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A presentation on plant characteristics Maksimenko Lena Students 3 -ЗБ-2
Plan: 1 Beginning 2 Tree or shrubs (height) 3 Bark and trunk 4 Leaves 5 Blossoms 6 Fruits 7 Ecology 8 Carefully 9 Using and application 10 Dictionary
BUNDUCHI dioecious (B. Canadian, Kentucky coffee tree, soapberry) Gymnocladus dioicus BUNDUCHI (Gymnocladus), genus of trees of the legume family (Fabaceae). Contains only two species, one of which is native to North America, the other - in China. In decorative purposes we used the North American species. Castor (lat. Rícinus) monotypic genus of the family Euphorbiaceae. The only kind of - the castor bean (Ricinus commúnis L. ) - oilseeds, medicinal and ornamental garden plant.
Tree or shrubs (height) Common in deciduous forests on deep rich soils of lowlands, river valleys, on the lower slopes of the mountains. Chart 20 m (sometimes up to 30 m) in height In tropical and subtropical regions of castor - evergreen shrub up to 10 m. Culture conditions in temperate countries (Russia and others) - is an annual plant up to 2 -3 m.
Bark and trunk Usually with a slender trunk and luxurious, with a free standing, rounded crown, reaching 8 m in diameter and trunk diameter of 90 cm. Bark on the trunks of light gray or gray-brown, deep cracks on new shoots darker, with dense pubescence. Stalks upright, branched, hollow inside, pink, red, purple or almost black, covered with a bluish waxy bloom.
Leaves Deciduous trees with large leaves twice pinnate, giving the crown of exotic species; up to 1 m long, glabrous, leathery, at blooming pink, light green in summer, autumn pale yellow. Leaves are deployed later than other legume species. The leaves are large, 30 -80 cm long deep cutting, sometimes separate, pointed, unequally toothed, dull green with petioles 2060 cm long.
Blossoms The plant is dioecious. Blossoms in May or June for 7. . . 10 days. The flowers are small, yellowishwhite, lemon-scented. Men - in the end panicles up to 10 cm, for women - in the longer endracemes up to 30 cm. In the summer there are racemes terminal or axillary buds of green with a tinge of red flowers. Castor - monoecious plant: male and female flowers are on the same plant; Men in the bottom and the top of the female inflorescence axis. The flowers are small, light cream or white. Stamens numerous, clustered in branched beams. Pistils with … style and stigmas fringed red, crimson or pale yellow.
Fruits - red-brown when ripe blue-black leathery beans up to 20 cm long. Inside the hard shiny brown seeds surrounded by a dark brown sticky pulp or green jellylike fluid that can be used as soap or shampoo. Fruit - spherical naked or spiny capsule up to 3 cm in diameter. Located between the leaves, fruits give the plant a decorative look. Ripe seeds are oval. Dorsally they are convex, ventral - flatter middle has a longitudinal seam. Seed shell smooth, shiny, motley, mosaic. Depending on the type of castor bean mosaic may be brown, pink, light pink, contrasting against the background of the seed. The background color varies from gray to red copper. Thus the seed of its shape and variegated coloration resembles tick, hence the name of the corresponding plant. At the top of the seed has prisemennik easily falling off and having the form of a white appendage.
Ecology Growing fast. Photophilous, mid-drought-resistant, tolerates partial flooding. Average frost-resistance (-25. . . - 35 ° C), winter-hardy. Prefers deep fertile enough fresh soil. Propagated by seeds, root suckers and cuttings. The root system is powerful, gives abundant root shoots. Stratification is not needed. Germination rate of 30 -90%. Can climb in a year or two. Seeds require scarification. The plant is sown in April in peatcompost pots, later transplanted into clay pots (1 L). At the end of the frost planted in the ground without breaking the earthen clod. Castor bean grows well in full sun and fertilized with humus soils with regular watering.
Carefully All parts are poisonous BUNDUCHI! because of cytisine, and it decomposes only at temperatures above 260 ° C. Therefore, it does not remove the drying. To eat the fruit of good deep fried. Otherwise, you can get a fatal poisoning. In the seed kernel contains an extremely toxic substance. Toxic also contained the same amount of 0. 1 -1% ritsinin
Using and application Is used as a soap or shampoo. Seeds after cooking (raw poisonous!) Can be used as a substitute for coffee. The drink has the taste of coffee with cocoa. can be used as detergent - no irritation no. Successfully combined with honey locust, chestnut, silver maple, oak, ash, frame, etc. . Castor is grown mainly for seed which is extracted from castor (castor) oil. Castor bred in gardens as an ornamental plant fast-growing. She is good on the lawn in a single planting or in groups (3 -5 pieces) with no other plants. In mixed groups does not give the desired effect. Castor-oil can be used for decorating the low walls. The plant is sown in April in peat-compost pots, later transplanted into clay pots (1 L). At the end of the frost planted in the ground without breaking the earthen clod. Castor bean grows well in full sun and fertilized with humus soils with regular watering.
Thank you!!!!! The End