A bit about politics.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 23
A BIT ABOUT POLITICS Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 356 Г. Санкт-Петербург Уварова Е. В.
the democracy Democracy defends the idea that power belongs to the people.
the republic The basis of a republic is the right to vote.
the dictatorship A dictatorship involves power being concentrated in a single individual.
the monarchy Spain has a parliamentary monarchy.
the king The head of state in a monarchy is the king.
the constitution The constitution lays down the rights and obligations of the citizens of a country.
the government After the elections the new government is instated.
the president The president has been elected unanimously.
the parliament Parliament represents the voice of the people.
the ministry The new ministries will be presented next week.
the minister The Finance Minister has said that taxes will rise at the end of the year.
The Ministry of Justice - Министерство юстиции The Ministry of Justice has the task of administering the courts.
The Ministry of Defence - Министерство обороны The Army is under the command of the Ministry of Defence.
The Foreign Office - Министерство иностранных дел The Foreign Office deals with the state's relations with other countries.
The Home Office - Министерство внутренних дел The Home Office deals with domestic security matters.
The Ministry of Finance - Министерство финансов The Ministry of Finance handles tax collection.
The Ministry of Labour -Министерство труда he Ministry of Labour deals with matters involving employment and foreign nationals.
The Ministry of Public Works - Министерство общественных работ The Ministry of Public Works deals with and undertakes everything related to the country's infrastructures and transport.
The Ministry of Education and Sport directs public educational centres.
The Ministry of Culture deals with museums and cultural activities.
The Ministry of Health plans the health policy.
The Ministry of the Environment plays an important role in the fight against climate change.
A bit about politics.pptx