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A NEW CENTURY Sec. 32 -3 Pages 936 -944 Define: grassroots – budget deficit A NEW CENTURY Sec. 32 -3 Pages 936 -944 Define: grassroots – budget deficit –line-item veto –gross domestic product – impeach – incumbent – internet – ozone – global warming – terrorism Identify: Election of 1992 – Brady Bill- Contract with America – Election of 1996 – Whitewater Scandal – Election of 2000 – Enron scandal – Sept. 11, 2001 attack on World Trade Center

Election of 1992 Rep. – George H. W. Bush /Dan Quayle Dem. - William Election of 1992 Rep. – George H. W. Bush /Dan Quayle Dem. - William Clinton (Ark. Gov)/ Al Gore (Tenn Sen. ) Reform Party - H. Ross Perot ( Tx businessman) grassroots movement – people organizing at local level stressed need to end gov’t’s deficit spending ( spending more money than it takes in) Campaign focused on economy Clinton wins

Domestic Policies Reduce budget deficit (amount by which gov’t spending exceeds revenue) Proposed cutting Domestic Policies Reduce budget deficit (amount by which gov’t spending exceeds revenue) Proposed cutting gov’t spending – raising taxes for middle and upper income citizens – tax credits to poor. Health care reform – provide for every American – put wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to head task force – plan rejected by Congress 1993 - Brady Bill – waiting period and background check for handgun purchases. 1994 Crime Bill – banned some assault weapons and added 100, 000 new police officers 1993 – Family & Medical Leave – workers get time off to care for family

Contract with America Rep. Newt Gingrich plan – reduce federal gov’t, balance budget, lower Contract with America Rep. Newt Gingrich plan – reduce federal gov’t, balance budget, lower taxes, reform Congress operations, pass laws to reduce crime, reform welfare, strengthen family 1994 elections – Republicans control House & Senate – first time in 40 years. Congress passed line-item veto –power that allows president to cancel individual spending items in bill – later will be overturned by Supreme Court – would need to be granted by amendment Pres. Pushed for increase in minimum wage – put 5 yr limit for welfare benefits

1996 Election Dem – Bill Clinton / Al Gore Rep. - Robert Dole/ Jack 1996 Election Dem – Bill Clinton / Al Gore Rep. - Robert Dole/ Jack Kemp Economy strong – unemployment at 30 yr. low – Clinton wins easily Following year the gross domestic product (GDP)- value of all good and services produced in nation grew by 4%highest growth rate since WWII. Congress & President cut back federal budget - by 1998 the federal budget had a surplus of $80 billion – first surplus in three decades

Whitewater Scandal 1994 - Atty. Gen. Janet Reno appointed Ken Starr to investigate legal Whitewater Scandal 1994 - Atty. Gen. Janet Reno appointed Ken Starr to investigate legal questions on real estate investments Clintons made while governor of Arkansas. Early 1998 – sexual scandal involving Clinton and intern, Monica Lawinsky. Evidence of perjury (lying under oath) by Pres. Clinton. House voted to impeach (formal accusation of wrongdoing). Clinton second president to be impeached and acquitted (found not guilty) Senate voted 55 -45 not guilty on perjury and 50 -50 on obstruction of justice.

FOREIGN POLICY 1993 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – US, Canada, Mexico FOREIGN POLICY 1993 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – US, Canada, Mexico eliminate trade barriers – some feared jobs would be lost – others said it would lower prices. Sept. 1993 - Israeli prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat, head of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed agreement recognizing Israel’s right to exist and PLO as representative of Palestinians 1995 - Israeli extremist assassinated PM Rabin 2001 – Prime Minister Ariel Sharon pledged to put Israel’s security above the peace process.

Balkans In Bosnia , Serbians continued ethnic cleansing ( killing or expelling from their Balkans In Bosnia , Serbians continued ethnic cleansing ( killing or expelling from their homes certain ethnic groups) of Muslims Dec. 1995 - Dayton Accords brought peace 1998 - Serbian leader , Slobodan Milosevic. tried to drive out Muslims from Kosovo. US and NATO launched air strikes – Serbs withdrew and Muslims could return.

2000 Election Dem. - Al Gore(VP) / Joseph Lieberman Rep – George Bush (Tx 2000 Election Dem. - Al Gore(VP) / Joseph Lieberman Rep – George Bush (Tx Gov. )/ Richard Cheney (Former Sec. of Defense for Bush Sr. ) Issues were budget surplus- Social Security & Medicare reform- tax cuts. Election close – recount in Florida –both men needed state ‘s 25 electoral votes to win Dec. 12, Supreme Court ruled 5 -4 that hand recount ordered by Florida Sup. Court violated equal protection clause of Constitution. Gore conceded. Bush became 43 rd president on Jan. 20, 2001

BUSH ADMINISTRATION US Senate split 50/50 – V. P. Cheney, president of Senate could BUSH ADMINISTRATION US Senate split 50/50 – V. P. Cheney, president of Senate could cast vote if there is a tie Later, May 2001, one Republican became independent – giving Democrats 50 -49 -1 control. Bush’s Cabinet Sec. of State – Colin Powell Sec. of Labor – Elaine Chao ( 1 st Asian woman in cabinet) Nat’l Security Adviser – Condoleezza Rice June 2001 – Bush signed largest reduction in federal taxes – 10 yr. $1. 3 trillion tax cut bill

Foreign Affairs National Missile Defense System – protect US from incoming missiles –shoot down Foreign Affairs National Missile Defense System – protect US from incoming missiles –shoot down before reach US airspace. Powell Doctrine – use US troops only when national interest is at stake – there is a clear, realistic goal.

SOCIAL CHANGES Stimulate global economic growth Growth of technology industries Reform Medicare 2000 Census SOCIAL CHANGES Stimulate global economic growth Growth of technology industries Reform Medicare 2000 Census – population living longer –provide better health plans – prescription drugs Tighten regulations for Corporations Enron scandal – bankruptcy cost investors billions Gov’t toughened penalties for dishonest executives Improve environment Ozone layer thinning – global warming

Terrorism Use of violence by groups against civilians to achieve a political goal April Terrorism Use of violence by groups against civilians to achieve a political goal April 1995 - Tim Mc. Veigh -Murrah Federal Bldg in Oklahoma City Jan. 1998 – Unabomber Ted Kaczynski – guilty of mail bombings Sept. 11, 2001 – World Trade Center & Pentagon attack