Скачать презентацию A T sector SEMINAR Modeling Simulation and Control of Скачать презентацию A T sector SEMINAR Modeling Simulation and Control of


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A&T sector SEMINAR Modeling, Simulation and Control of CERN cryogenic systems Benjamin BRADU CERN, A&T sector SEMINAR Modeling, Simulation and Control of CERN cryogenic systems Benjamin BRADU CERN, EN-ICE CNRS, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes Thursday 25 th March 2010

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 2

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 3

Motivations Develop a dynamic simulator for CERN cryogenic systems Model Large-Scale helium refrigerators n Motivations Develop a dynamic simulator for CERN cryogenic systems Model Large-Scale helium refrigerators n CERN cryogenic systems: large scale complex systems Similar to large industrial systems (Petroleum refineries, food industry , etc. ) ü LHC cryogenics : 42 000 I/O & 5 000 control loops ü n Non-linearity of helium properties (wide operation ranges) Temperature : 1. 9 K to 300 K ü Pressure : 14 mbar to 20 bar ü n Unique systems Built to be operated at nominal conditions ü Few information about transients and out of predefined operation points ü n Dynamic simulation is a good tool for : Train operators safely and in degraded conditions ü Test new control strategies without disturbing real operation ü Validate control and supervision systems in simulation : « Virtual Commissioning » ü 4

Multidisciplinary Approach Compute physical values In Space and Time Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamic Choose a Multidisciplinary Approach Compute physical values In Space and Time Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamic Choose a set of PDEs Computer Science Parametric Identification Numerical implementation Mathematics Control Theory Validation with Experimental data Control Theory No New Control command developments / optimizations No Successful simulations Engineering Test on real plant 5

State of art Dynamic simulators of large-scale cryogenic systems Team Simulated Process Modeling Control State of art Dynamic simulators of large-scale cryogenic systems Team Simulated Process Modeling Control Modeling Optimization R. Maekawa NIFS Japan Commercial liquefier + LHD Refrigerator 10 k. W @ 4. 5 K Physics DAE* (cryo lib) Partial High Pressure control with feed-forward action I. Butkevitch Kapitza insti. Russia Commercial liquefier for university education Mathematical Heuristic No No H. Quack UT Dresden Germany Commercial liquefier Physics DAE* (cryo lib) No No Physics DAE* (standard lib) No Pulse management for future tokamaks C. Deschildre 800 W refrigerator CEA/AL/Gipsa + France Commercial liquefier *Differential Algebraic Equations 6

PROCOS : Process & Control Simulator n CERN processes : ü ü ü n PROCOS : Process & Control Simulator n CERN processes : ü ü ü n Commercial liquefier Medium and very large helium refrigerators @ 4. 5 K Refrigeration units @ 1. 8 K with cold-compressors Modeling tasks ü Use of equations from physics n ü Identification techniques n n Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) with Ecosim. Pro Matlab Constraint : Simulation of control systems ü Use of existing control programs n ü PLC Schneider & Siemens (Programmable Logic Controller ) Use of existing CERN supervision system n PVSS 7

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 8

CERN control architecture for cryogénics Supervision controles (PVSS) Data Server SCADA (PVSS) Supervision Layer CERN control architecture for cryogénics Supervision controles (PVSS) Data Server SCADA (PVSS) Supervision Layer Réseau technique Ethernet / MOD ou S 7 Control Layer PLC Unity Schneider (PLC simulator) I/O (OPC) bus) I/O (Field Simatic Win. LC PLC (PLC Siemens simulator) I/O (OPC) bus) I/O (Field Process model (Ecosim. Pro) Field Layer OPC client C++ application C++ class Ecosim. Pro model Real process Ecosim. Pro algorithm Cryogenic Process Simulator (CPS) 9

Refrigerator operation Com pres Wa ter coo ler Water cooler sor C 1 1 Refrigerator operation Com pres Wa ter coo ler Water cooler sor C 1 1 T 1 Mechanical Work 2 C 1 1 bar HX 2 HX 3 re ne HX 2 rbi Low pre HX ssu 4 rb ine Tu HX 1 HX HX 3 Hig hp HX 4 Tu 15 bar 300 K HX 1 HX 5 T 2 HX 4 Mechanical Work HX 5 JT valve Expansion valve Joule-Thomson HX 5 5 K Heat Extraction 1 300 K HX res 2 sur e Temperature - Log (T) Electrical power 1 bar / 4. 5 K Q = m * Lv Thermal load Entropy - S Lv ~ 19 g/J for helium Thermal load 10

A component library for cryogenics Interface components Inputs/Outputs Analog/Digital Helium Thermodynamic properties (HEPAK tables) A component library for cryogenics Interface components Inputs/Outputs Analog/Digital Helium Thermodynamic properties (HEPAK tables) Storage components - pipes - Phase separators Calcul : P, hout Helium port P, h, m Ecosim. Pro Library Helium cryogenics Hydraulic components - Valves - Turbines -Screw compressors -Hydrodynamic compressors Calcul : m, hout PLC components Logical blocks Controllers (PID) Material Properties Stainless steel 304 L Aluminum 6061 T 6 Copper Thermal components -Thermal loads -Heat Exchangers Calcul : hout, Pout, min 11

Interconnections between components Rule 1 Hydraulic component Between 2 storage components Rule 2 Thermal Interconnections between components Rule 1 Hydraulic component Between 2 storage components Rule 2 Thermal component in series or between a storage component and an hydraulic component 12

Variational approach n Some parameters are difficult to find in large cryogenic systems Geometrical Variational approach n Some parameters are difficult to find in large cryogenic systems Geometrical parameters (length, pipe shape, HX parameters, etc. ) ü Thermal parameters (insulation) ü “Secret” parameters (turbines) ü n Generally, manufacturers guarantee a nominal operation point : ü Static calculations performed by manufacturers n If X depends on an unknown constant K 1 : n Known design point : n Ratio between both: n Non-linearity of ‘f(P, T)’ are kept and unknown constants are removed

Example in Ecosim. Pro Example of a model in Ecosim. Pro Linde 18 k. Example in Ecosim. Pro Example of a model in Ecosim. Pro Linde 18 k. W cold-box for the LHC 14

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 15

Component model validation n Individual validation Constant boundary conditions ü Transient checking ü Operation Component model validation n Individual validation Constant boundary conditions ü Transient checking ü Operation point checking ü n Validation of a reduced set of components ü Ex : Valve + pipe + turbine 16

Multi-component model validation n CMS cryoplant ü ü ü n n n Cooldown CMS Multi-component model validation n CMS cryoplant ü ü ü n n n Cooldown CMS magnet (225 tons) Air Liquide – 1. 5 k. W @ 4. 5 K 3310 Algebraic equations 244 Differential equations Simulation speed during cool-down : x 15 Validation of a complete system Simulation architecture validation Operator training tool 17

Virtual Commissioning n CERN central helium liquefier (B 165) ü ü ü n Provide Virtual Commissioning n CERN central helium liquefier (B 165) ü ü ü n Provide liquid helium for small CERN experiments Commercial Linde TCF 50 – 70 Lhe / hour 2060 Algebraic equations 170 Differential equations Simulation speed during cool-down : x 20 Test and improve PLC code and supervision (collaboration with TE-CRG-CE) ü ü ü Bad calibration of sensors PLC-coding errors Sequence errors (timers, threshold, etc. ) New turbine starting sequence PI tuning 18

Large-Scale system simulation: LHC refrigerator n 4. 5 K LHC refrigerator Linde 18 k. Large-Scale system simulation: LHC refrigerator n 4. 5 K LHC refrigerator Linde 18 k. W @ 4. 5 K ü 4600 Algebraic equations ü 400 Differential Equations ü Simulation speed: x 3 ü n n n Operator training tool High Pressure control optimization (IMC) New control strategies to reduce operation costs (floating pressure) 19

LHC refrigerator simulations After model validation : Optimization in simulation (real refrigerator in operation LHC refrigerator simulations After model validation : Optimization in simulation (real refrigerator in operation non available) Cool-down cold-box alone Stable state reached with LHC (16 k. W @ 4. 5 K) 20

High Pressure control optimization (IMC) -IMC : « Internal Model Control » -Model Synthesis High Pressure control optimization (IMC) -IMC : « Internal Model Control » -Model Synthesis -Model uncertainties evaluations -Synthesis of the controller Q using a robust tunning èGuarantee stability for the worst case èAdapt model in real-time (according to compression state) èTake into account saturation of valves ( « anti-windup » ) Simulation results: Better set-point tracking Better disturbance rejection Better robustness 21

Floating pressure System n High Pressure (HP) influences refrigeration power ü n Floating Pressure Floating pressure System n High Pressure (HP) influences refrigeration power ü n Floating Pressure system: Adaptation of HP and MP to loads applied to the refrigerator ü ü ü n Load adjusted with an electrical heater in the phase separator Compressor flow rate decreases : Electrical consumption decreases First tests in 1994 on 12 k. W @ 4. 5 K refrigerators (LEP) Manual or semi-automated management Automatic control system to fluctuate HP and MP ü Objective : Stabilize the electrical heater at a desired value (ex : 1 k. W) 22

Floating Pressure approach n Contrôle direct du niveau en pilotant la Haute Pression : Floating Pressure approach n Contrôle direct du niveau en pilotant la Haute Pression : Régulation Cascade niveau Heater Level set-point +10 90% Heater 1 + 2 Level set-point 80% 60% Heater 1 = 1 k. W Level set-point -20 t Level set-point + - Floating Pressure Controller HP set-point Refrigerator Level set-point -20% Level set-point + 10% + Level controller 1 - + - Level controller 2 t liquefaction Sat=1 k. W Phase Separator Liquid level Heater 1 Heater 2 (secu) 23

Non-Fragile PI tuning Floating Pressure controller (FPC) Non-fragile Level controllers (LC 240/LC 241) Non-fragile Non-Fragile PI tuning Floating Pressure controller (FPC) Non-fragile Level controllers (LC 240/LC 241) Non-fragile 24

Simulation results High Set-Point FPC start FPC set-point Load decrease Load Increase Low Set-Point Simulation results High Set-Point FPC start FPC set-point Load decrease Load Increase Low Set-Point Activation of 2 nd heater No Saturation on 1 st heater Heater Set-point = 1 k. W 25

Variable-Frequency drive for compressors With ideal VFD 26 Variable-Frequency drive for compressors With ideal VFD 26

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 27

Large cryogenic systems at 1. 8 K n Cool-down dysphasic helium from 4. 5 Large cryogenic systems at 1. 8 K n Cool-down dysphasic helium from 4. 5 K to 1. 8 K ü Pumping on helium baths from 1 bar to 16 mbar n Large cryogenic systems (pumping flow rate > 60 g/s for LHC) ü Cold Compressors (helium at 4 K, compression ratio ~ 60) ü Pumping on long cryogenic lines (3. 3 km for the LHC) n 1. 8 K refrigeration unit for the LHC 2800 Algebraic equations ü 210 Differential equations ü Simulation speed during pumping : x 80 ü 28

Cold-Compressor : characteristic identification n Cold compressor= hydraulic component Strict pressure field to respect: Cold-Compressor : characteristic identification n Cold compressor= hydraulic component Strict pressure field to respect: m = f(ratio pressure, speed) “Move” theoretical pressure field from measurements to fit real data 29

LHC cryogenic distribution line n n QRL : Transport cold helium along LHC Return LHC cryogenic distribution line n n QRL : Transport cold helium along LHC Return Pumping Line (Line B) ü n Low pressure cold helium : 3 K /16 mbar Development of a dynamic model ü ü ü Low pressure and temperature helium flow Convection heat transfers Interconnections every 107 m n Euler equations: n Simplification for QRL (PDE 1 D) : with: 30

Jacobian calculation Perfect GAZ Equation of state: Pressure: Sound speed: Jacobian: 9% at 5 Jacobian calculation Perfect GAZ Equation of state: Pressure: Sound speed: Jacobian: 9% at 5 K Eigen values: 2% at 10 K Gaseous low pressure helium Equation of state: Pressure: Sound Speed: Jacobian: Eigen values : 31

Discretization n Finite element method with an upwind scheme Discretization according to the propagation Discretization n Finite element method with an upwind scheme Discretization according to the propagation direction ü Mass and energy along the flow direction (transport) ü Momentum on the inverse direction of the flow (pumping) ü n Dirichlet boundary conditions: Input density ρ(0, t) ü Input energy E(0, t) ü Output momentum M(L, t) ü n Implicit temporal discretization (backward Euler) : 32

Interconnections and heat transfers n Interconnections every 107 m ü n Source term is Interconnections and heat transfers n Interconnections every 107 m ü n Source term is augmented (mass, momentum and energy) Heat transfers: ü Constant term (conduction, radiation) : 1, 92 W/m 3 on line B ü Variable term(convection) : 33

Simulation of the final pumping n Pumping between 100 mbar and 16 mbar 34 Simulation of the final pumping n Pumping between 100 mbar and 16 mbar 34

Simulation after a « quench » n « Quench » : Resistive transition between Simulation after a « quench » n « Quench » : Resistive transition between the superconductor state and the resistive state: ü n Release a large amount of energy (heat) Simulation of the “heat wave” induced by a quench in the return pumping line ü Comparison with a quench in the LHC sector 5 -6 during hardware commissioning (May 2008) Simulation with Δx=107 m Simulation with Δx=10, 7 m 35

Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS Contents n Introduction ü n Dynamic simulator for cryogenic systems ü ü n CMS cryoplant Central Helium Liquefier LHC refrigerator Simulation of LHC 1. 8 K refrigeration units ü ü n Simulation and control architecture Cryogenic Modeling Simulations of cryogenic systems operating at 4. 5 K ü ü ü n Motivations and state of art Cold compressors Cryogenic Distribution Line Conclusion & Perspectives 36

Main Contributions n A dynamic simulator for CERN cryogenic plants « Cryo Simulation Lab Main Contributions n A dynamic simulator for CERN cryogenic plants « Cryo Simulation Lab » available at CERN for TE-CRG (building 36) ü « Virtual commissioning » in collaboration with TE-CRG-CE (B 163 & B 165) ü 37

Main Contributions n Control Improvements Optimization of the High Pressure control on LHC refrigerators Main Contributions n Control Improvements Optimization of the High Pressure control on LHC refrigerators (IMC) ü Development of a floating pressure control to reduce operational costs on LHC cryoplants ü n QRL model ü Dynamic model of low pressure helium flow in long pumping lines 38

Perspectives n Export simulator to other large cryogenic plants Helium refrigerator @ 2 K Perspectives n Export simulator to other large cryogenic plants Helium refrigerator @ 2 K for the XFEL project at DESY (in discussion) ü Dynamic behavior during pulsed heat loads for tokamaks (ITER ? ) ü n IMC and floating pressure control test on real LHC refrigerators Possible windows in may/june 2010 ? ü Speed variator study (in discussion) ü n Extension of the « cryo » library to other industrial processes Water cooling (already done for STP 18) ü Electronic cooling for detectors (C 02, C 6 F 14 …) ü LHC ventilation systems ü 39

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Cryo Simulation Lab Cryo Simulation Lab