Скачать презентацию A couple i Pad heads up Vgo Скачать презентацию A couple i Pad heads up Vgo


  • Количество слайдов: 82

A couple i. Pad heads up A couple i. Pad heads up

Vgo Robotic Telepresresence Vgo Robotic Telepresresence

Systems Change Systems Change

Merging Systems Merging Systems

The Shifts in Technology The Shifts in Technology

Change Brings Opportunities for Special Ed Change Brings Opportunities for Special Ed

How do we harness this change effectively? How do we harness this change effectively?

Needs of the Many: Systematizing AT Delivery Needs of the Many: Systematizing AT Delivery

Building a Digital Staff Culture Building a Digital Staff Culture

Training Needs Training Needs

Gotta Change Your Mindset! Gotta Change Your Mindset!

When was the last time you talked about Environment at an IEP? When was the last time you talked about Environment at an IEP?

Moving to Digital Delivery Moving to Digital Delivery

i. Pads in Context i. Pads in Context

Moving Lessons to Digital Moving Lessons to Digital

If the assignment is digital, why? If the assignment is digital, why?

Is this the tool for the job? Is this the tool for the job?

One Tool May Not Fit All Needs One Tool May Not Fit All Needs

Thinking about Portables Thinking about Portables

Match Task to Tool Match Task to Tool

Typical AT Tasks Typical AT Tasks

Student SETT Student SETT

Consideration Consideration

Reading Reading

Supporting Reading Supporting Reading

Read 2 go App Read 2 go App

Voice Dream Voice Dream

Quizlet. com: Vocab flashcards Quizlet. com: Vocab flashcards

Tricks of the Trade: Safari Tricks of the Trade: Safari

Reading offline Reading offline

Supporting Research Supporting Research

Graphic Organizers and Post it Graphic Organizers and Post it

Use of Comics to teach content Use of Comics to teach content

Writing Writing

Writing Notes/ Projects Writing Notes/ Projects

An office play nice An office play nice

PDF Annotation PDF Annotation

Word Prediction Word Prediction

Create with Comics or Captions Create with Comics or Captions

Photo Captions Photo Captions

Splice Splice

Telling the story on video Telling the story on video

Story Building with Storykit Story Building with Storykit

Explain Everything Explain Everything

Nontraditional Work Nontraditional Work

The Power of Photos and Video The Power of Photos and Video

A Quick Word About By Catch A Quick Word About By Catch

Voice Recognition Progression Voice Recognition Progression

Supporting Math Supporting Math

Math: Calculators Math: Calculators

Math Access Math Access

Behavior and Social Thinking Behavior and Social Thinking

Behavior Moments of Doubt Behavior Moments of Doubt

Tracking Behavior Tracking Behavior

Integration of Tools: Integration of Tools:

Social Stories Social Stories

Visual Routines Visual Routines

Zones of Regulation Zones of Regulation

Characters from Super Flex Characters from Super Flex

The Shredder The Shredder

The Eyeball Game The Eyeball Game

Social Stories Social Stories

Utilities/Integration Utilities/Integration

Timers Timers

Apps to use with a group Apps to use with a group

Utilities Utilities

Moving items on and off the device Moving items on and off the device

Integrating with Smart Notebook Integrating with Smart Notebook

Near pod Near pod

Playing Flash Activities Playing Flash Activities

Collaboration Collaboration

Streaming with Splashtop Streaming with Splashtop

AAC Genie AAC Genie


i. Pad and Google Chrome i. Pad and Google Chrome