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А salesman! А salesman!

Trade history Trade history

n Trade as the phenomenon has arisen at a breeding system, and at the n Trade as the phenomenon has arisen at a breeding system, and at the beginning looked like barter: one kind of the goods exchanged on another. Money as an equivalent of the goods has appeared a bit later. One of important stages of development of trade was occurrence of merchants which travelled on different cities and the countries, delivering the rare and unusual goods and promoting development of different sciences and diplomatic relations. Merchants the first have started to consider the goods and to classify it. Trade development was promoted by the invention of the high-speed types of transport, allowed to accelerate delivery of the goods even in the most remote corners of globe in tens and hundreds times.

Risks of a trade n Proceeding from requirements, it is possible to assume, what Risks of a trade n Proceeding from requirements, it is possible to assume, what difficulties can rise before the person who has selected a trade of the seller: a high liability, work in difficult and intense conditions, high enough physical activities, sometimes — work with unhealthy substances. Simultaneously, work of the seller can be interesting and creative: from ability to talk to people, it is beautiful to make out show-windows and counters success of trade in many respects depends.

The Selling assistant The Selling assistant

n The Selling assistant Not simply carries out sale of this or that production n The Selling assistant Not simply carries out sale of this or that production — it helps the buyer to make a correct choice, advises it. The essence of a trade consists not only in stable realisation of the goods (company profit), but also in formation of positive image of shop or the company-brand.

activity Kinds • Consultation of customers on their interesting production; n • Reception, the activity Kinds • Consultation of customers on their interesting production; n • Reception, the calculation and goods' registration; n • Control over presence of price lists, advertising-brochures and informative instructions; n • Training of beginning selling assistants n

work Places n n • • Salons-shops; Trading cents; Boutiques; Internet shops work Places n n • • Salons-shops; Trading cents; Boutiques; Internet shops

Professional skills • Possession of psychology, motivation receptions to purchase; n • Knowledge of Professional skills • Possession of psychology, motivation receptions to purchase; n • Knowledge of a commodity market and services of that segment on which the companyemployer specialises; n • Knowledge of features of using the goods, responses of buyers; n • Faultless etiquette n

Additional features n About presence special or higher education on a position of the Additional features n About presence special or higher education on a position of the seller of the adviser employers, as a rule, do not show requirements. It is important to possess experience or a necessary set of qualities and desire to be engaged in consultation in sphere of sales.

n If you pursue the aim to grow in the career plan and apply n If you pursue the aim to grow in the career plan and apply for any administrative position presence of the diploma in a speciality concerning management here is necessary. The salary of selling assistants often breaks on two parts: a base salary and percent from sale of the goods.

And in summary I will result the approximate schedule of the working day of And in summary I will result the approximate schedule of the working day of one of sellers of shop n 8. 45 – already on work, it is necessary to change clothes in a uniform, to put on a badge – and to a counter. Whether any goods have ended? If yes, it is necessary to order it. 9. 00 – the trade beginning, already is the first buyers, it is a lot of questions, strangely enough, answers too are. 10. 00 – the goods have come, it is necessary to unload it, it on an hour. 11. 00 – buyers go and go, but for some reason ask about the goods more, than buy.

n 13. 30 – it is possible to have dinner, as the dinner is n 13. 30 – it is possible to have dinner, as the dinner is already. 14. 00 – again work, it is necessary to write price lists on the new goods. 15. 00 – already less, it is possible to correct for the people the goods on showwindows. 17. 00 – again a shaft of buyers, the weariness, and home in two hours has imperceptibly come. 19. 00 – everything, the working day is finished, it is possible to change clothes and go home.

n Well, were not frightened? Then I wish you successes in your future trade. n Well, were not frightened? Then I wish you successes in your future trade.

n the Trade of the seller can be received in srednespecial educational institutions, on n the Trade of the seller can be received in srednespecial educational institutions, on special courses or it is direct on a workplace.