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A Regional Study of The Middle East A Regional Study of The Middle East

The Middle East? The Middle East?

North Africa and the Middle East North Africa and the Middle East

The Middle East vs. the U. S. Latitude Lines The Middle East vs. the U. S. Latitude Lines

The Approach Things change rapidly in the Middle East so we are not using The Approach Things change rapidly in the Middle East so we are not using a text book. Articles and Power. Points are posted in the handout section of Schreiner One. You are also expected to keep up with current events in the region. We will begin each class with a brief discussion of what is going on.

The Approach We will explore the key features that make the Middle East what The Approach We will explore the key features that make the Middle East what it is and define the problems that exist there. We will begin with an overview of the land the peoples of the region. We will then examine the beliefs and practices of Islam, the main human feature of the area, as well as the history of the region from the time of Mohammed to 1918. This will be followed by an examination of the characteristics of each of the key national actors in the region, country by country. Finally, we will discuss the major crises and conflicts that plague this area of the world and affect our own lives.

MEASURING COURSE OUTCOMES Course outcomes will be measured by a series of essay examinations. MEASURING COURSE OUTCOMES Course outcomes will be measured by a series of essay examinations. There will be 1000 points in the course. Four quizzes at 200 points each and a final examination at 200 points will determine the grade. FINAL GRADE: 900 – 1000 points A 800 – 899 points B 700 – 799 points C 600 – 699 points D below 600 points F

OFFICE HOURS I am in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1: 152: 30 and OFFICE HOURS I am in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1: 152: 30 and 4: 05 -5: 20, and from 12: 15 -1: 05 on Thursdays. Office hours are from 12: 00 -1: 00 and 2: 30 -4: 00 on Tuesdays and 2: 30 -4: 00 on Thursdays but meetings at other times are possible by mutual agreement. To set an appointment, please contact me at Email: rlhatchett@schreiner. edu or Telephone: 792 -7461. Drop-ins are also welcome in AC Schreiner 214 anytime.

The Middle East: Land Peoples The Middle East: Land Peoples

Middle East: Climate Regions Middle East: Climate Regions

The Sahara The Sahara

Rub al-Khali: “The Empty Quarter” Rub al-Khali: “The Empty Quarter”

Southern Israel E. J. PALKA Southern Israel E. J. PALKA

Sinai E. J. PALKA Sinai E. J. PALKA

WATER - A Critical RESOURCE Water is critical for life, food production, and industrial WATER - A Critical RESOURCE Water is critical for life, food production, and industrial processes. 9 out of 14 North African, Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian states face water-short conditions. The North African and Middle Eastern states all have rates of natural population increase above the world average, increasing the stress on water sources.

Dwindling Renewable Water Supply Per Capita (Minimum adequate 1700 Cubic feet) Country Kuwait Qatar Dwindling Renewable Water Supply Per Capita (Minimum adequate 1700 Cubic feet) Country Kuwait Qatar Bahrain Saudi Arabia UAE Jordan Yemen Israel Tunisia Algeria Libya Morocco Egypt Oman Lebanon Iran Syria Turkey Iraq Sudan 1955 147 808 1, 427 1, 266 6, 196 906 1, 098 1, 229 1, 127 1, 770 4, 105 2, 763 2, 561 4, 240 3, 088 6, 203 6, 500 8, 509 18, 441 11, 899 1990 23 75 117 306 308 327 445 461 540 689 1, 017 1, 123 1, 266 1, 818 2, 203 2, 087 3, 626 6, 029 4, 792 2025 9 57 68 113 176 121 152 264 324 332 359 590 630 410 1, 113 816 732 2, 186 2, 356 1, 993

The Nile River The Nile River

Egypt: The “Gift of the Nile” 95% of the Egyptian people live on 5% Egypt: The “Gift of the Nile” 95% of the Egyptian people live on 5% of the land! Nile Delta

The Tigris & Euphrates and Other River Systems The Tigris & Euphrates and Other River Systems

The Jordan River System: The Jordan River System:

Mountain Ranges Atlas Mountains Zagros Mts. jaz He s. Mt Ahaggar Mts us ur Mountain Ranges Atlas Mountains Zagros Mts. jaz He s. Mt Ahaggar Mts us ur Ta ts. M

The Atlas Mountains, Morocco The Atlas Mountains, Morocco

The Ahaggar Mountains, Sahara The Ahaggar Mountains, Sahara

Hejaz Mountains, Saudi Arabia Hejaz Mountains, Saudi Arabia

Taurus Mountains, Turkey Taurus Mountains, Turkey

Zagros Mountains, Iran Zagros Mountains, Iran

Fresh Groundwater Sources Fresh Groundwater Sources

Israeli Kibbutz E. J. PALKA Israeli Kibbutz E. J. PALKA

Wadis – Instant Springs Wadis – Instant Springs

Desert Oases Desert Oases

Hail Oasis In Saudi Arabia Hail Oasis In Saudi Arabia

Modern Oasis Modern Oasis

Desalinization Plants Desalinization Plants

The Middle East: Natural Vegetation The Middle East: Natural Vegetation

A Regional Study of The Middle East A Regional Study of The Middle East

Iraqi Elections March 7, 2010 All 325 seats to the Council of Representatives • Iraqi Elections March 7, 2010 All 325 seats to the Council of Representatives • • • Leader: Party : Seats won: Popular vote: Percentage : Ayad Allawi al-Iraqiyya 91 2, 631, 388 25. 87% Nouri Al-Maliki State of Law 89 2, 620, 042 25. 76% Ibrahim al-Jaafari National Iraqi Alliance 70 1, 976, 412 19. 43%

Al-Qaida Return in Iraq • Sheikh Sabah al-Janabi, a leader of the Awakening Council Al-Qaida Return in Iraq • Sheikh Sabah al-Janabi, a leader of the Awakening Council – also known as the Sons of Iraq – told The Guardian that many of his members have not collected their salaries for the last two months and some, he believes, are now taking money from their former enemies. • The US handed over control of the Sons of Iraq to the Iraqi government in late 2008. The program since has been plagued by complaints about distrust and delays in paying salaries, as well as almost daily bombings or shootings targeting Awakening Council leaders and members. • Brig. Gen. Patrick M. Higgins commander of U. S. Special Forces in Iraq said last week, “Though weakened by the deaths of top leaders and a drop-off in foreign funding, al-Qaeda in Iraq's ‘cellular structure’ remains pretty much intact. ”

Withdrawal Schedule in Question? • Withdrawal Schedule in Question? • "If I were asked about the withdrawal, I would say to politicians: the U. S. Army must stay until the Iraq Army is fully ready in 2020. " – Iraqi Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Babakar Zebari.


Population of Key Middle Eastern Countries Estimated 2009 Population Egypt 78, 513, 000 Turkey Population of Key Middle Eastern Countries Estimated 2009 Population Egypt 78, 513, 000 Turkey 77, 804, 000 Iran 67, 037, 000 Algeria 34, 199, 000 Morocco 31, 993, 000 Iraq 30, 428, 000 Sudan 30, 121, 000 Saudi Arabia 24, 949, 000 Yemen 23, 363, 000 Syria 20, 196, 000 Tunisia 10, 216, 000 Libya 6, 203, 000 Jordan 6, 202, 000 Rest of Region 18, 937, 000 Regional Total 460, 163, 000 Israel 7, 353, 000

POPULATION DISTRIBUTION • The Middle East is more urbanized than is often assumed. At POPULATION DISTRIBUTION • The Middle East is more urbanized than is often assumed. At least 190 cities in the region have populations that exceed 100, 000, and 22 cities exceed 1 million. • Cities with populations between 100, 000 and 500, 000 have become relatively numerous during the second half of the twentieth century and are found in almost all Middle East countries. • Despite the trend of increasing urbanization, most of the people of the Middle East still live in villages, but traditional nomads make up less than 2% of the peoples of this region.

Peoples of the Middle East The Middle East constitutes the center of Islamic and Peoples of the Middle East The Middle East constitutes the center of Islamic and Arab identity, but there is actually a complicated mosaic of peoples. Enumerating populations is difficult in most Middle East countries, and quantifying religions and linguistic groups is even more of a problem because such quantification often confronts very sensitive issues. Governments often attempt to obscure the number-and therefore the influence-of minority ethnic groups, such as Kurds in Turkey, Iran and Iraq (and other countries involved in "Kurdistan") or Druzes in Lebanon.

Turks Azerbijianis Kurds Arabs Persians Bakhtiari Turks Azerbijianis Kurds Arabs Persians Bakhtiari

Demographic Rates Most Muslim countries of North Africa and Southwest Asia double their population Demographic Rates Most Muslim countries of North Africa and Southwest Asia double their population every 29 years. In Israel, Jews have one of the lowest birthrates in the Middle East, doubling their population every 60 years. Most growth in Israel’s population comes from immigration.

Population Migrations Immigration, emigration, and internal migration play a significant role in defining the Population Migrations Immigration, emigration, and internal migration play a significant role in defining the contemporary pattern of peoples in the Middle East. For example, immigration into the region (by Jews, Indians, and Pakistanis) and migration within the region (by Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Jews, Lebanese, Kurds, and others) have dramatically increased some populations and profoundly altered the ethnic composition of some states.

Kuwait UAE Bahrain Lebanon Qatar Israel Kuwait UAE Bahrain Lebanon Qatar Israel

Languages Languages

Religions In the Middle East Muslims number about 368 million, more than 92 percent Religions In the Middle East Muslims number about 368 million, more than 92 percent of the population of the region. Christianity is the second-largest religion, with approximately 12 million adherents, and Judaism is third with approximately 4. 8 million

Haram Al Sharif (The Temple Mount) Haram Al Sharif (The Temple Mount)

Dome of the Rock Dome of the Rock

The Western Wall The Western Wall


The Western Wall The Western Wall

Church of the Holy Sepulcher Church of the Holy Sepulcher


Kaaba Kaaba

Mosque of the Prophet, Medina Mosque of the Prophet, Medina

A Region of Wealth? A Region of Wealth?


World Oil Reserves World Oil Reserves

Petroleum Reserves by Country Billion Barrels Date of Information Saudi Arabia 264, 100, 000 Petroleum Reserves by Country Billion Barrels Date of Information Saudi Arabia 264, 100, 000 1 January 2009 est. Canada 178, 100, 000 1 January 2009 est. Iran 137, 600, 000 1 January 2010 est. Iraq 113, 500, 000 1 January 2009 est. Kuwait 101, 500, 000 1 January 2009 est. Venezuela 98, 590, 000 1 January 2009 est. United Arab Emirates 97, 800, 000 1 January 2009 est. Russia 79, 000, 000 1 January 2009 est. Libya 46, 000, 000 1 January 2009 est. Nigeria 36, 220, 000 1 January 2009 est. Kazakhstan 30, 000, 000 1 January 2009 est. Qatar 27, 190, 000 1 January 2009 est. United States 21, 320, 000 1 January 2009 est. China 15, 700, 000 1 January 2009 est.

Source of U. S. Oil Imports, 2008 The Persian Gulf supplies 26% of US Source of U. S. Oil Imports, 2008 The Persian Gulf supplies 26% of US imports 83 percent of Japan’s about half of China’s, and 27 percent of Europe’s. The Middle East is also a substantial supplier to India. Source: Energy Information Administration

The Middle East: Land Peoples The Middle East: Land Peoples