
  • Количество слайдов: 36


Profile of SVG • • Location: Tropical Caribbean (A piece of paradise) Southern Tip Profile of SVG • • Location: Tropical Caribbean (A piece of paradise) Southern Tip of the Atlantic Hurricane Belt Along the arch of the Caribbean Tectonic Plate • In the part of the busiest commercial shipping lanes in the region • In the Western Hemisphere

 • HISTORY OF HURRICANES/STORMS • Hurricane Janet - 1955 • Hurricane David - • HISTORY OF HURRICANES/STORMS • Hurricane Janet - 1955 • Hurricane David - 1979 • Hurricane Allen - 1980 • Tropical Storm Lenny - 1999 • Tropical Storm Lili - 2002 • Hurricane Ivan - 2004 • TS/Hurricane Emily - 2005






OTHERS • Fires • Explosions • Chemical Spills • Exotic Plant and Animals Diseases OTHERS • Fires • Explosions • Chemical Spills • Exotic Plant and Animals Diseases

Health Hazards • Epidemics • Avian Influenza Pandemic • Vector borne diseases • Mass Health Hazards • Epidemics • Avian Influenza Pandemic • Vector borne diseases • Mass Food poisoning

History of Disaster Management • Colonial Times – An after thought at the whim History of Disaster Management • Colonial Times – An after thought at the whim of particular Administrators • Post Independence – Shake up by the eruption of La Soufriere Volcano • First National Response Plan by Executive Orders • Low level support for budget, personnel, planning

History of Disaster Management in SVG • DM given high priority on the National History of Disaster Management in SVG • DM given high priority on the National Agenda beginning 2001 • NEMO established in 2001 (one man staff) • CDM National Consultation 2001 • CDM Strategy endorsed by the Gov’t of SVG in 2001

Contextual Background To The Implementing CDM in SVG Since 2001 • • • Impact Contextual Background To The Implementing CDM in SVG Since 2001 • • • Impact of Tropical Storm Lili a wakeup call Political Will demonstrated Heavy Support by regional colleagues Stubborn Disposition of the NDC Support by Donor Community Commitment to the establishment of systems and to the involvement of stakeholders

General Acceptance of Baseline Study 1. Strengthening the NDO 2. Developing the CDERA CU General Acceptance of Baseline Study 1. Strengthening the NDO 2. Developing the CDERA CU 3. Collaboration and cooperation of stakeholders 4. Sector specific programmes 5. Research and data base development 6. Utilization of technical products of CDM

Base Line Study Con’t 7. Building on training and mitigation initiatives of CDERA and Base Line Study Con’t 7. Building on training and mitigation initiatives of CDERA and partners 8. Sharing best practices 9. Collaboration of funding agencies beyond the response mode 10. Strengthening legislation 11. Sensitization of policy makers 12. Costing loss as a tool for CDM integration

Assessment of the Implementation of the Intermediate Results (IR) Editors Note: Any information contained Assessment of the Implementation of the Intermediate Results (IR) Editors Note: Any information contained hereafter that bears resemblance to that of other countries is pure coincidental. Although bragging rights are earned, the preceding are statement of facts.

IR 1 Stronger national and regional institutions to drive the implementation of CMD 1. IR 1 Stronger national and regional institutions to drive the implementation of CMD 1. 1 NDO strengthened to support CDM • SVG accessed a loan from the IBRD which inter alia: – Hired consultants to do the following : • DM Specialist , to assist with DM planning, train staff, • Media Specialist, draft public awareness and training plan, brand NEMO, train staff • Telecom Specialist, train staff and communities in Em. Com

IR 1 Planned Activities: 1. Replicate and Community Profiling Hazard Mapping Programme Piloted in IR 1 Planned Activities: 1. Replicate and Community Profiling Hazard Mapping Programme Piloted in Marriaqua under CADM Project • Successful completion of project and use of certain processes now done at community level

IR 1 Con’t 2. Train rural communities in risk mgt. Result: Ongoing, Risk Mgt IR 1 Con’t 2. Train rural communities in risk mgt. Result: Ongoing, Risk Mgt is part of training course put on under our Community Mobilisation Programme

IR 2 Research and Training Planned Activities: 1. Establish Community DM Committees i. 30 IR 2 Research and Training Planned Activities: 1. Establish Community DM Committees i. 30 groups functional ii. Plans to establish 10 in 2007 iii. Regular Training for Community Groups at NEMO’s HQ and at the local level in the following areas:

Training Track Record • • Shelter Management (600) Damage and Need Assessment (200) Introduction Training Track Record • • Shelter Management (600) Damage and Need Assessment (200) Introduction to DM (350) Emergency Telecommunication (300) Project Writing and Mgt (150) Training for Instructors (30) School Infusion Programme (100)*

Track Record of Training • • Medical First Responders (50)* MCM (30)* ICS (35)* Track Record of Training • • Medical First Responders (50)* MCM (30)* ICS (35)* ECAT (35)*

IR 2 Planned Activities: • Initiate DM Programme for Businesses – Ongoing – Done IR 2 Planned Activities: • Initiate DM Programme for Businesses – Ongoing – Done on request* – Started with utility companies – Some Hotels on board • request from Min of Tourism for broad based programme

IR 3 Regional Donor Incorporation into CDM • • CAPM Project with its wide IR 3 Regional Donor Incorporation into CDM • • CAPM Project with its wide stakeholder interest USAID – Training – Institutional Support • UNDP – Community Mobilisation (TRAC FUND) – Institutional Capacity Strengthening – Land Search and Rescue

IR 3 Con’t • PAHO – Avian Influenza Pandemic Planning MCM, ECAT, ICS – IR 3 Con’t • PAHO – Avian Influenza Pandemic Planning MCM, ECAT, ICS – Health Disaster Planning – SUMA • JICA – Flood Hazard Mapping and Community Disaster Planning • IDB – Support for Disaster Response

IR 3 Con’t US SOUTHCOM • 120 X 60 ft warehouse • Supplies for IR 3 Con’t US SOUTHCOM • 120 X 60 ft warehouse • Supplies for the warehouse • Training in Supplies Management • Training in EOC Mgt • Simulation Exercising through FAHUM and Tradewinds – Major evacuation of a northern rural village

1 R 3 Con’t • Promote Building Codes – Promotion ongoing with NEMO as 1 R 3 Con’t • Promote Building Codes – Promotion ongoing with NEMO as one of the lead agencies – Already legislated – Will be implemented and enforced as of January 2007 – NEMO to assist with training of small scale builders, contractors, draftsmen, etc

IR 4 Preparedness, Response and Mitigation Capacity Enhanced and integrated into all sectors 1. IR 4 Preparedness, Response and Mitigation Capacity Enhanced and integrated into all sectors 1. DM Legislation Supported i) SVG Emergency and DM ACT 2006 passed on June 1 i) A fair comprehensive piece of legislation that drew from CDERA Model and other regional ones ii) Contains a reporting mechanism which holds much opportunities for review, expansion and resource allocation iii) Give many powers to Dir, NEMO for regulation of DM in the country (PS to liaise year long)

IR 4 Con’t Comprehensive DM Plan in Place – National Response Plan in Place IR 4 Con’t Comprehensive DM Plan in Place – National Response Plan in Place with Prime Ministerial Spot Checking mechanism EOC Operations facilities are adequately equipped and operational – NEMO’s HQ opened in 2005 – Staff compliment improved – EOC equipped

IR 4 Con’t • Media messages streamlined • Public awareness campaigns on hurricane awareness, IR 4 Con’t • Media messages streamlined • Public awareness campaigns on hurricane awareness, volcano awareness, flood risks and landslide risk are now regular features of our programming • Strong association with media • Emergency Broadcast Protocol established and tested

IR 5 Hazard information is incorporated into development planning • National Hazard Mitigation Council IR 5 Hazard information is incorporated into development planning • National Hazard Mitigation Council established and approved by Cabinet 2004 • NHMC Policy and Plan Drafted, awaits approval • National Land Management Unit established in 2006 to create hazard maps using GIS tech. • NEMO consulted on a range of development issues including new power plant and international airport

CDM: The Way Forward • More information needed on the exact nature and roles CDM: The Way Forward • More information needed on the exact nature and roles of Donor agencies – what are there areas of focus – What can they fund/not fund – What are their peculiarities for procurement – Is there need for a greater presence of countries at the Donors negotiation table

CDM: The Way Forward • Need for the synchronization of information sharing formats from CDM: The Way Forward • Need for the synchronization of information sharing formats from PS – May level the playing field on public knowledge of who is doing what, when, where, how and why.

Pledge of Support for proposed out comes towards the next five years 1. Enhance Pledge of Support for proposed out comes towards the next five years 1. Enhance institutional support for CDM program implementation at all levels 2. Enhanced community resilience building to reduce risk and to respond to adverse climate variability and change 3. Mainstreaming of DRM at national level incorporating key sector, Tourism, Health, Agriculture, Education

Pledge of Support Con’t 4. Establishment of an effective mechanism of the management of Pledge of Support Con’t 4. Establishment of an effective mechanism of the management of the CDM knowledge bank.

Final Words • We have a good formula going. So if it aint broke, Final Words • We have a good formula going. So if it aint broke, don’t fit it • There are some challenges but much more opportunities. • We must learn how to seize the moment, place it into our national context and run with the ball.