
1 -10 Best parts sales The good parts make good products AGV CONTROLLER & COMPONENT Encoder Motor Drive GEARED MOTOR & DRIVE WHEEL TRANS AXLES UNIT GUIDE SENSOR Automatic filling device HORIZONTAL DRIVE WHEEL MARK SENSOR Battery replacement devices Electromagnetic induction oscillator Electromagnetic induction line Magnetic induction buried Mounted induction magnet TOUCH PC SAFETY SENSOR PIO SENSOR 12