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A Revised Approach to CMA Establishment D Weston Institutional Oversight 12 December 2006
Achievements to Date • Some 8 CMAs have been established • 4 Advisory Committee processes have been completed • By March 2007 4 Governing Boards will be in place • Other water management areas have initiated processes
Progress of CMA establishment Water Management Area Progress to date Inkomati • Governing Board and CEO appointed, and Corporate policies established • First Business Plan approved and first seed funds transferred Breede, Crocodile West Marico, Mvoti to Umzimkulu • Established and Advisory Committee appointed • Advisory Committee consultative session held and final report being compiled Usuthu to Mhaltuze, • Established and Advisory Committee to be appointed shortly Thukela, Olifants Doorn, Gouritz Berg • Stakeholder Reference Group established and proposal development in progress Olifants, Upper Vaal • Previous public participation to support CMA proposal development process. Olifants has draft proposal • Processes to be revitalised Limpopo, Levuvhu. Letaba, Lower Vaal • PSPs appointed for public participation to support CMA proposal development process • Stakeholder Reference Group to be established • Initial public meetings scheduled for this year
Realisations • To date processes have taken far longer than originally envisaged • This means that often stakeholders are left behind, especially during the administration intensive “Ministerial” phase of gazetting, establishment, AC and GB nominations • We do need to speed up this process – not to short change processes but to make them more effective and sustainable • To ensure that at the time the GB is in place that we have a vibrant and active process – not something that happened historically
Fundamentals • We are not asking stakeholders whether they want to establish a CMA • We are implementing the Act and this calls for this • We are asking stakeholders what are the issues, how they perceive the role of the CMA, the format for future engagement with stakeholders etc • Therefore, we should not be delaying the establishment of CMAs, and all the admin that goes with getting the GB in place, until stakeholders have given their inputs • This stakeholders can do in parallel
Fundamentals • If we run the CMA establishment process in parallel with the public participation, in parallel with capacity building initiatives, within two years we can have a functioning CMA together with an active and vibrant stakeholder participation support
CMA Establishment Process CMA Proposal Development Initiate Public Participation CMA Establishment Formalise Representation CMA Establishment Conduct Initial Investigations CMA Development CMA Proposal Development Initial CMA development Fully functional CMA
Initial CMA Developmentnal CMA: CMA Establishment & Development CMA Establishment: • Evaluate proposal • Minister calls for public comment on the proposal to establish the CMA • Review comments, assess, amend proposal & take appropriate actions • Minister establishes CMA • Appoint Advisory Committee • AC advises Minister on representation on Gov Board • Minister appoints Gov Board • Gov Board inaugural meeting and induction • Establish Executive Committees or Interim Management Team • Appoint CEO • Develop initial policies and procedures • Develop CMA Business Plan • Appoint support staff • Capacity and Institution building • Establish legitimacy • Perform initial functions to complement DWAFs functions Fully functional CMA: • • • Finalise CMA organisational structure Conduct training and institution building Finalise CMA policies and procedures Identify & implement outsourcing options Appoint CMA staff Continued public participation Develop partnerships Implement co-operative governance Perform delegated functions
CMA Establishment Process (Year 1) Capacity Building Support Work-sessions Design & Initiate Public Participation Develop Business Case CB Session 2 Aspects of WRM Minister CB Session 3 CMA Functions Gazette for Public Comment CB Session 4 CMA Finance CMA Governance Assess Comments/ Gazette Establishment List CMA as PFMA Schedule 3 A Public Entity Appoint Advisory Committee
CMA Establishment Process (Year 2) Capacity Building Support Work-sessions 5 More Detailed Aspects of WRM -Key issues -Priorities Advisory Committee Deliberations & Consultations Compile CMA Starter Pack CB Session 6 CMA & Govt Objectives AC Report To Minister Prep RO & Proto-CMA CB Session 7 CMA Dev Role CMA & PP Call for GB nominations Purchase initial Infrastructure CB Session 8 CB Session 9 Finalise Stakeholder Voice Report Work-sessions for GB nominations Active PP Structures Appoint GB Initiate financial controls & Systems
CMA Establishment Process (Year 3) Capacity Building Support Work-sessions Active PP Structures GB Inductions CB Session Continued PP Appoint CEO Stabilise financial Controls CB Session Continued PP Develop 1 st BP Transfer Proto-CMA CB Session Continued PP Determine staff needs Transfer seed funds Initiate CMS Determine charges & Budget Stabilise System needs
Advisory Committee Process Week 1 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8 Week 9 • Inaugural meeting- broad concepts, TOR • 1 st workshop (2 days) – nature of WMA, challenges and issues, first draft seats, skill sets, criteria, PP process* • PP process • 2 nd workshop (2 days)- review comments, discuss amendments, clarity on omissions, finalise report to Minister • Report submitted to Minister * HO & RO to design PP process up front and present at 1 st workshop
Advisory Committee Process • • • AC can develop a life of its own Need to balance independence with delivery Limited existence Must apply their minds Its as important to say why some sectors are left out as why some are included • Findings should be clear and implementable • Balance between “processes” and “more direct (written) nominations”
Other Areas for CMA review In the new year we will make some revisions and firmer statements about: • Governing Board - governance • IWRM • Local Government • Developmental Role and Social Learning
CMA Support 3 yr support program a) Support the development of participative processes to enable stakeholder inputs into CMA establishment, as well as assist/ guide and overview its implementation. However, it must be noted the Regional Office will appoint a PSP to actually implement the public participation process.
CMA Support b) To develop the Business Case as required by National Treasury for the listing of the institution in the PFMA schedule. c) Support the appointed AC in reviewing the available information, consulting stakeholders and developing recommendations to the Minister. d) Once the CMA Governing Board has been appointed, the PSP should provide strategic institutional and governance support, to ensure the Governing Board are aware of their roles and responsibilities, and the CMA is assisted in initial set-up.
WMI Support • There is a very definite need to supplement the PCC, established under auspices of P&SC • Need to establish Project Task Teams • Discuss and coordinate implementation matters • Meet at least quarterly, but should also be a core communications group (ie all email copied to the PTT) • Ensure alignment and minimise duplication of effort
WMI Support Limpopo Operational Project Committees Water Man Area Regional Office CMAs WUAs SE Limpopo • Donald/ Matilda • Tshiamo/ • Kgabo Tsakane • David Levuvhu. Letaba • Andries / Israel • Tshiamo/ • Kgabo Tsakane • David
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