- Количество слайдов: 45
A Distributed Approach to Ocean, Atmosphere & Climate Model Data Interoperability Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole, MA COAWST Training Workshop Woods Hole, MA: Aug 25 -28, 2014
® US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS ) IOOS® Plan defines: • Global Component • Coastal Component § 17 Federal Agencies § 11 Regional Associations
The problem: lots of unique (stovepipe) web sites The Go. MOOS Nowcast/Forecast Circulation Model (University of Maine)
IOOS Core Principles • Adopt open standards & practices • Avoid customer-specific stovepipes • Standardized access services implemented at data providers Observations Models Data Provider Web access service Customer 5
Issue: Ocean grids are not regularly spaced! Curvilinear orthogonal horizontal coordinates Stretched surface and terrain following vertical coordinates
Net. CDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions provide a solution Groups using CF: GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium (GALEON: WCS profile)
CF-Compliant ROMS file double s_rho(s_rho) ; s_rho: long_name = "S-coordinate at RHO-points" ; s_rho: valid_min = -1. ; s_rho: valid_max = 0. ; s_rho: positive = "up" ; s_rho: standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate_g 1" ; s_rho: formula_terms = "s: s_rho C: Cs_r eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc" ; s_rho: field = "s_rho, scalar" ; float temp(ocean_time, s_rho, eta_rho, xi_rho) ; temp: _Fill. Value = 1. e+37 f ; temp: long_name = "potential temperature" ; temp: units = "Celsius" ; temp: time = "ocean_time" ; temp: coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_rho ocean_time" ;
IOOS Model Data Interoperability Design Nonstandard Model Output Data Files ROMS NCOM HYCOM THREDDS Data Server Net. CDF-Java Standardized (CF-1. 6, UGRID-0. 9) Virtual Datasets Nc. ML SELFE Nc. ML ADCIRC FVCOM Observed data (buoy, gauge, ADCP, glider) Nc. ML Common Data Model Grid Ugrid Time. Series Profile Trajectory Time. Series. Profile Nonstandard Data Files Clients Web Services OPe. NDAP+CF Nc. ML Library or Broker WCS Matlab Net. CDF -Java IDV Panoply Net. CDF 4 Python SOS Arc. GIS Python ERDDAP WMS Net. CDF Subset nc. ISO Godiva 2 CKAN Catalog Services Geoportal Server Geo. Network GI-CAT
WMS Browsing with THREDDS/nc. WMS
Matlab NCTOOLBOX https: //github. com/nctoolbox • • • Objective: Make it simple to access CF data Example function: [t, geo]=nj_tslice(URL, ’temp’, 1); t = 22 x 120 x 180 single geo = – – lat: [120 x 180 single] lon: [120 x 180 single] z: [22 x 120 x 180 double] time: 733582 (matlab datenum) • nj_tslice works identically for ROMS, POM, ECOM, WRF, Wavewatch 3 • URL can be: local Net. CDF, remote Net. CDF, Nc. ML, Open. DAP Data URL
Comparing Models with Data in Matlab Model 1: UMASS-ECOM Model 2: UMAINE-POM Data: SST 2008 -Sep-08 07: 32
Skidaway modena glider (Sep 11 -23)
compare_secoora_model_sections. m (using nc_genslice. m)
Buoy_comp. m
3 D visualization of data with IDV
Net. CDF Subset Service to CSV
CSV Time Series from Subset Service CSV request is a “RESTful” URL: http: //geoport. whoi. edu/thredds/ncss/grid/coawst_4/use/fmrc/coawst_4_use_best. ncd? va r=Hwave&latitude=39. 5&longitude=-69. 5&time_start=2014 -0827 T 01: 00 Z&time_end=2014 -08 -28 T 00: 00 Z&vert. Coord=&accept=csv
Accessing the CSV data in Excel
Access the CSV data in Python, R, etc
Iris Python tools from the UK Met Office
ESPre. SSO model (Rutgers)
IOOS Models Notebook on Wakari
60 minutes to serving your data 1. Install Sun/Oracle Java (10 min) 2. Install/configure Tomcat (15 min) 3. Install/configure the Thredds Data Server (15 min) 4. Put Net. CDF (or HDF 4, Grib 1, Grib 2, HDF 5 files) in a directory (5 min) 5. Add Nc. ML (XML) files for CF compliance and aggregation (15 min)
Adding data to THREDDS rsignell@gam: /usgs/data 0/bbleh/tidal$ ls *wide* … his_bbleh_wide_0048. nc his_bbleh_wide_0100. nc his_bbleh_wide_0049. nc his_bbleh_wide_0101. nc his_bbleh_wide_0050. nc his_bbleh_wide_0102. nc his_bbleh_wide_0051. nc his_bbleh_wide_0103. nc his_bbleh_wide_0152. nc his_bbleh_wide_0153. nc his_bbleh_wide_0154. nc wide. ncml $more wide. ncml <netcdf xmlns="http: //www. unidata. ucar. edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2. 2"> <aggregation dim. Name="ocean_time" type="join. Existing"> <scan location=". " reg. Exp=". *wide. *_[0 -9]{4}. nc$"/> </aggregation> </netcdf>
Browsing WMS with Godiva 2
Searching for Data GI-CAT catalog broker service architecture
USGS COAWST East Coast Forecast
Automated model comparison
Summary (1 of 2) • Common data models for “feature types” (structured and unstructured grids, time series, profiles, swaths) (Unidata CDM) • Standard web services for delivering these data and metadata (OGC, Unidata) • Tools to access and process these services in common analysis environments: R, Matlab, Python, Arc. GIS, Java. Script
Summary (2 of 2) • It’s easy (1 hour) to deploy free, supported systems that allow for standards-based delivery of aggregated data from native model grids that put little effort on the data provider • What do you get? – Lots of choices for data access (Browser, Matlab, Python, Excel, IDV, R, IDL) – More usage of model results by more people – Faster feedback to modelers, leading to improved models – Shared code base in the community – Increased community support for standards-based access – Less time wasted messing with data, more time spent on ecosystem based management • What should you do? Encourage providers to use these standards, and develop tools that use standardized access
It’s all on Git. Hub + rsignell
Glossary (1/6) • CF Conventions: Net. CDF Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions http: //cf-pcmdi. llnl. gov/ (Standards for identifying geospatial coordinates in Net. CDF files and grid relationships) • DMAC: Data Management And Communications subsystem http: //www. ioos. gov/data/dmac/welcome. html (One of three subsystems of IOOS, providing infrastructure for the Observing and the Modeling and Applications subsystems) • ECOM: Estuarine, Coastal, and Ocean Model. http: //www. hydroqual. com/ehst_env_hyd. html (3 D ocean circulation model developed principally by Alan Blumberg) • ERDDAP: Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program http: //coastwatch. pfeg. noaa. gov/erddap/index. html (A web service that aggregates data from diverse remote sources and offers a simple, consistent way to access the data)
Glossary (2/6) • ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework http: //www. esmf. ucar. edu/ (Software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models) • GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal http: //go-essp. gfdl. noaa. gov/ (Collaboration designed to develop a new generation of software infrastructure that will provide distributed access to observed and simulated data from the climate and weather communities) • IDV: Integrated Data Viewer http: //www. unidata. ucar. edu/software/idv/ (Java-based software for analyzing and visualizing geoscience data) • IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System http: //ioos. noaa. gov/ (Multidisciplinary system designed to collect, deliver, and use ocean information) • IOOC: Interagency Ocean Observing Committee http: //www. iooc. us/
Glossary (3/6) • Nc. WMS: Web Map Service http: //www. resc. rdg. ac. uk/trac/nc. WMS/ (nc. WMS is a Web Map Service for geospatial data that are stored in CF-compliant Net. CDF files. ) • Nc. ML: Net. CDF Markup Language http: //www. unidata. ucar. edu/software/netcdf/ncml/ (Used to standardize and aggregate non-standard Net. CDF files) • Net. CDF-Java: Net. CDF-Java Library http: //www. unidata. ucar. edu/software/netcdf-java/ (Library that takes advantage of CF conventions, Nc. ML to facilitate building standards-based clients)
Glossary (4/6) • OPe. NDAP: Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol http: //opendap. org (allows efficient hyperslabbing of geospatial data) • POM: Princeton Ocean Model http: //www. aos. princeton. edu/WWWPUBLIC/htdocs. pom/ (Sigma coordinate, free surface ocean model with embedded turbulence and wave sub-models, and wet-dry capability) • RCOOS: Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System • http: //www. ioosassociation. org/ (Generic term for one of the 11 regional observing systems in IOOS)
Glossary (5/6) • • • ROMS: Regional Ocean Modeling System www. myroms. org (A free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications) SCCOOS: Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System http: //www. sccoos. org/ (Brings together coastal observations in the Southern California Bight to provide information necessary to address issues in climate change, ecosystem preservation and management, coastal water quality, maritime operations, coastal hazards and national security. One of the 11 IOOS regions. ) THREDDS (Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services) http: //www. unidata. ucar. edu/projects/THREDDS (Services for delivering standards-based geospatial data via Open. DAP, WCS and more, works with Nc. ML)
Glossary (6/6) • WCS: Web Coverage Service http: //www. opengeospatial. org/standards/wcs (OGC standard for serving gridded information: time series, profiles, hyperslabs of remote sensing data, bathymetry, model output) • WW 3: Wave. Watch III http: //polar. ncep. noaa. gov/waves/wavewatch. html (Ocean wave model developed by Hendrik Tolman) • WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting Model http: //www. wrf-model. org/index. php (Next-generation mesocale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs)