- Количество слайдов: 77
A. Maceo Walker Middle School-wide PBIS Plan Discipline Plan 2016 - 2017 1900 East Raines Road Memphis, Tennessee 38116 1
Guiding Principles- Core Beliefs All students deserve a high-quality education. • All students are capable of achieving at a high level. • Students rise to the level of expectation when challenged and supported appropriately. • Students learn best when they are authentically engaged in their own learning. • We must continuously improve our effectiveness as teachers and leaders in order to improve student success. • We must make every minute with our students count with purposeful work and effective instruction. • Strong partnerships and involvement among the school, home, and community agencies facilitate higher-levels of student achievement. 2
School-wide Rules • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Right 3
Guiding Principles - Values • Academic Success • Accountability • Enrichment • Empowerment • Nurturing Environment • Parental Participation • Lifelong Learning • Diversity 4
Vision A. Maceo Walker Middle School’s stakeholders visualize our school as a learning organization that creates a rigorous learning environment to meet the needs of all its students. A. Maceo Walker Middle School’s students will develop critical, logical, higher-order thinking skills, becoming lifelong learners in an international and technical society. 5
Mission The mission of A. Maceo Walker Middle School is to ensure all students master state mandated standards, read with comprehension, write with clarity, and compute with accuracy, while developing reasoning and problem-solving skills for college and career readiness. 6
Philosophy Statement At A. Maceo Walker Middle School, we believe that it is our responsibility to provide the guidance and structure necessary for students to succeed in school. Additionally, we believe every child has a right to learn in an environment free from fear, intimidation, and disruptions; consequently, we foster an educational climate where positive school-wide behavior is expected and modeled daily. Students, parents, and all staff members ensure students adhere to school-wide rules and procedures, maintaining a safe, academic environment. 7
Previous Results (2014 - 2016) 8
Previous Results Toward 2015 -2016 Goals • A. Maceo Walker Middle School did not meet our goal of decreasing disciplinary referrals by 50%. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School did meet our goal of decreasing the number of expulsions by 50%. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School did not meet our goal of decreasing suspensions by 50%. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School did not meet our goal of decreasing the number of fights by 50%.
A. Maceo Walker Middle School’s 2016 - 2017 Goals • Decrease out-of-school suspensions (1 -5 days) at each grade level by 25% • Decrease office referrals at each grade level by 25% • Increase student attendance by a minimum 3% • Increase student recognition efforts/activities • Increase teacher recognition efforts/activities 10
SCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet 2016 - 2017 Principal: Dr. Terrence Brittenum Assistant Principal (s): Shannon Cotton & Robert Washington Professional School Counselor(s): Tosha Spears (Internal Coach) School Psychologist : Kiana Omawale General Education Teacher(s): Anzari Rankin and Ashley Martin MEA Representative: Sheila Huntley Elected Teachers (2): Michael Brodnax and Tara Ford Special Education Teacher(s): Vetrea Brewton Related Arts Teacher(s): Brain Forbes Students: Simeon Ragland Cameron Chatman Educational Assistant(s)/ Non-Certified Staff: Dorothy Williams and Linda Henderson-Davis Community Member : Jimmy Taylor Parents (2)* Samuel Rudd and Sharita Corbin ISS Assistant (recommended): Willie Underwood Cafeteria/Custodial Staff: Deborah Walker and Mary Banks Bus Driver : Lee Scott External PBIS Coach: Gina True 11
2016 -2017 PBIS/Attendance Meeting Schedule 20 Day Reporting Period Approximate Dates of Reporting Periods All data for period entered into system (A) SW PBIS Team meeting dates (B) Team meeting dates to report interpretation of 20 day data (C) 1 Aug. 8 – Sept. 2 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 12 2 Sept. 6 - Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 18 Oct. 24 3 Oct. 5 - Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 14 4 Nov. 9 – Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Jan. 4 5 Dec. 13 – Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Feb. 13 6 Jan. 26 - Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 7 Feb. 24 – Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Apr. 4 Apr. 10 8 Mar. 31 - Apr. 28 May 2 May 3 May 8 9 May 1 - May 26 May 29 None • 12
Team Member Roles • Data entry designee: – Bernard, Collier , Cotton, Washington, & Brittenum • Data summary reporter to SW PBIS Team : --Washington, Asst. Principal • Name and title of person responsible for sharing data trends: – Team representatives: Spears, Cotton, Brodnax, Ford, Brewton, Forbes, Martin, Rankin, Washington, & Brittenum 13
Monitoring Process • Monitoring of the school-wide behavior plan is ongoing. • The Principal, Assistant Principal(s), Professional Counselor, PLC Coach, and Classroom Teachers discuss the implementation plan during team and staff development meetings. • Coaching is provided for teachers with classroom management challenges. The SRT Team process is used to develop intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors. 14
Systems In Place The school resource officer is another resource utilized by the school 15
Analysis of School-wide System 16
Celebrations • A. Maceo Walker Middle School celebrates the unique contributions of faculty, staff, and students toward the accomplishments of academic school goals throughout the year. • Student and teacher attendance achievements are celebrated throughout the year. • Individual students, homerooms and entire grade-levels enjoy celebrations for achieving fight-free goals. • Individual classroom and team celebrations, pizza parties, and field trips will also be utilized as means of celebration for perfect attendance, good behavior, and other school goals. 17
School Behavior Expectations 18
Behavior Expectations Matrix Rules Morning Entry Classroo m Hallway Cafeteria Library Restroom Lockers Bus Afternoon Exit Be RESPECT -FUL Report to designated area immediatel y and quietly. Pay attention. Follow teacher’s directions. Allow others to learn. Walk silently. Walk in a straight line. Walk to the right. Follow directions of cafeteria monitors and cafeteria staff. Stand quietly in line and wait your turn. Follow all media center rules. Follow directions of the librarian. Speak silently. Wait your turn. Allow others privacy. Speak softly. Enter lockers quickly and quietly. Spend only a minimal amount of time at the locker. Follow the directions of the driver at all times. Speak softly. Walk out the building in an orderly fashion. Remain quiet and follow directions of hall monitors. Be RESPONSIBLE Arrive dressed in uniform. Arrive on time. Arrive with materials needed for the day. Stay on task. Complete Assignment s. Come prepared to learn, Keep the halls clean. Remain seated once you get your tray. Leave your area clean. Return books on time. Use materials and computers correctly. Keep the restroom clean. Flush the toilets. Put paper towels in the trash can. Use materials properly. Keep lockers neat and orderly. Keep your locker combinatio n to yourself. Close your locker completely. Enter your locker at the designated times only. Report to the bus on time. Have your bus pass with you at all times. Remain seated. Get all belongings before you exit the building. BE RIGHT
Teaching and Modeling of Rules & Procedures (reinforced daily, weekly, consistently) 1. Warning & Re-direction of Inappropriate Behavior 2. Classroom strategies may include, but are not limited to: • verbal and/or written warnings (AMW Behavior Logs, etc. ) • seat changes • in-class time out, out of class time out • teacher conference with student & WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION (Document on the Contact Log) • parent contact by phone and/or letter & WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION (Document on the Contact Log) 3. Parent Conference w/ teacher or team & Written Documentation (Parent-Teacher Conference Log, Parent-Teacher Phone Log, Behavior Intervention Plan Developed)- Document on Contact Log 4. Lunch Detention/Supervised Study/ In- School Suspension 5. Referral to Guidance and/or S-Team Meeting 6. Referral to Office Administration 7. Referral to External Agencies *document evidence of all conferences using attached forms (Revised 7/2016) 20
Office Managed Behavior Category A, B, and some C Offenses in accordance with Shelby County School’s Student Code of Conduct should be referred to the office. Faculty Handbook 21
Code of Conduct for Shelby County Schools The infractions of school discipline in the Shelby County Schools listed below are grouped into categories according to the seriousness of the offense. This list is not intended to be exclusive or all inclusive. For infractions not specifically listed below, school principals shall assign discipline in accordance with the category that appears to be comparable to the offenses specifically listed in the category. (For assistance determining the appropriate category for an offense, schools should contact the district office responsible for student discipline. ) Revised 7/16 22
Category A- State Zero Tolerance Offences (Office Managed) 1. Aggravated Assault resulting in serious bodily injury upon any teacher, principal, administrator, school resource officer, or any other school employee; 2. Unlawful possession, sale, or evidence of use of drugs/narcotics at school or at a school-sponsored activity; 3. Unauthorized possession of a firearm on school property or at a school sponsored activity. Revised 7/16 23
Category. B- Offences(Office Managed) 1. Possession of a knife or any potentially lethal weapon, Taser, or explosive on school property or at a school-sponsored activity. 2. Being under the influence of and/or evidence of drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages in school or at a school sponsored activity. 3. Gang activities - Activity that is threatening and/or intimidating, harassing in nature or recruiting; gang notebooks with gang pledges, codes and symbols. 4. Being under the influence of and/or evidence of use or possession of drug paraphernalia, 5. Possession, use or distribution of counterfeit money on school property or at any school sponsored activity. 6. Assault upon any teacher, principal, administrator, school resource officer, or any other school employee. 7. Continuous and/or severe Category C Offenses Revised 7/16 24
Category C- Offences (Office Managed) • Threatening bodily harm to school personnel (a credible threat to cause bodily injury or death to school employee) • One (1) or more students initiating a physical attack on an individual • Malicious destruction of or damage to school property including electronic media, or the property of any person attending or assigned to the school • Stealing or misappropriation of school or personal property Revised 7/16 25
Staff & Office Managed Behavior Chart Minor Problem Behavior (Staff) Inappropriate Language Physical Contact/Physical Aggression Defiance/ Disrespect/ Insubordination/ Non-Compliance Definition Minor Examples Comments (profanity) Any spoken, written, or and gestures that are not non-verbal directed at an individual, communication that harmless rumors. “All insults, mocks, belittles, your family is dumb, ” or slanders another “This sucks, ” “Crap, ” person. “Butthead”, “Stupid”, “What the!” Silly horseplay, playful grabbing, pinching, non. Student engages in non aggressive punching or -serious, but slapping, chasing, inappropriate physical shoving, inadvertent contact. physical contact, stepping on feet Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to respond to adult requests. Talking back, not following directions, sleeping, refusal to complete assignments, ignoring request of adult Major Problem Behavior (Office) Abusive Language/ Inappropriate Language/ Profanity Fighting/ Physical Aggression Defiance/ Disrespect/ Insubordination/ Non-Compliance Revised 7/16 Definitions Major Examples Verbal messages that include profanity, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way. Profanity directed at an individual, hostile threats either written, spoken, or non-verbal Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e. g. , hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc. ). Hitting, punching, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, choking, biting Refusal to follow directions, talking back and/or socially rude interactions. Refusal to comply with established rules, leaving class without permission, overtly verbally defiant/argumentative 26
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe the problem behavior Remind the student(s) of rules and procedures Is the behavior major? NO YES Notify office via intercom Submit completed referral to the office ASAP Redirect student(s) Administrative Investigation Enforce classroom management strategies Determine consequence based upon offense category Conference with student(s) Follow SCS Code of Conduct NO Does student require a referral(s)? 1. Students sign behavior contract 2. Referral to guidance counselor 3. Phone call to parent(s) -Document 4. Conference with the parent- Document / BIP developed YES Notify parents & appropriate staff of consequence Send the referral to the office with attached documentation logs (See Handbook) • Document all conferences, calls, and parent meetings on the appropriate logs (See Handbook) Follow up As appropriate Contact outside agencies as appropriate
How we teach rules and procedures here @ A. Maceo Walker Middle School 28
School-wide Procedures • Beginning of the year – Distribution of student handbooks to students. – Grade level orientations during the first week of school. – Classroom review of school and classroom rules during the first two weeks of school. • Ongoing – Procedures posted throughout school – Daily announcement reminders – Monthly Newsletters/School Website/ Monthly School Calendars & Family Nights 29
Classrooms • Beginning of the year – Teach routines and procedures using the Explain, Rehearse, & Reinforce Model – Introduce classroom meetings to build relationships and open communication • Ongoing – Procedures and rules posted in the classroom – Regular classroom meetings – Behavior intervention logs 30
Sample Classroom Lesson Plan 31
Code of Conduct Revised 7/16 32
Arrival • Students walking or being dropped off by parents will enter through the front doors only. • Bus riders will enter through the front doors. • Students will remain in the cafeteria/auditorium until dismissal to class. • At 7: 05 a. m. , students will report to their lockers, then directly to homeroom. • Staff members will greet and monitor waiting areas until 7: 15 a. m. 33
Dismissal • Students will be dismissed each day at 2: 15 p. m. • Students should be completely off campus by 2: 45 p. m. , unless accompanied by a teacher for a specific activity. • Bus riders will exit through the back doors near the cafeteria. • Sixth grade students will exit through the main front doors, seventh grade students will exit out of the north side door, and eighth grade students will exit out of the south side door. 34
Passing Classes • During the 2016 -2017 school year, A. Maceo Walker Middle School will implement a no-bell schedule during the school day. The bell will ring twice – once in the morning @ 7: 15 a. m. signaling the start of homeroom and again at 2: 15 p. m. signaling the end of the school day. Therefore, it is imperative that all teachers assist in facilitating a smooth transition. • Class change will occur in the following manner. First, all teachers should synchronize their watches to match the bell clock in the main office; thus, ensuring all clocks read the same time. • When a class ends, the team captain will line his or her students up in the hall alongside the lockers. The other classes are to remain seated until it is time for them to make their move into their next class. After the designated teacher has his or her students lined up in the hall, the team of teachers should direct the transition to the next class. 35
Lunchroom • Teachers will escort students silently in a straight line to the cafeteria. • Teachers will stagger their arrival to prevent overcrowding in the cafeteria lines. • The first few minutes of lunch are designated as quiet time. Students will follow the posted cafeteria rules. • The last few minutes of lunch are designated as quiet time, preparing for transition. • Students will be escorted out of the cafeteria by their classroom teachers. 36
Assemblies • Students are to be escorted to the auditorium by their teachers, and sit in assigned homeroom sections. • Teachers will sit or stand next to their classes and monitor their students’ behavior. • Unauthorized talking will not be allowed when entering, during assemblies, or exiting the auditorium/gym. 37
Restrooms • Each team has a designated time for students to use the restrooms as a class. However, if a student(s) needs to use the restroom at another time, the teacher will sign and date the student’s agenda book. Teachers will allow only one student at a time to go to the restroom. 38
Hall Passes/Lockers • All students must have a signed agenda book when they are out of class for any reason. • Students are only allowed in lockers at designated times. 39
Ongoing Orientation for New Students • As new students enter, the administrative, guidance, and/or secretarial staff will ensure their orientation into the school and ensure their knowledge of school rules, expectations, and procedures. 40
Office Referral Procedures • When a disciplinary referral form is necessary, please be sure to complete the following: School, Date, Student’s Full Name, Grade, Race, Sex, Date of Incident, Time, Teacher, Room Number, Dates of Previous Incidents, Where Incident Occurred, Incident type, Action Taken by Teacher, Teacher comments, Student Comments, & Teacher’s Signature. Referrals should only be placed in Dr. Brittenum, Mrs. Cotton or Mr. Washington’s mailboxes in the main office. The referral should be completed accurately. Only one student should be written up on a single disciplinary referral form (There should not be three students written up on one form. ) *See 2016 -2017 Faculty Handbook page 17. 41
Office Referral Procedures • If student misconduct happens prior to the teacher’s planning time, the referral should be submitted during his/her planning time. If the student misconduct occurs after a teacher’s planning time, the referral should be submitted by the end of the school day. When incidents occur and administrators are unavailable, the guidance counselors can provide classroom interventions and/or assist in escorting insolent students to the office. It is important that all serious incidents (physical accidents/injuries, fights, sexual harassment, and other level five offenses) be reported immediately(See 20162017 Faculty Handbook page 17). 42
Classroom Procedures • Each team will develop a standard set of classroom procedures for students to follow outlining: – – – – – Team classroom rules Opening procedures Transition methods Hall passes Asking for help Cooperative groups Turning in homework Written assignment protocol Make-up work Communication with parents 43
School-wide Procedures for Communication with Parents • Parent CONNECT • Phone calls from teachers • E-mail • Parent conferences • OPEN HOUSE • Family Nights (Math, Reading, & Science) • PTO Meetings • SBDMC 44
School -wide Incentives • Student of the Month • Fight Free • Pep Rallies • After School Dances • Talent Shows • No Uniforms Days • *Team Fieldtrips *(must meet instructional objectives) 45
Student of the Month A student from each grade level team will be selected each month. The student will be nominated by the teachers on the student’s team. Student nominations should be based upon the student demonstrating: • academic excellence/improvement • responsibility in the classroom • ability to work well with others • good character • good conduct • school spirit • other outstanding qualities demonstrated by the student 46
Fight-Free Incentives • The students from each grade level that are “fight free” within a 20 -day period will receive recognition via intercom. • The students that are fight free for a 20 -day period will be allowed to participate in various school activities (dances, treats during lunch, lunch with the principal, etc. ).
Revised 7/16 49
Teacher Incentives • Teacher of the Month • WOW Award (Went Out of their Way) • Love A. Maceo (L. A. ) Bucks • Liberty Certificates 50
Teacher of the Month • • A teacher will be selected each month as the “Teacher of the Month. ” A teacher can be nominated from a student and/or staff member. The teacher of the month will be selected based upon the number of nominations submitted for that teacher. If there is a tie between two teachers, one name will be drawn from a box. These nominations are based upon a teacher demonstrating leadership, school spirit, cooperation, being a team player, and other outstanding qualities as an educator. At the end of the school year, the selected teachers will have a catered luncheon in their recognition. Also, a plaque will be displayed in recognition of these outstanding teachers. 51
Teacher of the Month Marilyn Mc. Farland Outstanding Educator
Teacher of The Month Bulletin Board Revised 7/16 54
WOW Award • A teacher can be nominated to receive a WOW AWARD for extra or exceptional effort made in the following areas: -exercising leadership to promote productive teamwork that -generating short-term results -helping to develop targeted common, short-term assessments -implementing and sharing new teaching ideas that promote better results -gathering or organizing data and evidence of improvement -assisting and supporting colleagues -presenting professional development workshops to faculty -participating in after school activities more than one hour beyond the normal school day 55
WOW AWARD WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY AWARD This award is presented to : (Teacher) at A. Maceo Walker Middle School on (Date) Description of the exhibited leadership Dr. Terrence Brittenum , Principal Shannon Cotton, Principal Robert Washington , Assistant Principal 56
Resources for Incentives • • • PTO SBDMC Dr. Terrence Brittenum, Principal Shannon Cotton, Assistant Principal Robert Washington, Assistant Principal Tameka Lewis, PLC Coach Tosha Spears, Professional School Counselor Teachers Adopters Mrs. Sharonda Mitchell, AGAPE 57
Communication with Parents & Community • • • PTO Meetings Title I Meetings Monthly Calendars / Newsletters Letters Home School Website E-mail Parent messages Parent CONNECT School Surveys 58
Character Education • • Each week a character trait will be displayed, discussed, and explored to help students in decision making and maximize their potential. These traits will be presented during morning announcements (Guidance Counselors/Administration), class meetings (Teachers), Peer Mediation/Conflict Resolution Meetings (Professional Counselor /Students). These traits will also be discussed during classroom guidance sessions. Students will assist with the daily announcements by giving the “Morning Inspirational Moment. ” Grade level team meetings will be conducted weekly to address instructional concerns, ongoing discipline issues with students, conduct team-parent conferences, or plan specific activities and thematic units. 59
ATOD Prevention • Red Ribbon Week • “Just Say No”-Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Prevention Week • Watch D. O. G. S • Fight –Free Schools 60
Bullying Prevention • Training for sexual harassment and bullying is usually done at the beginning of the school year. During the week of September 14 18, 2015, A. Maceo launched its Anti-Bullying Campaign. Students developed posters, flyers, and dressed in specific gear to bring awareness to bullying. • On-going training for sexual harassment and bullying is presented by our school counselors, guest speakers, and the administrative staff. • Examples Include: On-Going Classroom Guidance, Peer Mediation, Open Door Counseling Sessions, etc. 61
Sample Student Posters 62
Violence Prevention Programs Program Taught By Taught To How Often Healthy Choice Week Ms. Spears - Professional School Counselors & Students All Students Annually Red Ribbon Ms. Spears - Professional School Counselors & Students All Students Each Semester Bullying Prevention Programs Ms. Spears - Professional School Counselors & Students All Students Annually Peer Mediation Ms. Spears - Professional School Counselors & Peer Mediators Students w/ conflicts As Needed 63
School Safety Plan • A school safety plan is given to the faculty & staff at the beginning of the school year. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School adheres to the school-wide Safety Plan that is outlined in the School Emergency Management Guide. • Drills for fire, weather, and other emergency situations will occur as indicated within the plan. • Faculty and staff reviewed School Emergency Management Plan 8/1/2016. 64
Tier 2/Intervention Team • Dr. Terrence Brittenum, Principal • Shannon Cotton, Asst. Principal • Robert Washington, Asst. Principal • Tosha Spears, Professional School Counselor (Internal Coach) 65
Intervention Strategies • • • For students who have been referred to the office 2 - 5 times, A. Maceo Walker uses the following intervention strategies: group counseling (3 types) – Academic- Students experiencing difficulty with academic coursework – Career- Eighth grade students in preparation for high school – Social- Students experiencing difficulty with social skills and/or behavioral issues. Mentoring Behavior plans for repeated minor infractions and over 5 days out of school suspension (using BIP and other resources) SRT-Team Meetings Parent Conferences/ Parental Involvement In-School Suspension Overnight Suspensions Assigned Supervised Study Lunch Detention Trust Pays Check-in & Check-out system Positive feedback provided by teachers and administrators 66
In-School Suspension Plan • A. Maceo Walker Middle School follows the guidelines of Shelby County Schools. • Students are referred by the administration and designated faculty. • Students will be monitored by the ISS teacher. • Activities include class assignments from teachers, character education building activities, real-world discussions, and anger management activities. 67
Secondary Intervention (Tier 2) Evaluation Each 20 day period, the data for Tier 2 students is analyzed. The PBIS team plays close attention to the following: • Number of office referrals • Observation data • Data from Tableau will be used to determine success rate of interventions. • Conferences (Students, Teachers, Guidance Counselors, etc. ) • Parent, Teacher, Student Surveys 68
Tertiary Interventions (Tier 3) • SRT Team meetings, meetings with the counselors, and meetings with the teachers are conducted early to identify high risk students. Interventions with data from Power. School are monitored weekly. • We have 20 Functional Behavior Assessments and comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plans. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School does not participate in the SHAPE Program. • We had 3 Threat Assessments (From last year, 2015 - 2016) • Currently, we have 7 expulsions. We monitor each 20 -day period the success of interventions. We look for a decreased number of disciplinary referral forms and an increased number of parent contacts/meetings for Tier 3 students. We also look for an increase in attendance and academic performance for these targeted students. 69
2016 - 2017 First 20 Day Continuum Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tier 1 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom. Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 0 % 0% 0 of Students Tier 3 Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Tier 2 Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior 70
Attendance & SART Process Map and Role Assignments 1. Student accumulates 5 unexcused absences 6. Student name placed on SART Watch List 7. SART Watch List monitored by support team 2. Principal notification by e-mail 5. Meeting documented in SMS Discipline Module 8. Re-offenders reported to principal 3. Parent notification of meeting 4. Counselor holds SART meeting, parent signs PSAP* 9. Principal contacts parent of re-offender and Truancy Officer Revised 8/15 71
Attendance & SART Process Map and Role Assignments Role in Process Map Owner of role by name 1 SART Process Owner Tosha Spears 2 Office of Attendance send list Ron Pope 3 Notify Parent of SART Meeting Acquanetta Collier 4 School Counselor convenes SART Meeting Tosha Spears 5 Meeting documented in SMS Discipline Acquanetta Collier 6 Student name placed on SART Watch List Acquanetta Collier 7 SART Watch List monitoring Robert Washington 8 Re-offenders reported to Principal Tosha Spears 9 Principal contacts re-offender parent and Truancy Officer Dr. Terrence Brittenum Revised 7/16 72
Attendance Self-Assessment Date: 8/4/2016 School Name: A. Maceo Walker Middle School Attendance Team Members: Indicate which staff serves on the school’s attendance data team. What is this team’s meeting schedule? The meeting schedule will coincide with the 20 day PBIS meeting schedule. ☐X Principal ☐X Assistant Principal(s) ☐X Guidance Counselor ☐X Attendance Secretary ☐X General Office Secretary ☐ X Other: th 6 Grade/Grade Chair ☐X Other: th 7 Grade/Grade Chair th 8 ☐X Other: Grade/Grade Chair Attendance Challenges: Describe your top 3 attendance challenges for your school. Be specific. 1. Parental Accountability/Support 2. Excessive Tardiness 3. Excessive unexcused absences Revised 8/16 73
Attendance Self-Assessment continued School Data Summary Attendance Goal Actual 95% 90. 1 % Notes: Chronic Absenteeism Goal Actual 33. 7 41. 9 Absences due to Suspensions Goal Actual 324 658 School Update Describe your plans for prevention and intervention strategies to address chronic absenteeism. Prevention Strategies Intervention Strategies 1. P. B. I. S. Assembly 1. 20 day data attendance meetings 2. Review of School Wide Expectation every 9 weeks 2. Parent Conferences 3. Attendance goals are included in daily morning and afternoon announcements 4. Consistent activities for students who achieve 100% attendance 5. On-going communication to parents regarding attendance goals via website, monthly newsletter and parent connect. 3. SART Team meetings 4. Follow-up SART Team meetings 5. Community Resources (ex. Case Management) Additional Comments: NONE Revised 8/15 74
Resources • TN PBIS links http: //www. edprodevelopment. com & http: //riseprojectmemphis. org • Maryland PBIS http: //www. pbismaryland. org • PBIS http: //www. pbis. org • Michigan http: //miblsi. cenmi. org/ Revised 8/15 75
Manager Behavior & Student Leadership Randy Mc. Pherson, Ed. D, LPC, NCSC, NBCT 416 -6344, fax: 416 -1148 Revised 8/15 77
Conclusion • A. Maceo Walker Middle School is committed to providing a positive environment that promotes appropriate student behaviors and encourages students to practice self-discipline with the support and guidance of administrators, teachers, parents, and other students. • A. Maceo Walker Middle School’s School-wide PBIS Plan will be implemented to ensure a safe, orderly, and respectable environment that maximizes the possibilities for effective teaching and learning. 78