- Количество слайдов: 23
A Programme of the ICL for ISDR Background of the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015 -2025 for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk ICL and its Efforts Toward a Safer Future ICL Secretariat, Kyoto, Japan Secretariat@iclhq. org http: ///icl. iplhq. org/, http: //www. iplhq. org/
Contents 1. Examples of Landslide Disasters in the World 2. Establishment of a new International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) in 2002 3. Major efforts of ICL contributing to ISDR 3. 1 Foundation of the world-first full-color journal “Landslides” since 2004. 3. 2 Initiation of an International Programme on Landslides (IPL) 3. 3 Organization of Triennial flagship Conference “World Landslide Forum”
1. Examples of Landslide Disasters in the World
Badakhshan mudslide, Afghanistan on 2 May 2014 (Death toll: 2700) http: //www. dailymail. co. uk
Landslide in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, India on 16 June 2013 (Death toll: 5700) http: //landslides. usgs. gov
Heavy rainfall induced landslide disaster in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 11 January 2011 (Death toll: >1000) http: //totallycoolpix. com/2011/01/brazils-deadly-landslides/
Nevado Huascaran Debris Avalanche in Yungay, Peru on 31 May 1970 (Death toll: > 22, 000) http: //landslides. usgs. gov
Vajont landslide in Longarone, Italy on 09 October 1963 (Death toll: 2, 000) Before landslide After landslide http: //landslides. usgs. gov
List of major landslide disasters (Wikipedia) No Date Place Casualties 1 21 May 1792 Nagasaki , Japan 16, 000 13 18 March 1971 Chungar, Peru 400 -600 2 19 May 1919 Kelud, Indonesia 5, 110 14 13 November 1985 Tolima, Colombia 23, 000 3 16 December 1920 Ningxia, China >100, 000 15 30 October 1998 Mt. Casita, Nicaragua 2000 4 25 August 1933 Sichuan, China ~3, 100 16 16 December 1999 Vargas, Venezuela 30, 000 5 5 July 1938 Kwansai, Japan ~1, 000 17 17 January 2001 El Salvador 500 -1, 700 6 13 December 1941 Ancash, Peru 4, 000 -6, 000 18 17 February 2006 Leyte, Philippines 1, 144 7 10 July 1949 Oblast, Tajikistan 800 -4, 000 19 9 August 2009 Kaohsiung, Taiwan 500 -600 8 18 July 1953 Wakayama, Japan 1, 046 20 8 August 2010 Gansu, China 1, 287 9 26 September 1958 Shizuoka, Japan 1, 094 21 11 January 2011 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil >1, 000 10 10 January 1962 Ranrahirca, Peru 4, 000 -5, 000 22 16 June 2013 Uttarakhand, India 5, 700 11 09 October 1963 Longarone, Italy ≈ 2, 000 23 02 May 2014 Badakhshan, Afghanistan 2, 700 12 31 May 1970 Yungay, Peru >22, 000
2. Establishment of a new International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
Characteristics of Landslide and Landslide Research 1. Landslides are triggered by earthquakes, heavy rainfalls (hurricane and typhoon), volcanic activities or in volcanos, and man-made activities (construction, mining, irrigation etc. ). 2. Most of landslides occur in local and mountainous areas. Small number of people in communities are killed by each landslide, but it is seriously dealt. 3. Landslides are studied by many disciplines such as geological, geomorphological, geotechnical, hydro-meteorological, seismological fields. 4. No international society and network on landslides. Definition of landslides are different in disciplines and countries. There is no reliable statistic of landslides (number, volume, death, economic loss) because of three reasons above. 5. The impact and the significance of landslide research are always underestimated nationally and internationally.
An international consortium on Landslides (ICL) was established during the UNESCO-Kyoto University Joint Symposium in 2002 with participants from UNESCO, UNISDR, WMO, MOFA &MEXT, Japan. Members of ICL are from different disciplines, different countries and different types of organizations (universities, institutes, governments and local governments, societies, and private sectors). The statutes and logo were adopted. The group photo was taken on 23 January 2002.
3. Major efforts of ICL contributing to ISDR 3. 1 Foundation of the world-first full-color journal “Landslides” since 2004. 3. 2 Initiation of an International Programme on Landslides (IPL) 3. 3 Organization of Triennial Flagship Conference “World Landslide Forum”
3. 1 Foundation of the world-first full-color journal “Landslides” since 2004 Definition of landslides was agreed within a landslide community during IDNDR 1990 -1999. Each member is isolated and weak in each country. It did not bring practical effect. l The most important task of ICL is to create an integrated scientific field “Landslide Science” crossing different disciplines and different countries using different definition of landslides and terminology. The initial common information was only full-color landslide photos from which all landslide dealing persons can draw different information. l ICL examined to publish an international quarterly or bimonthly journal printing full-color landslide photos. Neither contribution fee, nor full-color printing fee should not be taken from authors to promote authors from developing countries and young scientists. l
ICL succeeded to found the world-first full-color academic journal “Landslides: Journal of International Consortium on Landslides”. l In addition to full-color photos, Landslides have four categories: Recent landslides, Technical notes (case studies) and ICL-IPL activities as well as Original articles to promote contribution from developing countries. Recent landslide reports and case studies from developing countries have originality since those are not accepted and published in ordinal scientific journal. ICL-IPL activities to reduce landslide disaster risk are important in ICL-IPL networks. Those three categories are easier to be published comparing to original papers. l Researchers from developing countries have higher possibility to publish their efforts in a high impact international journal Landslides (2013 Impact factor is 2. 814). l
ICL founded the full-color Journal Landslides since 2004. ICL published the full-color books with the same concept at each WLF. Landslides: Journal of International Consortium on Landslides. 6 issues/year, 200 pages/issue, Full color, 2013 Impact factor: 2. 814 WLF 1 2008 : Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 1, 667 pages WLF 2 2011 : Landslide Science and Practice. Vol. 1 -7, 3, 762 pages WLF 3 2014 : Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Vol. 1 -3, 2, 144 pages Advisory members of the Journal Management Committee include heads of UNESCO, UNISDR, WMO, FAO, UNU, ICSU, WFEO, IUGS, Cabinet Office/MEXT/MLIT of JAPAN as well as ICL Cover of WLF 3 full color book with forewords from UNESCO and UNISDR
3. 2 Initiation of an International Programme on Landslides (IPL) l l l ICL has initiated a new programme, the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) following the 2006 Tokyo Action Plan. The Plan is a result of Letter of Intent to strengthen research and learning on ‘Earth system risk analysis and sustainable disaster management’ with the framework of UNISDR which was adopted in thematic session 3. 8 on floods and landslides in the second WCDR 2005. It is managed by the IPL Global Promotion Committee (IPLGPC) including each representative of all ICL members and each representative of ICL supporting organizations (UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNISDR, UNU, ICSU, WFEO and IUGS). The programme includes IPL projects and the World Centres of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCo. Es).
l l Currently 34 IPL projects are on-going. The World Centres of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction are proposed for three year term. The application is evaluated by the Technical Evaluation Committee and the Independent Panel of Experts, then identified at each World Landslide Forum. At WLF 3 in Beijing, 2014, “IPL Awards for Success” were given to University of Nigeria and North-East Forestry University, China, and fifteen WCo. Es were identified including Indonesia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Thailand etc. The recognition of IPL projects and WCo. Es promoted those leaders and contributed to fund raising for member institutions in each country. Now landslide researchers are neither isolated, nor very weak with the international network and authorization of ICL-IPL.
Identification of World Centre of Excellence (WCo. E) 2014 -2017 IPL-Global Promotion Committee (member from ICL, UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNU, ICSU, WFEO, IUGS: Chair: Salvano Briceno) has decided through 1) Examination of Eligibility by the Secretariat, 2) Technical Evaluation by 10 experts, 3) Recommendation by the Independent Panel of Experts(5 from ICL supporting organizations: Chair Hans van Ginkel) Certificates were awarded from UNESCO DG Irina Bokova to 15 leaders of WCOE 2014 -2017 From Left: Thailand, Slovenia, China (Geological Survey), Russia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Japan (Niigata University and Japan Landslide Society), Hans van Ginkel (former UNU Rector), Irina Bokova (UNESCO DG), ICL Executive Director, Czech, Croatia, Italy, Indonesia, China (North-East Forestry University), Sri Lanka, Taiwan/China.
IPL Award for Success This Award is NOT award for the best IPL Project. It is given for the leaders of success projects within the given circumstances. Two awards (certificate and 3000 USD) were given to University of Nigeria and North-East Forestry University, China.
3. 3 Organization of Triennial Conference “World Landslide Forum” l l l The World Landslide Forum is a triennial flagship conference aimed at gathering scientists, stakeholders, policy makers and private sectors dealing with the management of landslide risk. The results of WLF 2 in 2011 and WLF 3 in 2014 were published as full-color books; “Landslide Science and Practice” (3, 762 pages) and “Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment” (2, 144 pages). ICL adopted 2014 Beijing Declaration based on the high level panel discussion at WLF 3. It proposed ICL-IPL Partnership ICL plans to adopt ICL-IPL Partnership 2015 -2025 during WCDRR in Sendai in 2015. WLF is a powerful tool to gather scientists, stakeholders, policy makers and private sectors dealing with the management of landslide risk.
xxxx High-Level Panel Discussion: Initiative to create a safer geoenvironment toward WCDR 2015 and forward High-level panel was chaired by Hans van Ginkel. UNESCO, UNISDR, WMO, ICSU/IRDR, China Geological Survey, ICL together from floor discussed. The 2014 Beijing Declaration “Landslide Risk Mitigation : Toward a Safer Geoenvironment” was adopted in the round table discussion on 6 June 2014 following this panel discussion. 531 people, 211 national and international organizations from 40 countries and 5 organizations of United Nations System participated WLF 3.
Adoption of the Sendai Partnerships and its milestone meetings for Reviews The 2015 ICL-IPL Sendai Partnership Conference was organized on 11 -15 March 2015 and ICL took a role in a working session “Reducing underlying risk factors” within WCDRR. ICL-IPL Sendai Partnerships 2015 -2025 was adopted to promote post 2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as Voluntary Comittement to the WCDRR 2015. The progress of activities will be reported at the biannual Global Platform. ICL and its partners will organize WLF 4 and WLF 5 as milestone meetings for that. All United Nations’, international/national, research/educational organizations and NGOs are invited to join this initiative within their own mandates and capacities. 4 th World Landslide Forum: May 29 -June 2 in 2017 at Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubjana, Slovenia 5 th World Landslide Forum: September 21 -25 in 2020 at TOKI MESSE in Niigata, Japan. The ICL endeavour through IPL project, World Centres of Excellence, World Landslide Forum as well as full-color journal Landslides are sure to contribute to the post-2015 Framework for Shaping the Future for safer communities.