9 th World Electronics Forum Introduction and Overview Matthew Flanigan, TIA (USA) September 1, 2003 Canberra, Australia
Presentation Outline § Welcome § Overview of the WEF § Role of WEF / Associations § Policy Presentations at WEF IX 2
Overview of WEF § Founded in 1995 § Voluntary gathering of worldwide § § electronics industries association leaders Participants from every world region Focus is on key issues affecting the global electronics industry (trade, environment, new technologies) 3
Overview of WEF § Thank you to our hosts, the Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturing Association (AEEMA) § We appreciate the hard work and attention to detail that has gone into planning this meeting 4
WEF in the Global Arena § Our industry is global in nature § International links continue to expand § For example, trade agreements: – Bilateral agreements (U. S. – Australia) – Regional agreements (Free Trade Area of the Americas – FTAA) – Global agreements (Doha Round of the WTO) 5
WEF in the Global Arena § Other realities bring us closer: – Our members and their customers provide products and services on a global scale – Communications networks and products must be available on demand – Supply chains for a single product may involve a dozen countries – We are moving from national and regional standards to international standards 6
WEF in the Global Arena § These realities highlight the need for organizations such as the WEF § The WEF provides the opportunity to: – Strengthen relationships – Exchange information – Establish common positions 7
Overview of Agenda § Today we have a full agenda: – Trade and Open Markets • WTO Issues in the “post-Iraq” international environment WTO Implementation in China • – Intellectual Property – Environmental Issues – New Technologies 8
Overview of Agenda § Today (continued): – Lunch in the Members’ Dining Room here at the Old Parliament House – Dinner at the Commonwealth Club hosted by Bruce Thompson, Chairman of the Australian Electronics Industry Action Agenda Implementation Group 9
Overview of Agenda § Tomorrow: – Report on the WEF Study – Future Shape of the Electronics Industry – Questions: • Where are the next business opportunities? • How do we transform our sectors to revitalize • the economy? In what policy areas can we work together to have the most impact? 10
Overview of Agenda § Tomorrow (continued): – By asking questions, the WEF can “chase the market” – Identify trends and locate investment opportunities – Cooperation is crucial to encouraging growth, research and development 11
Overview of Agenda § Tomorrow (continued): – Visit the Australian high-tech corridor in Sydney – Participate in Australian Technology Showcase presentations – Visit the Australian Technology Park (Redfern) 12
Thank you to AEEMA for hosting WEF IX Panels will now begin.