- Количество слайдов: 70
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Episode VIII GRAVEYARD OF ALDERAAN The Civil War rages on. The recent Rebel success at Kresa Minor has given the Alliance a much needed victory, a bounty of information and the opportunity to operate unopposed in several sectors of space. Though filled with triumph, the Rebel fleet is in need of supplies to repair the recent battledamage to their vessels. Rebel procurement specialists have located several sources of likely parts and dispatched agents to acquire them. But even in the midst of war, there is time for peace. A group of Rebel heroes has been given the opportunity to take some downtime aboard the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, enjoying the exotic wares of its merchant crew and idyllic nature of the vessel while they acquire needed droid parts for the fleet. But as they stroll down a jungle-filled corridor, the rebels are about to find that even a place of peaceful beauty can house a terrible evil. And evil rarely cares about what it destroys. . .
The Ithorian herdship, Bazaar. Lusdu System
The Ithorian herdship, Bazaar. Lusdu System
Interior: The Bazaar, Upper Level. Outside Isttu Village
“This place is fantastic! It’s like I’m in a real jungle! I’m so glad they sent us and not one of the other teams!”
“This place is fantastic! It’s like I’m in a real jungle! I’m so glad they sent us and not one of the other teams!” “This is your first visit to one of my peoples’ herdships, I take it? ”
“This place is fantastic! It’s like I’m in a real jungle! I’m so glad they sent us and not one of the other teams!” “This is your first visit to one of my peoples’ herdships, I take it? ” “It’s certainly impressive. It’s like your people simply gathered up a piece of Ithor and launched it into space. ”
“Not just the planet! There’s practically more shops and merchants here than I can ever recall seeing in one place, with merchandise from all over the galaxy. ”
“Not just the planet! There’s practically more shops and merchants here than I can ever recall seeing in one place, with merchandise from all over the galaxy. ” “Who in their right minds launches a bunch of trees and whole villages into space, then makes them into intergalactic flea markets? ”
“Not just the planet! There’s practically more shops and merchants here than I can ever recall seeing in one place, with merchandise from all over the galaxy. ” “Who in their right minds launches a bunch of trees and whole villages into space, then makes them into intergalactic flea markets? ” “It’s definitely a change of pace. It’s not quite the swamps of Rodia, but it’s not bad. And we can practically find anything we’re looking for here. ”
“It feels… good… to be home again. I have missed the Mother Jungle. ”
“It feels… good… to be home again. I have missed the Mother Jungle. ” “Ro’sharr, didn’t you serve on one of these herdships? ”
“It feels… good… to be home again. I have missed the Mother Jungle. ” “Ro’sharr, didn’t you serve on one of these herdships? ” “I did. I was a hydroponics officer on-board the Wanderer. I have not been back since I joined the Rebellion. ”
“It feels… good… to be home again. I have missed the Mother Jungle. ” “Ro’sharr, didn’t you serve on one of these herdships? ” “I did. I was a hydroponics officer on-board the Wanderer. I have not been back since I joined the Rebellion. ” “So why did you leave your ship? ”
“There was a nasty incident on the Wanderer involving the captain of an Imperial warship. At the end of it all, several peacefully protesting ithorians were killed. ”
“There was a nasty incident on the Wanderer involving the captain of an Imperial warship. At the end of it all, several peacefully protesting ithorians were killed. ” “Sounds like typical Imperial brutality. ”
“There was a nasty incident on the Wanderer involving the captain of an Imperial warship. At the end of it all, several peacefully protesting ithorians were killed. ” “Sounds like typical Imperial brutality. ” “After the event, I felt the Mother Jungle tell me to leave, because I was needed for something bigger. I know that what my people revere as the Mother Jungle is merely a personification of the Force. ”
“Interesting. I’d heard that several ithorian Jedi had served back during the days of the Old Republic. ”
“Interesting. I’d heard that several ithorian Jedi had served back during the days of the Old Republic. ” “Sadly they, like the rest of the Jedi, no longer remain. The Empire took thorough steps to eliminate them. Whatever knowledge they once had is now lost. ”
“Interesting. I’d heard that several ithorian Jedi had served back during the days of the Old Republic. ” “Sadly they, like the rest of the Jedi, no longer remain. The Empire took thorough steps to eliminate them. Whatever knowledge they once had is now lost. ” “I’m sorry, Ro’sharr. ”
“You have my sorrows as well, Lynne. ”
“You have my sorrows as well, Lynne. ” “Me? For what? ”
“You have my sorrows as well, Lynne. ” “Me? For what? ” “We are in the Lusdu system, adjacent to your home system of Alderaan. I thought that being this close might…”
“You have my sorrows as well, Lynne. ” “Me? For what? ” “We are in the Lusdu system, adjacent to your home system of Alderaan. I thought that being this close might…” “Oh… Right. ”
“You have my sorrows as well, Lynne. ” “Me? For what? ” “We are in the Lusdu system, adjacent to your home system of Alderaan. I thought that being this close might…” “Oh… Right. ”
“My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to upset you. ”
“My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to upset you. ” “Way to go, Ro’sharr. ”
“My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to upset you. ” “Way to go, Ro’sharr. ” “No… it’s okay. Like you said… I haven’t been back for a while. I still haven’t made a trip to the Graveyard. ”
“My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to upset you. ” “Way to go, Ro’sharr. ” “No… it’s okay. Like you said… I haven’t been back for a while. I still haven’t made a trip to the Graveyard. ”
“My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to upset you. ” “Way to go, Ro’sharr. ” “No… it’s okay. Like you said… I haven’t been back for a while. I still haven’t made a trip to the Graveyard. ” “The Graveyard? ”
“It’s what we call the asteroid field that remains of Alderaan. Some of us go back to leave mementos and messages. It’s called ‘The Returning. ’“
“I just… haven’t done it yet. Been pretty busy, what with fighting the Empire and all. ”
“Maybe once we’re done here, we can swing by the Alderaan system, if you’d like. We have the time. ”
“Maybe once we’re done here, we can swing by the Alderaan system, if you’d like. We have the time. ” “Thank you, Jack. But I think that for right now, I’d prefer to relax and forget about the war and everything for just a little while. I haven’t had the chance since the whole Shantipole project. "
“Maybe once we’re done here, we can swing by the Alderaan system, if you’d like. We have the time. ” “Thank you, Jack. But I think that for right now, I’d prefer to relax and forget about the war and everything for just a little while. I haven’t had the chance since the whole Shantipole project. " “Wait… what’s this about having the time? Don’t we have a mission to do here? ”
“Yeah, all we have to do is just pick up a cargo of droid parts for the fleet from some merchant named Poliss. We just have say, “Yavin sends its greetings, ” hand over 700 credits, and the cargo’s ours. ”
“Yeah, all we have to do is just pick up a cargo of droid parts for the fleet from some merchant named Poliss. We just have say, “Yavin sends its greetings, ” hand over 700 credits, and the cargo’s ours. ” “And better yet, we don’t have to have the cargo back for two weeks, which gives us a few days to relax and enjoy the scenery. Command already cleared us. ”
“Yeah, all we have to do is just pick up a cargo of droid parts for the fleet from some merchant named Poliss. We just have say, “Yavin sends its greetings, ” hand over 700 credits, and the cargo’s ours. ” “And better yet, we don’t have to have the cargo back for two weeks, which gives us a few days to relax and enjoy the scenery. Command already cleared us. ” “It’s almost like a vacation! I’m going to go shopping, maybe swim in the lake, catch a holovid or two…”
“A vacation? Here? With all these hammerheads? With all these merchants on this ship, how’re we supposed to find this Poliss? ”
“A vacation? Here? With all these hammerheads? With all these merchants on this ship, how’re we supposed to find this Poliss? ” “He runs a droid shop in Isttu, one of the villages on this level. We are almost there – just another few minutes. And I’d ask that you please not refer to my people as ‘hammerheads. ’ We find the term somewhat offensive. ”
“A vacation? Here? With all these hammerheads? With all these merchants on this ship, how’re we supposed to find this Poliss? ” “He runs a droid shop in Isttu, one of the villages on this level. We are almost there – just another few minutes. And I’d ask that you please not refer to my people as ‘hammerheads. ’ We find the term somewhat offensive. ” “You got it, slug-face. And what about the ship? Is it going to be okay? I don’t like leaving it unattended. ”
“Arjen… If you want, we’ll send you back down to the hangar level to watch it. ”
“Arjen… If you want, we’ll send you back down to the hangar level to watch it. ” “There is no need. This is an ithorian ship. My people are among the most peaceful in the galaxy. All are welcome here, therefore no one ever starts trouble. ”
“Arjen… If you want, we’ll send you back down to the hangar level to watch it. ” “There is no need. This is an ithorian ship. My people are among the most peaceful in the galaxy. All are welcome here, therefore no one ever starts trouble. ” “Hey, does anyone hear…”
“…something? ”
“Hey there! Are you alri -”
“Hey there! Are you alri -” “And there he goes, back into the jungle. ”
“Hey there! Are you alri -” “And there he goes, back into the jungle. ” “He looked terrified!”
“Hey there! Are you alri -” “And there he goes, back into the jungle. ” “He looked terrified!” “So, Ro’sharr - what were you saying about ‘no trouble’? ”
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never…”
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never…” “I wonder what that was about? He seemed too scared to even talk to us!”
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never…” “I wonder what that was about? He seemed too scared to even talk to us!” “Um, I think we’re about to find out…”
Vreego: “…Over there!”
Vreego: “…Over there!” Lynne: “That looks like an assassin droid!”
“Take cover!”
“Take cover!” “Wait! It’s ignoring us!”
“Take cover!” “Wait! It’s ignoring us!” “It’s going after that man!”
Arjen: “So much for a peaceful vacation…”