- Количество слайдов: 23
A Tour of United States History & Landmarks By Paul Torres
Itinerary Day One: Day Two: Arrive in New York City, NY and visit Ellis Island Statue of Liberty Empire State Building and Ground Zero Day Three: NBC Studio and Times Square (Photo) and Broadway Show (“The Lion King”) Day Four: Travel to Philadelphia, PA to see Liberty Bell and then to Valley Forge to see Valley Forge National Historical Park Day Five: Travel to Gettysburg, PA and visit the Gettysburg Battlefield and then to Arlington, VA to Arlington National Cemetery Day Six: Head to Williamsburg, VA for a day at Busch Gardens Amusement Park Day Seven: Travel to Washington D. C. at go to US Holocaust Memorial Museum Day Eight: Visit the US Capitol and the Bureau for Engraving and Printing Day Nine: Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the National Mall Day Ten: Jefferson Memorial and the White House
Ellis Island the Statue of Liberty
Empire State Building
Ground Zero
NBC Studio and Times Square
Times Square Me!!!!
Broadway Show
Liberty Bell
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Gettysburg Battlefield
Arlington National Cemetery
US Holocaust Memorial Museum
US Capitol
Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Lincoln Memorial
Washington Monument
Vietnam Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
White House
Content Standards Covered on Trip: n History and Social Science: 8 th grade Standards: 8. 1 Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy 8. 2 Students analyze the political principles underlying the US constitution and compare the enumerated and implied powers of the federal government.
Sources: Slide one: Digital Camera Slide Two: Map - http: //www. lib. utexas. edu/maps/united_states/usa_blank. jpg Slide Three: Ellis Island - http: //cache. eb. com/eb/image? id=82679&rend. Type. Id=4 Statue of Liberty - http: //www. cs. helsinki. fi/u/adegerma/94%20 Statue%20 of%20 Liberty. jpg Slide Four: Empire State Building- http: //www. empire. state. ny. us/nyviews/newyorkcity/images/Empire%20 State%20 Build. jpg Inside- http: //www. inetours. com/New_York/Images/ESB/Empire-St-Lby_8722. jpg Slide Five: Ground Zero- http: //bodybydesign. files. wordpress. com/2007/07/ground-zero. jpg Memorial- http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Image: Groundzero 212292005. JPG Slide Six: Times Square- http: //www. ny-links. com/images/cw/times_square_53. JPG NBC Studio - http: //www. nytix. com/repository/tvshows/Conan/streetshot 1. jpg Slide Seven: Times Square- http: //www. simonho. org/images/USA/NY_Times. Square. jpg Photo in times square: Digital camera Slide Eight: Sign- http: //www. applause-tickets. com/images/lion-king. jpg Two People http: //www. thetheatreaddict. com/blogpics/lovestory. jpg Slide Nine: big pic- http: //www. nsf. gov/od/lpa/news/03/images/liberty_bell_pavillion. jpg smallhttp: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/pennsylvania/liberty-bell. php Slide Ten: House - http: //www. sogonow. com/static/FCKeditor/User. Files/Image/IMG_4833. JPG Canonshttp: //farm 2. static. flickr. com/1219/1426687222_2057 a 5 c 30 d. jpg Slide Eleven: Guys- http: //gettysburg 140. 4 t. com/images/mike_and_stew_and_canon__gettysburg_battlefield. jpg Field- http: //www. iss. k 12. nc. us/schools/webquests/Gett 1. jpg Canons- http: //www. jackvallerga. com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/cannonsech. jpg
Sources: Slide Twelve: Amphitheaterhttp: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d 0/Arlington_National_Cemetery _Amphitheater. jpg/800 px-Arlington_National_Cemetery_Amphitheater. jpg Head Stoneshttp: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/washington-dc/arlington-nationalcemetery. php Slide Thirteen: Outsidehttp: //www. cwu. edu/~philo/images/1%20 USHolocaust%20 Memorial. Museum. jpg Artworkhttp: //www. scrapbookpages. com/USHMM/Front. Sculpture. jpg Flamehttp: //www. ushmm. org/remembrance/dor/organize/images/flame. jpg Slide Fourteen: Ceiling- http: //208. 106. 153. 200/manage/img/med/63. jpg Outside of Capitolhttp: //www. cparklaw. com/images/bigstockphoto_United_States_Capitol_1015577. jpg Slide Fifteen: Cash- http: //www. ibrium. se/desktop_picts/jpg/Cash(1280 x 960). jpg Slide Sixteen: Nighttime pic- http: //www. thedctraveler. com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/lincolnmemorial-at-night. jpg Lincoln pic- http: //www. thedctraveler. com/wpcontent/uploads/2007/09/lincoln-memorial-at-night-copyright-jon-rochetti-2007 -thumb. jpg Slide Seventeen: Large pic- http: //bensguide. gpo. gov/images/symbols/wmonument_pool. jpg Smallhttp: //www. american-architecture. info/USAWashington/Washington_Monument_Dusk_Jan_2006. jpg Mediumhttp: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/washington-dc/national-mall. php Slide Eighteen: Wallhttp: //image 22. webshots. com/23/3/48/20/2091348200046209414 isg. He. K_fs. jpg Statueshttp: //iloveoregon. com/images/P 1012716. jpg Slide Nineteen: Jefferson- http: //www. hudsonphoto. com/images/Watching%20 Jefferson. jpg Building - http: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/washington-dc/jeffersonmemorial. php Slide Twenty: Front of White House- http: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/washington -dc/white-house. php Back of White Househttp: //bensguide. gpo. gov/images/symbols/whitehouse_back. jpg Music: Lime. Wire Music Downloads: American Military March - USMC - Patriotic Songs and Marches 12 Marines' Hymm